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About to bust a gasket!!!!

newbie88's picture

I wish I could come on here and say to everybody that my SS2's BM is great and she isn't crazy and everything is fine....but that would be a far too perfect world!

My boyfriend and I do not live together, I have a place of my own and he comes over a lot of the nights through the week and weekends when he doesn't have his BS. He was over the other night and we were just hanging out watching a movie together when his phone starts getting "assaulted". BM wanted to drop off their BS at his house because she has had enough and she needs a break and so on and so forth. He had to go into work the next day so he couldn't take him for the night which she wanted. He explained he would be over to pick him up right after he finished work the following day. Well NOOOOO WAY that is NOT good enough! She wasn't having one tiny bit of that, she proceeded to tell him how much of a horrible father he was for not caring about his BS and that she is going to screw him so badly and that she is taking him to court and he is going to lose custody all together because she is fed up.

Their agreement is that he has him one night a week and every other weekend. He will go see him some other nights through the week, he takes him another night for a class he goes to, and if there is a day on the weekend he doesn't have him that we want to go out and do something we'll see if we can pick him up and go out and do something fun with him.

He doesn't see him daily but I know for a fact he sees his BS a lot more than some other parents do who are no longer with the other parent. I think he does a pretty good job! If I ever feel he is lacking I will be the first person to tell him he needs to get his sh*t together and smarten up.

Back to the crazy, she begins to tell him that I am a stupid c*nt and that I can go f*ck myself because I apparently have all to do with him not seeing his BS just because he comes over to my house. She says all he cares about is spending time with me and doesn't give a shit about his BS and that is why he is going to lose custody!

WTF is wrong with this person? He made it clear he had work and was coming right afterwards, she said she was calling his work to prove he was full of sh*t and he was lying. HAHAHA go ahead and call, he was there. I know because he left here at 4:30am to get to work on time!

Ahhhhh I just needed to vent a little bit, at times I feel like I am going to burst because I cannot handle how crazy she is! I wonder on a daily basis how on earth he dated and married and had a child with this person. I love his BS absolutely 100% to pieces but his BM is a nut case lol


newbie88's picture

That is a very strong possibility! They two of them split due to her seeing somebody else, him and I started seeing each other quickly after, she decided she wanted him back and wanted to work on things and told him to make a choice... His choice was me lol

It's been over a year but I don't think she is at all over that not even a little bit. She plays it like she is but I always think that she still has feelings. Thankfully I don't ever worry for a second because I know he wouldn't leave me to go back to her Biggrin

Kilgore SMom's picture

my nephew has a crazy Bm. Bm pulls this kind of crap ALL the time. Its been going on for years. BM has ran him down to people so much that when he meets them they hate him on sight. Its really sad because he isn't anywhere like the person she makes him out to be. Bm threatens taking his rights away all the time. BM is bipolar. now that his son is 6 yrs old he is almost as bad as his mom. Its really sad. when BM has a man she slacks up. But as soon as they break up she will be back at it. She can't keep a man cause she crazy. Everytime my nephew gets a girlfriend she harrasses them so bad, they usally don't say.

DaizyDuke's picture

Sounds like we have the same BM only my SS is almost be prepared for MANY years of this crap! Every time Bioskank doesn't get exactly what she wants she tells DH how evil he is, what a terrible father he is, how she's going to take him to court, how she is MOTY because she has SS all the time blah blah blah

Funny I don't have anyone to just dial up whenever I please to pawn our BS2 off and we do just fine! I chose to be a mother that is my job! Good days or these scumbag BMs who are so hell bent on having a kid, but then can't be bothered to take care of them

newbie88's picture

Her excuse is that he wanted him too so why not! I agree there it was both parties that made the contribution so he needs to put his part in too but he does. Like I said I would be after him in a heartbeat if I felt he was lacking! Just the other day I lost it on him because he made a stupid comment about the whole thing that I thought was out of line.

She is so quick to point the finger in my direction about how I am the one to blame and everything until she has a boyfriend of her own then she shuts up and is as happy as can be. But keep in mind these boyfriends don't last too long since she's so GD crazy. She's been through 4 or 5 different guys since they split up but i'm the one who is the sl*t? HAHA OK...whatever you say lol

As for her calling his work she never ended up doing it because once he said go ahead she obviously knew he was telling the truth. My BF is normally pretty good, he doesn't feed into her crap but I can't sit there and not say anything so I take his phone and pretending to be him I text her back! I know WTH am I doing lol but really it's so hard for me not to fire it back at her

We were documenting EVERYTHING for a while when things were really rocky and when things calmed down ( I admit it was on my part) we stopped writing things down Sad We really should get back at it though, can't have anything to be used against us