Delusional BM moments
Flabby has inspired me. I'm sure we all have supper funny (equally sad) moments where the BM has done something completely delusional. I think this will be therapeutic for me!
Here are ones that come to mind:
Instance #1:
BM: I'm pregnant, will you take me back
DH: Who's baby is it, since it's not mine, shouldn't they be involved?
BM: He doesn't want it, you can take me back and you will have a boy like you always wanted!
DH: I'm not taking you back
BM: I'm telling everyone it's your baby anyway!
Instance #2:
BM: Will you take me back?
DH: no
BM: (sigh) will you take me back? (as though asking in a different tone would change his mind)
silence....more silence...sill more silence
DH: uh huh?
BM: will you take me back?
BM: well do you know any good guys?
Instance #3:
She just screwed DH over and wouldn't agree to a reasonable request. BM lives an hour away, DH is to pick skids up at 8 in the morning anyway and we were there at 9pm the night before. Why not let DH get the kids the night before...all they will be doing is sleeping anyway...well, BM likes control
immediately after informing DH he couldn't have kids
BM: Can they go to adult uncles b-day party?
DH: I don't think so, we have other plans.
BM: But it's important
DH: It's not important for them to go to their adult uncles b-day party!
BM: But it's important to ME!!!
I know I've shared these stories before, but it's like purging them from my brain. What are your delusional BM moments! I need a good laugh!
- asheeha's blog
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She had called to say that SD
She had called to say that SD wasn't coming for the weekend but SS was coming but couldn't until Saturday morning instead of Friday afternoon.
So, we drove the hour to get SS Saturday morning. DH went to the door and she had SS come to the door, sobbing his little heart out, to tell his dad that he wasn't going to get to go with.
So, we drove the hour back home with NO skids.
About an hour and a half later, guess who called to say it was OK for us to come and get SS now?!? Of course DH was the bad guy for refusing to drive ANOTHER two hours to go fetch his boy.
this is my life^^^^right
this is my life^^^^right here
a whole host of more delusional bm crap just came flooding back!
and it's ALWAYS DH's fault...
BM said skids could go to a christmas party which was a movie party. Then the day before she said they could only go if we took her 18 month old baby...ummm...we said...NO
who was SD10 mad at? dear old dad!
BM calls the next morning, says she's coming to the city and we can have skids for a bit but we have to also take the BABY!
DH doesn't give her an immediate answer...he has to talk to me first! :jawdrop:
didn't we just go through this last night???
the phrase tearing and gnashing of teeth comes to mind!
I thought of a few more
I thought of a few more instances:
- BM had the nerve to call my DH (breaking the No Contact order we insisted on in the CO) to SCREAM at him because SD (barely 16) got PREGNANT. How in the hell is that HIS fault?? We made DAMN good and sure that she would NOT be able to sneak out of OUR place and any other times we were WITH her. There was absolutely NO chance she got knocked up on OUR watch. BM actually hired a PI to trail SD while she went to the FAIR but I guess that particular night was not the night she got preggo!
- One time it was my DH's turn to get the last part of Xmas break for his visitation. We got something from BM saying that the skids had to be back early because school was starting that Friday. Excuse me?? What school is STUPID enough to come back from Xmas break for ONE DAY?! A quick trip to the school website showed she was lying. THEN she changed her story. SD had a gymnastics meet that she needs to be back for. Another LIE. SD said, "No, it is just PRACTICE it is NOT a meet. I don't have to be back early for THAT!"
- Or one of the best!! When we took her to court for Contempt (and won). She claimed that the reason DH didnt' get his kids for his Easter visitation was because he just "never showed up" (cue Flabby's monkey face from me!) Then, while ON THE STAND, the judge asked her where she worked. Her response? She first looked at her lawyer, who fidgited around a bit and looked down, then said, "Your honor, I do not see how that pertains to the case at hand." Watch a little too much CSI?!? In the judge's defense, he didn't even crack a smile. He just said, "It pertains if I think it pertains. Please answer the question."
ahhh...court our BM looked
ahhh...court our BM looked like a fool in court!
thanks for sharing it is truly cathartic for me!
Oh yeah court! lol Yuck got
Oh yeah court! lol Yuck got it in her head that dh and I were having sex in front of the kids and she had pics of this!!!?? :jawdrop:
She took us to court an emergency hearing! It was so last min that we were not required to be there nor was yuck.
So at the hearing the judge asked for the pics and her lawyer said 'i need a recess to get them' the judge said nope this is the ONLY reason we are here so you will produce them or case dismissed. Her lawyer said 'again your honor I need a recess to get them' Judge said case dismissed! What moron lawyer doesn't want to see the 'evidence' before going to court or filing anything?? :?
It gets better.....
We were driving down the road when dh's lawyer calls and told him what happened. of course we knew it would end that way!
