I hate my family today
I got 4 hours of sleep last night. That's 9 hours in 2 days. I am EXHAUSTED. I am also stuck with the kids all weekend due to FDH working. I feel alone and stuck. sd5 came in once at 3:00 am (bad dreams blah blah blah. FDH smooths her over, go back to bed blah blah blah) sd5 comes in at 3:30am - same bullshit decides she is going to sleep on the floor next to the bed. ss3 comes in at 4:00am (daddyyyy? daddddddyyyyyyy? No response from happily sleeping FDH so he leaves) I still havent been able to go back to sleep from the 2nd time sd5 came in. ss3 getting no response leaves. door slam. (he ALWAYS slams doors. He hasnt figured out how to shut them properly. 4:30 ss3 enters again, tries to wake sd5 up. I came unglued. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I KNEW I was going to be stuck here all fucking day and required to do the grocery shopping with 3 kids in tow. I KNEW I was the one getting fucked out of the deal. See last night sd5's behavior at the school fun fair was deplorable. She was out of control and had no manners whatsoever, and by the end of the night ss3 was refusing to listen or be guided anywhere in a school of what seemed like 1,000 people.
They wanted to have movie night after the fun fair but sd5 seems to think she can act like shit in public and then skip off afterwards to no consequences. I asked FDH if he thought it would be ok or fair to ixnay the movie night and tell them the behavior was unacceptable but that we can try again saturday night. sd9 was a DREAM and was so good and helpful there that she asked if she could have movie night alone (she originally had wanted to alone anyways) and sleep on the couch downstairs. I said this was fine. sd5 was all meltdown when she finds out she will not be having movie night or sleeping downstairs and that she would be sleeping in her bed alone. She HATES being alone. She has to be with someone always. She doesn't understand the concept of alone time. So I explain what happened, consequences, second try, etc. everyone goes to bed yada yada. I was EXHAUSTED. I had been up since 5am yesterday morning after having gone to bed at 12:30am the night before. I fell asleep on the couch with sd9 and at about 10:30 fdh woke me up to take me upstairs. I was up for about another half hour after that on and off and then fell into a nice deep sleep. Cue sd5 to come fuck it allll up.
I HATE being woken up by children unless they are sick or hurt. I hate hearing bullshit "Im scaaaared" In tiny whiny voices at 3am. I hate my door being slammed 8 times in 2 and a half hours by the rotation of kids. I HATE kids in my room period. I am NOT a morning person. I am NOT a can-run-on-4-hours-of-sleep kinda gal. I need a solid 7-8 hours.
I feel like i give 10000% percent to this family and all i want is to be able to spend my 7 hours uninterrupted recharging.
When I came unglued I fricken screamed and yelled and scared the shit out of FDH and uninvited bedroom guests. I got my blanket and pillow and marched to sd15s room who was at my moms for the night. Tried to go back to sleep. Couldnt. Its 5am and I have already been up for 2 and a half hours! I get in my car and leave. Drive around, get some food. Come back, try to sleep. Nope. Fast forward. FDH comes in at 10:30am, half hour before he has to leave for work to talk about said middle of the night incident. Tells me he thinks I give sd5 more credit than she deserves that she didnt think to herself oh i didnt get movie night so now im going to have my way and sleep in dad's room. This is the first time she has come in in the middle of the night in months probably. Really? Coincidence? My thinking is that she didn't do it for revenge of the movie night - my thinking is that she's so damn co-dependent that she cant deal with sleeping in her room alone for ONE fucking night. Her brother ss3 NORMALLY stays in his room all night. By himself. Alone. With no one to hold his hand. He says shes just 5. I say 5 is plenty old to not get out of your fucking bed. She had a LAMP on in her room. Not a dinky night light. Her door wasnt shut. I didnt leave her in darkness surrounded by scary things by herself. She was in her room with her lamp, nightlight and door open with the hall light on and in her bunk bed 40 feet from the ground.
I tried explaining the giving vs. what was being taken and the recharging batteries. His response was that I had answered my own question than about whether or not I wanted to have a child because they wake you up all the time as infants. Every hour on the hour. I pretty much wanted to kick his face in. How DARE you tell me that I am not cut out for it because your children wont stay the fuck in bed? How do YOU know that I wont learn to adjust or MAYBE my baby would be like me as an infant and sleep through the night from day 1? You don't. That was basically his way of saying too bad, so sad, that's part of children. Great I get that. Whatever. If I am so inclined I will have a child when I am damn good and ready. No one said you had to be the father asshole. Perhaps my baby won't want to sleep in our room until he/she is 41 years old anyways.
