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This will be a long weekend

CrazieCoconut86's picture

We pick up SS4 today. He was asleep in the car at 6:00pm. Just ridiculous! Serously, no one on BM's side is smart enough to put any child down for a nap. It must be too inconvenient for them to allow the child to sleep. And I blame BM's family because BM's Aunt dropped SS off to us, BM claims she had to work. Anyway, since he had to be woken up, he was pissed. He started crying for mommy and mommys sister. We tell him you are going to come with us this weekend, like you do EOW.

You know the drill kid, I don't know why you still act like this. It has been this way since he were 1 and he will be 5 in May. So we get him in the car and ask him what he wants for dinner. DH and I have been on a tight budget, so there was no real food in the apartment, just Ramen. Tonight will be a fast food night. I hate feeding SS fast food as that is all his BM does, but I also don't like to go shopping on an empty stomach. After we ask him, no response. "Do you want McDonalds?" no response. "Do you want Burger King?" no response. We drop it for a few minutes.

As we get closer to home, I tell DH "Let's go to taco Bell." DH then asks SS, "Do you want a taco?" SS says "No, I want McDonalds."

DH asks me "Is that ok with you?" I tell him " No, I do not want to reward his behavior from earlier."

DH's response, "Neither do I, but I want him to eat."

WTF! :jawdrop: Really? We have never had a problem with this kid eating what we put in front of him with one exception. That one day, SS ass sat at the table for over an hour, and then promptly went to bed with no food. I am not playing these damn games with a child.

Well, we ended up at McDonalds. Good to know my opinion counts.

When I get home, my mom calls me and says my father has been in a car accident. :jawdrop: Geez, could this get worse? Yup, his retina detached while he was driving to the eye doctors. He hit the car in front of him. Everyone was ok, but now my parents have no car. That means Coconut gets to do all the driving. Yay! While my mom is going to my sisters bridal shower (that I wasn't invited too, but thats a whole differnt story) I get to be dad's driver. I will probably have to take time off work next week too.

This weekend better improve. I better win the damn mega millions tonight!


sonja's picture

Is this a tough age or what? I've stopped to going to pickups. SD4 screams like our BS1 every time FDH goes to get her. Shes been with her mom 2 weeks straight and has a freakin fit about being away from her for less than 2 full days. I cant get past the 'I want this, I what that' for dinner either and then she wont eat, and the whole time shes getting fussed at for not touching her food. I still dont think she needs to be purchased a kids meal because she just wont eat it.

Sorry to hear about dad/dads car, but maybe theyll need you for driving this weekend? (sounds like a great way to get out of the house!).

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Thanks Sonja. It is kinda nice to know that someone out there knows how I feel. Kinda sad at the same time tho. My DH insists that I go on pickups with him. I think he wants a witness there in case BM goes nutty. We never know what she may find to complain about.

sonja's picture

I used to think that my presence would speed up the process on the drop offs. Apparently not, if hes not rambling on about something he claims that she is. Funny how BM is in such a hurry when shes suddenly kid free, but then wastes our time when shes got the kid back.

oneoffour's picture

This is what I think. I had my DD and GD living with us and every time my GD came back from her fathers place she had reverted 6 months in her behaviour. She is now 5 and her parents had not lived together since she was 18 mths old. And even now her behaviour changes and it takes about 18 hrs for my DD to retain control.
GDs father is a "let Mis5 make decsions affecting her life. I don't want to destroy her childhood memories" kind of dad. He wants HER to choose her school. And as everyone knows a 5 yr old will choose her school based on the play equipment an whether it has a hill to talk up to get there rather than curriculum.

DDs style of parenting is a lot more controlled and less stress than allowing a 5 yr old to make important choices. And if she does her chores all week she gets to watch wrestling with her stepdad on Friday night while her mother is at work as a nurse. Her father is 'horrified' his daughter enjoys watching wrestling. Oh well! I would say it is a 'choice' she made.

So if I were you I would fully expect a few hours of 'adjustment time". And don't give him choices for meals. He gets the same place all the time. It is really a LOT easier!

CrazieCoconut86's picture

That is what it usually is. We are all going to eat what either DH or I make. I try to get the crock pit going on the Friday we pick up SS, that way food it done when we get home with SS. SS will say he doesn't like what I make, but he is forced to eat it. And he always likes it. I think that if he tells BM, no I don't like it, she will get him something else. I am NOT being told how to live my life on the weekends by a 4 year old. That is just not happening.

Thanks for your help everyone. I think DH and I will need to have a discussion when the weekend is over. DH won't like it, but it needs to be done.