Then as soon as dh gets off the phone yuck calls and says 'ha ha I won and I get all your fuckin money and purples too!!!' Dh says um yuck i JUST talked to My lawyer and I won!
You could hear her let out a HHHHHUUUUUUHHHHH and then she hung up! I started laughing so hard i about peed my pants! :jawdrop:
DELUSIONAL much? it's so
it's so interesting how they can twist EVERYTHING into DH's fault! really I'm impressed...very creative NUT JOB!
Right after DH got engaged he
Right after DH got engaged he got 2 text mesgs from BM
1-I still love you
2-what do u think about trying again
He didn't respond to either text. a month later she was engaged to her boyfriend at the time.
Another instance...
SD comes home to say that BM says SM can't care for her when she's sick because SM only knows how to take care of old people (I am a nurse! LOL) SD had pneumonia which SM also had!
LOL! why would you text
LOL! why would you text someone this? our BM does (did, not so much anymore) this too!
she also texted him "Happy Anniversary" on the day THEY were married...a couple of months after WE were married!
desperate much???
Oh yea here is one of my
Oh yea here is one of my favorites!!
My status on myspace read- So happy to have all of my babies in the house!
BM-I dont mean to be a bitch but they are not urs!
I did not delete my status and left her publicly posted comment as well.
an hour later DH receives a text msg from BM-I refuse to be bullied in this way!
(Still not sure how that was bullying??! LOL)
next day I receive a text-
BM- why did you block me on myspace & facebook?
ME- I didn't block you, I deleted you from my friends list. My profiles are set to private
BM-This is why I can't trust the 2 of you! youre sneeky & underhanded
ME-I don't want any drama so I removed you from my friends list so that you dont have to be bothered by what my status' say
BM-I'm calling my lawyer!
ME-Because I deleted from myspace/facebook?
BM-because something is not right! This is all very sneeky to me!
ME-Since when do Iowa Family Courts require me to be friends with my fiances ex wife??? Go ahead and call you lawyer!
LOL...that's just funny!
LOL...that's just funny!
DH (like an idiot) agreed to
DH (like an idiot) agreed to rent a house that he owns to BM#1 when she (supposedly) was trying to move out of her abusive BFs trailer. BM1 quit paying rent after about 6 months and so DH started the evicition process. One day he went to the house to mow or something....
BM: (screaming out of her window with 4 kids in the house)"Get the f%ck off my property!! ....and a whole other string of obscenities
DH: (who was pissed when he saw the air conditioner in the window since BM had quit paying the utility bill too) without saying a word, went and ripped the air conditioner out through the window.
BM: OMG! I'm calling the cops, get off my property!!
What a freaking loon... we had her legally evicted a month later. So in court she is turning on the tears, playing the oh, poor me routine. The judge wasn't going for it and told her to get out and to pay for all damages and missed rent (yeah right)
So just like that the tears shut off and she starts making threats under her breath to DH like "You'll never see your daughter again" "I'll have so and so get you".. the judge looked at her and told her that if she made one more sound she was being arrested. HA HA
oh but wait, this is the best part. so about 6 months after this whole fiasco, a friend of DHs was selling a rental property of his. DH was interested so we went to look at it one day. DH must have mentioned something to SD who in turn told BM1 who no shit... showed up at the house the next day with her whole clan in tow, telling the people that she wanted to look at the house because if DH bought it he would rent it to her. WTF loony bin did this chick escape from?? DH was mortified and told her that she could plan on donkies coming out of his ass before he EVER rented to her again...
"DH was mortified and told
"DH was mortified and told her that she could plan on donkies coming out of his ass before he EVER rented to her again..."
this is my new favorite phrase!!! lol
you can't make this stuff up! it's too CRAZY!
that's not even the best
that's not even the best part. i condensed this lasted about a year!
yep! you heard that right...she tried to get my DH to go back to her for a full year and raise this child with him.
she tried to get him to take her back even after that, but by then the BF had fallen in love with the boy and he wouldn't have given him she started using a different strategy
ewww...i just don't even like
ewww...i just don't even like her!
I guess in BM's world it's
I guess in BM's world it's whatever helps her get her way.
^^^this is the only thing you can be completely certain of when it comes to these BMs!
that's just so crazy it's
that's just so crazy it's hard to follow!
BM brought a pregnancy test
BM brought a pregnancy test over to show SD and SS that she was pregnant. Later brought over ultrasound pics (printed on copy paper). Carried this elaborate story on for 7 months...She had a full hysterectomy 16 years ago!! (Then of course she 'miscarried')
Everyone knew she was lying,
Everyone knew she was lying, EVERYONE...but nobody would say 'Hey crazy bitch, we aren't stupid STOP lying to us' She needs medication!
agree! being someone that
agree! being someone that can't naturally get pregnant...that's just REALLY disturbing!
