I guess it can get worse
I would like to apologize for not replying to the wonderful people who post on my blogs. I find it hard to reply sometimes because this site is kind of a secret and I dont get much private time. But I do read all the posts and I really appreciate them.
I hope people pardon my language in this blog but I cant help it. The stupid bitch who tried to befriend Ss (we told him to avoid her because she was bad news) started telling people in school that when she tried to perform oral sex on Ss, Ss started crying and didnt let her. It was all over Facebook apparently. This went on for a week. We do not know if its true or not because Ss wont talk.
Then some assholes from the lacross team decided to see what Ss was hiding. Five "tough guys" tackled Ss in the school hallways and removed his pants and boxers. We were told that as Ss was being lifted by the assholes, he struggled and he fell. He was knocked out for a minute. They took him to the hospital and said he had a concussion. And when he was sleeping that night we had to keep waking him up every two hours and ask him simple questions to see if his brain was affected. It was such a scary night. Ss cried and cried and cried. He was utterly humiliated.
6 boys were expelled and three more were suspended. 4 of the boys got probation. Ss went back to school for two days but the teachers have said he has gone back to not doing any work and wont even make eye contact with people. We were so excited when his grades were going up He has been crying after school ever since the incident.But Ss had a complete breakdown on Monday when it was time for school. We decided to keep him home for the rest of the week. We are now looking for a teacher to homeschool Ss. And we have already changed schools before. We have no more schools near us. We hate that we have to homeschool him. Both the old therapist and the current one say that SS needs to be in school or he will just isolate himself more and more. But what are we supposed to do?
And what got my blood really boiling was the mother of one the boys called me and said sorry. That was fine, I said I appreciated it. Then she goes on to say I should talk to the principal and get her son back in school. I blew my top. Called her a lot of terrible names and hung up. No wonder her kid turned out the way he did. We had two kids come by asking how Ss was doing but he refused to talk them. He refuses to talk at all. Even with the therapist where he would at least try before.
Last week, my Dh tried getting Ss out of bed, which is all Ss does now, lie in bed. Ss started yelling at Dh. Ss said he f****** hates Dh. He even threw a pillow at him. Dh came back very upset. He now is starting to believe Ss really hates us. Maybe that it is not misdirected emotion anymore. And then my Dh said he's tired of trying so hard and not getting anywhere. Maybe he should just give up. Just give up and try to give the other kids a normal life. I dont know what he wants to do. Send Ss away somewhere? I didnt know what to say. But in my head I was thinking the day we give up, we will lose Ss. And our marriage will probably crumble because knowing my Dh, he wont be able to handle it.
We removed all of Ss's doors again but we put curtan rods and curtains up for privacy. He has been acting very odd and the therapist told us to keep a close eye on him. And today he had two large bruises on his arm. And he wont tell us how he got them even though he has been in his room for the past 72 hours. My Dh was saying we should put cameras in his room. The very idea is so ridiculous that I should be laughing. Instead, I spent 30 mins googling good surveillance cameras.
So that's my bullshit life right now. How do we help Ss believe he can get past this when we are starting to not believe it ourselves?
- praying's blog
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Yes, he does a psychiatrist.
Yes, he does a psychiatrist. They dont think he needs in-patient treatment. But I feel like the time is coming. We sent him to a therapeutic school this year and it made everything 10 times worse. We lost his trust completely. We had no idea how important it was for us to have him trust us but now he has made it clear he will never trust us again. We don't have any day programs in our area. If we did send him, it would be the in-patient kind. And we really really dont want to do it.
i'm SO sorry to hear this.
i'm SO sorry to hear this. it's like this kid can't get a break!
i think this is the saddest story i've ever heard. i have been keeping up with your story a bit. i have nothing to offer but true sympathy. i'm sitting here yelling at my computer as i read your story...
good for you yelling at the mother, what a thoughtless person!
your family is enourmously brave...my prayers are always with you.
^^^^THIS^^^^. I am so sad
^^^^THIS^^^^. I am so sad for each of you. {{{HUGS}}}
Thanks for the prayers and
Thanks for the prayers and hugs guys. And its true, he can't catch a break. My family has been so great throughout all this, especially my Dh. I see him give everything for Ss. Now he's talking about giving up and it breaks my heart.
