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My poor husband....

daisy0202's picture

My DH called me this afternoon on lunch...I knew by his voice something was wrong...

Guess SD16 called him at work wanted to get picked up from school due to anxiety and not being able to handle it. DH talked to her, the nurse and her counselor. Shes going to therapy, no one has put her on meds yet, he is at the end of his rope. He made her stay in school this morning but then got a call from BM who got a call from SD and she picked her up....GREAT!!!!

Now let me go back. Tonight my BS14 is in 8th grade. Tonight he is in a pageant for 8th grade boys to become king of the school. Theres a formal outfit, sports and a talent. My son plays bass and is real good at it. So tonight is all about BS....Now SD16 already said last week she wanted to stay home with DH and not go. DH told her you will be going to support your brother....Now all of a sudden shes not feeling up to par....YAH RIGHT!!!! She was upset last night because while BS was practicing his song (metallica song) DH said wow hes getting awesome at this...She huffed, puffed, and got really agravated DH was praising him. I just rolled my eyes. DH asked her do you have a problem....She said guess not, whatever and then started talking about something about her like usual.

I can tell you this I dont give a shit what she is feeling she is going!!!!! I keep trying with this kid and it just keeps getting worse I mean STOP ALREADY!!!!!!! How many slaps can us SM's take...I keep trying, I bend over backwards for this girl, I have done eveything possible to make her OK with everything and I don't know what else to do.....WTF already?


asheeha's picture

it sounds like dh is onto her manipulative ways, who could be happy about having a child like that! glad to hear she's going to therapy, sounds like a narcissist in the making.

daisy0202's picture

Oh god forbid we leave her home alone...Are you serious? She will cry like a 2 year old.....Its INSANE!!!!!!!

Disneyfan's picture

Don't allow her to spoil the night for everyone. Leave her at home.

My mom has a saying she used when my sister or I would cry about something stupid.


It was her way of letting us know she didn't care how much we cried,our tears wouldn't change one thing.

VioletsareBlue's picture

Why is BM picking her up from school on DH's time? I'd put a stop to that shit. It wasn't an emergency! (as you know)

asheeha's picture

i think daisy's dh need's counseling just to learn how to deal with this kind of crazy!

marty15's picture

Leave her at home but make sure DH goes. Then try like hell to put her out of your mind and enjoy seeing your son doing something awesome. Don't let her ruin it for you!

But make sure DH goes... If SD is that unstable she can't be alone at home while you guys go... well then honestly she needs more serious mental health care.

CrazieCoconut86's picture

She will only be happy if you leave and she gets Daddy all to herself again. There is nothing you can do other then make her life as miserable as she is making yours. Altho, I don't think your DH will appreciate that.

I say force SD to go to the event tonight. DH has been trying to break this cycle, and here is another chance for him to do so.

Sorry she hasn't figured things out after this past weekend.

daisy0202's picture

She should get punished but she is 16 and has never been punished in her LIFE!!!!!! MY DH has come a long way but still has a way to go....The grip she had on him has loosened but is still there a small amount.....

asheeha's picture

if you leave her home make sure to turn off the cell phones...she can call her mom if she has an emergency }:)

stormabruin's picture

I agree with the others. You & DH go & support your son. SD doesn't want to go...leave her at home alone. After the pageant, be sure you stop & pick up ice cream at DQ or something, come home laughing & having a great time & make sure she knows she missed out.

ThatGirl's picture

Leave her home. Go with DH, leave cell phones off, support your son and have a great evening. Let her know that you will all have fun, she will miss out, she'll have to call her mother for any emergencies, and that she's a bitch for doing this. Yep, she's 16, old enough to be told she's being a bitch!

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Just make sure you tell her to call her BM for emergencies. Don't plant the little bug in her head to call 911. Otherwise, lord knows you will have the police show up at the pagent to tell you that she has been rushed to the ER because of her panic attacks.

This girl is crazy, and I tend to always imagine what the worst case scenerio is, and the cops showing up at the pagent is it!

daisy0202's picture

If that ever happened I would really have to re-evaluate my marriage...This girl is totally out control...

Elizabeth's picture

You need to leave her home. I have been on your end of this. My BD (then age 6) had a dance program. SD didn't want to come but DH brought her anyway. She proceeded to have a huge meltdown in the audience before the program started and "rushed off" to the bathroom. DH of course chased after her and came back and said she was in tears. I was like "too bad, leave her where she is." DH tried again to get her to come out and watch and she refused. So DH came back and sat with me but he was preoccupied the entire time and I guarantee you he didn't see any of BD's performance. And as soon as it was over he rushed back out to be with SD. I was SO pissed.

daisy0202's picture

OMG Elizabeth that is horrible....I would be bullshit if that happened. I do not "think" DH would do that I mean she is SIXTEEN!!!!!! God it is sooo ridiculous. Who the hell behaves this way at this age....

baseballgirly's picture

I work with teenagers. You step daughter isn't different than many other female teenagers. The way this next generation is shaping up is ALL ABOUT THEM. If you are having a private conversation, they will find a way to butt in. If they have nothing to contribute to a conversation, they will start a new one about them. They point out anything and everything that they do in order to start up a conversation about themselves. In order to get them to do something, you first have to point out what is in it for them. Teenage boys are not like this. Teenage girls are. It's like they get treated like tiny pricesses as young children and never quite grow out of it.

I've labelled it "Princess denial syndrome". They won't be treated any other way. No one else should get more attention than them and no one should get something that they don't.

My suggestion is to ignore it. Go out to support your son and leave her at home. Even if she goes, it will somehow turn into something about her. Don't give her that chance. Keep that night about your BS.

Good luck!!

(I'm glad my SO has boys!!)

daisy0202's picture

baseballgirly I have 2 boys 14 and 21 and i have never seen behavior like this....It is ridiculous....I would love to leave her home but DH wants her to go support my son...Now I am not sure what will happen but i am hoping for her to stay home and BS myself and DH go...That would be a awesome night....Fingers crossed

ThatGirl's picture

Let him know that dragging her there kicking and screaming is NOT supportive. In fact, she'll probably be all pissy with your son, blame him for everything, and tell him she hopes he loses. Leave her sorry ass home.

forestfairy's picture

She has two choices: go with the rest of the family a plaster a smile on her face for her brother, or she says alone. No other options. Geez, I cannot get over a 16 year old that cannot stay home alone. I was babysitting every kid in the neighborhood by age 12.

imthewife's picture

DH needs to go with a taxi and have her dropped off at her moms! HA!

She is a piece of work. But on a serious note...I think you said you are a physician's assistant? In our state, they can write presciptions...can you do that...or suggest one through your is definately time.