Lobotomies and electrical
Lobotomies and electrical shock therapy, on the other hand.......
lobotomies are BACK!!! i'm
lobotomies are BACK!!! i'm all for them on crazy BMs!! }:)
MUCH better than bringing
MUCH better than bringing "sexy" back. Cue Justin Timberlake ..."I'm bringin' lobotomies baaaaack!"
oh yes! it's her CHOICE not
oh yes! it's her CHOICE not to take DH's not that HE WOULD NEVER CHOOSE TO GO BACK TO YOU!
no...her fragile ego couldn't handle such a blow
WOW...just WOW...
WOW...just WOW...
I have LOTS but this one
I have LOTS but this one stands out:
yuck called to tell dh that the boys councilor told her that him and her need to have lunch and talk about their divorce. (which he didn't and found out through him that he never said that would never say that) So anyway dh was on speaker so i could hear her too, and he said ok if you want to talk about the divorce we will talk now which is 3 years after it happened. So lets talk abot the last night I was there and I left b/c you hit me so many times that I stopped counting at 30 WHILE holding our son that is a little over a year at that time!
Her respondse "you made me" :jawdrop:
Yep same here although yuck
Yep same here although yuck is about 6' and 300lbs! Yep you read that right. Anyway yuck wanted dh to work 24/7 to feed her enormousness ass and then she wanted to have boyfriends too but dare he leave b/c she would hit him and bully him into submission. yep she wanted him to stay with her so she could do what she wanted and for him to be the good dh and let her play and then pay for everything and to be the mommy to the kids too.
yep I head yuck with my own ears saying that is what GOD wanted him to do b/c there were married and god doesn't like divorce and he has kids with her and he couldn't leave. Her aunt even said the same thing to him I heard her one time saying that to him while we were at lunch over the phone. They are INSANE bunch of people!
she has ZERO control of her
she has ZERO control of her mouth!
whatever she feels she says! NO FILTER!
very damaging to kids...
This was about 5 years ago
This was about 5 years ago and both stories tie in.
SD5 tells all of us how their Mommy leaves every day after they get home from school to have chemo and doesn't get home until after they go to bed (BM is supposedly dying from cancer for 7 years now). This goes on all winter long.
In May that spring, OSS needed something from our house and wanted his Dad to bring to work the next day and BM would bring him to his work to pick it up early.
SO tells them that SM is having surgery the next morning and wouldn't be there until later. I had a hysterectomy. The skids would've found out anyway but we hadn't told them or her.
Very next visit, Mommy is having the same surgery you are...of course.
When BM had her hysterectomy, we kept the skids for a few days. OSS calls BM to check on her and asks if it was cancer and she tells him NO. Where was BM every night for a whole winter.
SO told me that docs recommended BM have a hyster years ago b/c of endometriosis but she wouldn't do it.....until I had one.
ugh! she's competing with you
ugh! she's competing with you on parts to take out?
Let's see. Where to
Let's see. Where to start......
Double E was caught by FDH just before we got together parked outside the house at 3 am. When FDH confronted her about it around a year latter he first excuse was that she was driving through the sub division remembering the good old days and she drove by the house at 3 am and FDH came out and he invited her inside and they talked and everything was happy.
FDH's response was:
And how did I catch you if you were driving? I just ran out of the house and chased down your car at 3 am? BS had an accident that's why I was up at 3 am and you were parked out front right next to the mail box. You sent me a text asking me if everything was alright because you could see BS's bedroom light on. Yes I did go outside but that was to ask you WTH you were doing parked out front at 3 am and no everything was not happy.
Double E has also texted FDH "happy anniversary" after they were divorsed and when he was with me.
She has sent him I don't know how many texts telling him she's still in love with him.
There was the time that called FDH wanting to pick my BD(5) at the time up from school and take her out to lunch. (A little history. She was actively trying to break FDH and I up. Thought that FDH would never tell me about "their secret romance" that was going on, only in her head, and I had met her one time and talked to her for about 10 minutes.) The obvious answer that she got was no. Then she freaks out about how it's not fair that Unhappy gets to spend time with her kids and she can't spend time with mine.(Can we say nutjob?)
My BD had a three day weekend and all this happened on a Friday. The following Tuesday she took it upon herself to go down to the school that my BD attends after I had dropped BD off and have a talk with her on the playground. Apprently she was trying to invite my BD over to her house. All of this was witnessed by the girl(11) who lives next door. When Double E was confronted about it she said that my BD approached her on the playground and talked about her new shoes. When confronted about the invitation to her house and the fact that it was witnessed she was out of excuses.
There's the time she called CPS and filed false child abuse allegations on FDH claiming that she couldn't trust him anymore because of me.