If that woman had come to me in person I might have bitch slapped her.
I am so sorry praying how
I am so sorry praying
how horrible are those teens for doing that to him. I hope you guys are able to find him a wonderful homeschool teacher, and maybe in that ss can find someone to trust
Its so hard finding someone
Its so hard finding someone good to homeschool :(. Two of them were men. That will not work. Ss is very uncomfortable around other men.
And he's missing school every day we dont find a teacher. One teacher from Ss's school has been sending the lesson plans so we can try and do something. But Ss just stares at a wall or at the window when we try nd do barely 2 hours of school work. I hope we find someone soon.
This is such a huge set back.
This is such a huge set back. I'm so sorry!
I am so sorry Praying. At
I am so sorry Praying.
At this point I think you should ask the therapist about a family retreat, and possible inpatient help for SS.
I also hope that you pursue prosecuting those boys for what is basically a sexual assault.
There is a teen suicide prevention project that I hope you get info on to provide to ss.
http://www.yellowribbon.org/ is geared towards teens and can really help them communicate their need for help without having to talk.
I am so so sorry your family is going through this. I will keep you in my prayers.
Ss refuses to go anywhere
Ss refuses to go anywhere with us now. Inpatient care looks likely now. He will hate us for it. HE hates us already for sending him to the therapeutic school. He is never going to let that go. Ss has tried to commit suicide before. And it was a serious attempt. That is why we are high-strung over the situation. We are literally checking on him every 15 mins. And I can only imagine he made those bruises to himself. They are huge. Thanks for the links. We put a lot of suicide prevention material (books and web links) and hope he uses them. So far, he has not touched a single book and has not visited any of the sites. I'll still try sending him this one though.
Oh and to add to what
Oh and to add to what purplemom and you said. They only got probation (only 4 of them). That is it. It is ridiculous. We were so angry. Apparently there was not enough proof that this was done maliciously. What bullshit.
The therapist is saying that inpatient is not for Ss right now. We have no choice but to trust him. He is our only hope at this point. Honestly, sometimes I think that it would be better if he just takes everything out on us and goes on to live his life. But I am sure what he says to us is minuscule to how he views himself.
Crazy freaking therapists!
Crazy freaking therapists! Are they really stupid or what? Why don't THEY go to a school where men are constantly grabbing them or saying nasty crap to them and see if THEY would stay...Stupid, I really can't stand most of these so called therapists anymore...geez...
He needs to be homeschooled and find some other homeschool kids who aren't as crazy as the kids in his school. I would be jumping on someone's ass by now...
BTW, can't you just freaking
BTW, can't you just freaking be his friend? I don't get it ... what is up with all these inpatient and therapists crap? I certainly understand how he hates school and can't trust the people he lives with to listen to him, but instead they put him in some psycho place? Poor kid. Sorry, I think you and your DH need to step back and start being his friend and get him to trust you...and trust the kid more than the stupid schools and crazy therapists.
We would give anything to be
We would give anything to be his friends. But he openly says he hates us. What are we supposed to do? We still treat him lovingly hoping one day he will come around. I wouldnt say the therapists are crazy. The old therapist was amazing who helped Ss improve so so much. The new one however, we are still unsure about.
We thought a real teacher
We thought a real teacher will be good because both of us have demanding careers. I do not want to give up my job. It is the one thing that sometimes lets me forget about the craziness at home. So we thought it would be best to get a babysitter/teacher type. And Ss lacks the motivation to study on his own online. Right now he needs someone harping on him to study.
We really do not want to send him away. But what are supposed to do when every thing we do does not help. IT is a very frustrating situation.
I am wary of anything online. We had an experience with an online paedophile with Ss and we do not want him in an online community where anyone can pretend to be something else. We let him play regular games and he has every gaming console under the sun. But he wont play and just sleeps in his bed all day.
Thanks for the advice and the link. I'll look into that.
Maybe we should try the
Maybe we should try the online school thing and hire a babysitter. Thanks for the idea!