Despite my attitude towards him about it I'm starting to feel like maybe I am just not cut out for this job. Just because you make jello well doesn't mean you should become a chef. Just because I am (in other persons opinions - not tooting my own horn) a good step parent doesn't mean that that is what I should do with my life? I feel like I gave up so much to be here. Financial independence, freedom, friendships, my sex life, time, energy. My steps are good kids. They have their moments but overall its just child stuff. I just sometimes have this desire to find a nice man without any kids, ex-wives, or various other attachments. I realize in hindsight these types have their own issues but sometimes the thought is alluring.
I just find myself more and more these days feeling alone, forgotten, lost in the shuffle and becoming more introverted. I'm not really an introvert by nature but I guess I feel like I'm bending over backwards to give my skids everything I can, I don't even know why and that in the end I'm turning myself "inside out". Does anyone understand that? Inside out? I feel like I'm not even myself anymore. It's no ones fault. My skids aren't horrible or mean to me. BM doesn't even exist for the very most part (in fact she even told the kids via phone call last night that once we move she doesnt have enough money to fly them anywhere so she wont be seeing them anymore - more on that later), and I have FDH's support the 25 minutes he's home each week. I'm not a doormat and FDH doesn't just get away with anything or have me here waiting on him hand and foot. I don't understand why I feel the way I do.
- misscinna's blog
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"I read this and think, yep,
"I read this and think, yep, that's what life with small children is like."
Strange, I never had that problem with mine. Guess that's just what life with small, coddled children is like.
I HATE being woken up in the
I HATE being woken up in the middle of the night more than anything!!! MY BD3 lately has been refusing to go to sleep and sneaking into my room at all hours to say shes hungry, or she has to go to the bathroom. Then go to the freakin bathroom. Why do I need to know about it? Do we all really need to be awake for this. She is very independent and does not need help in there so I am not being mean.
Yes the infant stage does suck and I was tired every day all day but once they are about 6 months old mine slept thru the night.
This is the only thing that SD15 does not bother me about. She sleeps all night and like a rock. My DD10 is afraid to sleep by herself so she shares a room with BD3. But BD3 has been sick with a 103 temp so she has been sleeping in my room which makes DD10 cry like shes a baby again so I had to have SD15 sleep in the living room with DD10!! Now SD15 is gone for the weekend so I haven't slept either. And we still have no heat or hot water so I had to rent a hotel room just to take a shower because we have space heaters.
This has been going on for days! I just want a full nights sleep with no interruptions. But last night DH woke me up (for the first time ever)to tell me he was having chest pains. So heres to hoping everyone sleeps tonight and leaves me alone!!!
Sorry to take over your blog. You do alot for your skids and I give you alot of credit for raising them!! I feel like a crazy person and I only have SD15, my DD10 and our BD3. There are many days that I am feeling like I do not know who I am anymore, I am a stay at home mom so I don't see people all day, DH works 7 days a week and I start to resent the kids and I know its not their fault at all.
I find that if I get a break from them and get to go out all alone it kinda recharges my batteries and I feel human again. Its not very often at all that I get to do that. I enrolled BD3 in preschool 2 days a week for 4 hours a day and I feel a huge difference.
I think my problem is that I am not meant to be a stay at home mom. I need something else in my life to justify myself I guess. There has to be more to life than cleaning, cooking, cleaning again, cooking again, dealing with kids problems every single day of my life...
But if I get a job then I have to do all that stuff and work all day so I would be shooting myself in the foot.
And not all babies wake up all night. My DD10 as a baby rarely woke up and loved loved loved to sleep. She would try to climb into the crib herself as she got older. So you never know! BD3 was the opposite.
Omg, are you my twin? This is
Omg, are you my twin? This is exactly me! Right down to being a stay at home mom that wasnt meant for it and the midnight potty announcements! This makes me feel better that i'm not just some hideous person. I also work 18hrs a week in a daycare which fdh said is wearing me down and affecting my feelins for the kids because I'm becoming resentful and crabby mommy too
he says its just too much on me and i'll admit it's a drain but I feel like if I dont I wont be contributing to the household and will lose my feeling of financial control/say even though fdh never makes me feel this way. Thank you!