She would just stop by the house when both FDH and I were at work without our knowledge or approval.
She took it upon herself to enter our house without our knowledge or approval. (She's no longer allowed at our hosue anymore.)
As you can see she also stalked FDH for quite some time.
This list of craziness can go on and on.
that's why i can relate so
that's why i can relate so well to you!
you know i posted here a long time ago and some spammer brought the post back. i read through the advice you gave and it was SPOT ON...not sure i was fully ready to see it at the time.
No problem asheeha. That's
No problem asheeha. That's the whole point of this website. That and venting. It's nice to see that I'm not alone with the craziness and also get a laugh at the same time.
Where the heck do these crazies come from and what the heck were our DWs, SOs, FDHs, and DHs thinking?
I KNOW! i have to forgive
I KNOW! i have to forgive him....he is kicking himself now...but really...he APPRECIATES me so much more because he was married to that crazy selfish loon!
and any woman who wasn't bat poop crazy wouldn't have given him up! and i wouldn't have him now!
That's the way I feel about
That's the way I feel about mine too.
Oh I really like this
Oh I really like this blog!
Fantasy #1- Dh and I go to skids xmas program at the church. I see BM there and said to Dh "oh did she get engaged, she has a huge rock on her hand?" Dh says "no, those were the wedding rings I gave her when we were married" I asked him why she was wearing them, when she isn't married to Dh and is with the man she had an affair on Dh with. Dh says "BM says they keep the bar flies off her" My reply...they didn't keep them off of her when she was married to you, why would it work now?
Fantasy #2- Dh and BM were attending co parenting counseling. During one of the sessions BM tells the therapist that Dh was still carrying a "torch" for her. He asked BM what would give you that impression? BM says because he called he during the day. Dh says I called you because you are never home during the day and you don't get emails on your phone. The kids were getting out of school early because of snow and I wanted to make sure someone was around to take care of our children.
I personally would use the "torch" to burn the fucking witch at the stake }:)
NPD BM's are truly a rare breed! :O
Omg. Bahahahahaaaa this shit
Omg. Bahahahahaaaa this shit is nucking futs!!!!!!!!!! Wtf were we thinking when we WILLINGLY vowed to spend our lives with men that had this kinda baggage??? Lol. Geez.
Draco- Omg Omg Omg you take the cake! Lmao. I seriously almost died!!! I am still laughing a whole page of comments later!!!
Flabber?- you made Dracos comment 100x more hilarious!!! Omg. I seriously had the SAME reaction!!! And the monkey face is making all of this so much better! I swear I had the same expression and I kept looking over and seeing that monkey face and was all... Roflmao!!!
You two may be my new bffs! Lol.
Thank you all (everyone) for sharing and making my day so much more enjoyable than it was before.
It was definitely one of "those" days...
Hmm this is going to be
Hmm this is going to be relatively long:
1) Insisting that since the kids had access to my HOA pool during SO's time, that she be given a permanate gate pass to my housing developement so they have access during her time. "They are supposed to be equal at each house". She raised such a fuss my HOA had her tresspassed.
2) I was not to even be around her kids, rapidly changed when I inherited a DD (See past posts to explain this) to I needed to be MORE involved with the skids than I was with my own child.
3) Making the determination (despite court orders) that since SO no longer had to pay child support, he was not allowed to see the skids because "The law says fathers have to pay... they basically rent kids from the mom".
4) Berating SO for not running out and buying fsd a new pair of shoes when one of her shoes broke (the child had 4 other pairs of shoes she could wear)so BM brought her a pair to school and dropped them off. Per her if he were a REAL parent he would KNOW his childs needs.. the shoes she bought? Three sizes too small.
5) This weeks drama via text:
BM: The kids aren't happy since we divorced. You need to get rid of SASX and we will get back together to make the kids happy.
SO: (crickets - no reply)
BM: I will take your silence as agreement, I will tell the kids the good news now. Make sure you tell your whore tonight to kick rocks."
**SO and I were sitting in my livingroom watching a movie when she started this texting string. Both of us speechless**
Half an hour later, a text from FSD
FSD: I told mom you ignoring her texting you did not mean you were agreeing with her. She didn't take that news well.
6) Her sending SO a copy of her car insurance bill and expecting him to pay half because "I drive the kids around in that car and we agreed to each pay 50% of costs for the kids". He sent her a copy of the payment book for his new car that he drives the kids around in and told her when she makes half his car payment he will think about it. She dropped the issue.
7) She got her clevage pierced. No not nipples: Clevage. Some kind of implant thingy that is literally over the breast bone, a gem stone. She went to show it to SO and as soon as she unbuttoned one button on her blouse he yelped and ran into his apartment. (Woman really, they sag to nearly your waist, WHY would he want to see them?? Why would you even think he MIGHT want to see them?)
There are many, many, many more...