From reading your blogs you
From reading your blogs you put up with way way more than I do and I always give you alot of credit! I don't think I would be able to handle all of them without having a nervous breakdown!! Its hard and I do notice I feel a little better in the summer when I can get the kids out of the house and spend days at the beach but the winters are really brutal for me. I get extra crabby and usually I am not a moody person and DH will agree with me on that. Maybe inside I am aggravated but I always have a smile on my face.
I feel like I do not contribute financially and its hard on me because I worked my entire life always making pretty good money. Enough to support me and my DD10 when she was little. DH takes it as an insult when I tell him I should just get a job. He thinks I am saying that he cannot support. DH always puts money in our acct so I am not begging him for money and we own a company but its hard.
I really believe I was not meant to stay at home with the kids. I worked when my daughter was little and I felt guilty for it so I just can't win with myself. Damned if I do and damned if I don't!
I always read your blogs because you always seem to say what I am feeling!
Whew! And I thought it was
Whew! And I thought it was rough with just one SD4! When FDH and I met, they slept together, she was 18mo (I do not refer to it as co-sleeping, when you use the excuse 'I didnt have a bed for her').. anywho... He knew she had to be weaned off of that fast if we were going to live together! She was in our bed for a short period, then in her own bed next to ours, and finally in her own room and bed. I cant stand being woken up by her. I cant stand her waiting outside our door (listening to our conversations), and I cant stand her coming in our room for whatever reason during the night.
She has improved, but it is such an invasion of privacy! It is like BM walking into our room! FDH doesnt understand this, and I bet yours doesnt either, theyre not our kids and we do not want them in our personal spaces such as bed and bedroom!
I dont know how you do it. I refuse to take care of SD if FDH is unavailable, they need to be with their parents! Man I feel for you. My BS1 sleeps better and wakes up less than SD4.
Oh it was special! FDH doesnt
Oh it was special! FDH doesnt like to get up because he says its difficult for him to fall back to sleep so he just smooths them over. Its a proven fact that one good placed bitch out and they go to bed and so he threw that out at me this morning. "Well then you handle it! Yell at them they go to bed, problem solved" thanks for makin me the household douche! At that point i was to tired and frustrated to argue that point. Im not sure what fdh thinks would happen if i left. I think he just assumes im a good dedicated person so i'll stay. And if i left i think he thinks he'd just force bm to be te back up plan. Shes homeless, he could give her a room to rent in the house and she can watch the kids lol. Obviously thats a stretch but hes creative. He'd figure something out. He says frequently that he doesnt know what he'd do without me. He hasnt made any moves to lock me down. Not that i care, no proposal = no obligation. Im very much my own lady so i know what my options are. I choose to stay cuz i want to, not because i feel dedicated/obligated. I think he forgets that. I dont feel like i owe anyone squat.
I wish u coulda come over. Id have been like kids! Your newest mom is here! I'll be upstairs napping! J/k i wouldnt throw u into the fire haha
I also thought id add the
I also thought id add the part where both my flights of stairs has little organizational stair boxes. Yeah i punted them on the way down. Take THAT famiy! Lol
You always crack me up!! I
You always crack me up!! I think u should take his advise and handle the situation your self! You may look like the bad guy for the moment but in the long run I feel it would be worth knowing your sleep won't get interupted! When you tuck them in at night just be sure and tell them "do NOT get out of this bed unless u have to go potty, then go right back to bed! And do NOT come wake us up unless you are sick" 5 yrs old is old enough to just deal with it. And the first time she comes and wakes you up firmly tell her "you take your butt back to bed NOW!" or march her back yourself. It may be a crapoy few nights but once she knows you aren't going to put up with it she will learn!! She needs to learn to self sooth!

Hope it gets better SOON!! Keep on a bloggin' though!!!
This is verbatim what I tell
This is verbatim what I tell her! Usually it works but this has been an ongoing battle since she was THREE! It took me two weeks of up 7 to 9 times a night putting her back in bed to get her out of our bed. FDH said she ALWAYS slept with someone. Grandma, Him on the couch or BM in her bed when they lived together. I agree on the self soothing. I guess i really can't get mad at him for not handling it the way I want him to, but the reason I wait on him is that I can't be the lone disciplinarian in the household. He has to make a stand too! Theyve learned what areas Dad is a push over and what areas Cinna will give in. They ask ME to go and DO more things or meet needs cuz he just shuts them down. They ask him to get away with certain things because he'd rather say yes and shut them up than deal with it. That puts me off.