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Advice would be nice!

newbie88's picture

Soooo my boyfriend and I have been together around a year now. He has a child from his previous relationship who I absolutely love to pieces. His ex really does NOT like me, never has anything nice to say at all. Even the way she says my name you can hear the disgust when she says it! Yeah it's bad!!!

They don't have a court ordered custody agreement just one from a mediator. He takes his bs one night a week and every other weekend and if there is ever time we can take him we always try to. Well bm has a serious problem with me like I said and has tried on numerous occasions to try and tell my boyfriend that I am not to be around his bs. She is probably one of the craziest people i've come across in my entire life needless to say. She says she is going to take him to court because she doesn't want random people in her bs's life but i'm not new at all and i've been around for over 2 years now. She is nasty, aggressive, and abusive towards my boyfriend when things don't go her way and she doesn't get what she wants.

There are numerous threats on her part saying she will take his bs away and that she is taking him for more support because he's not there enough which is crazy because he works 2 jobs so I think 1 night during the week, every other weekend and whenever we can is doing pretty well.

I guess I am just looking for some words of wisdom here and maybe some support from any of the other sm's out there Smile


Auteur's picture

the threats will also continue AFTER the custody papers are signed!

donna123's picture

I hate to sound an alarm bell, but watch your back and be prepared for anything from this very angry woman! Forewarned is forearmed. To me BM sounds like a primary candidate to engage in some serious Parental Alienation tactics to keep HER child away from you. ie: fabricating false charges of abuse, etc. Get everything legalized regarding custody, document visits with the child, use video, his behaviour, moods.

If you notice that the child’s behaviour toward has completely changed be advised that BM has started the process of poisoning the child against you. It is surprisingly common for a very vengeful spouse to alienate the child from the other parent so the child will be afraid to go to your house anymore.

Her saying, “she is going to take him to court because she doesn't want random people in her bs's life” shows to me that she will do whatever it takes to make sure of that. Don’t expect rationality to prevail because in situations of PA logic goes out the window.

Read all you can on Parental Alienation…there are lots of resources to google. Hopefully she doesn’t do that, but if she does, you will know what has happened and be able to counteract its devastating effects.

I sure hope it doesn’t go that far, but be prepared just in case.

shielded2009's picture

You should get the custody agreement signed ASAP...Seriously...

Probably not going to change her, but it will protect your SO fully...

Your situation reads exactly like mine, and I've been dealing with this for over 5 years...BM hasn't changed at all, and I've never even met her...She's threatened DH so many times over the years it's crazy...and has even taken him to court over 17 times for random stuff...

DH actually went to court on one of those occasions because she refused to let DH see his daughter until she met me, had a background check conducted and inspected my house...DH told her to kick rocks...She took DH to court...The judge told her to kick rocks...Well he actually told her that it's none of her business who DH chooses to have around SD as long as it's safe, and just as there is the assumption that her environment is safe, the assumption is there for DH as well...

This led her to say that DH was dangerous, had guns, sold drugs, etc...So a 3rd party group had to interview DH and me at our home. They also had to do the same with her...She cried and cried and cried to the judge because she said that SHE should be able to go with the 3rd party to our house...The judge told her that this was going to have to suffice...

The 3rd party interviewer came over, toured our house for like 60 seconds, interviewed DH, then asked if she could talk to me...I talked to the lady for about 5 minutes and that was it...

To say I was PISSED off is an understatement, though I didn't let on to the agent. I served her coffee and chatted it up with her. I basically told her that I guaranteed that our surroundings are 10 times better, stable and more functional than what she'd see when she went over to BM house...I told her that first and foremost, DH and I had great careers and a great home and lifestyle. There's nothing to hide. I told her that I would not under any circumstances be bullied and dogged by BM. I told her that before DH and I got engaged, she didn't have an issue with SD being at our home and she had been coming over without issue or incident for @ 6 months...sooo...I'm clueless as to why she's here other than to waste the courts time to run down the issues of a bitter woman...

At the end of the day, the 3rd party said that our house was fine and a very "loving" environment. They also put in the report from BM's interview with them that she was afraid that I was going to poison SD against her because I'm ALWAYS bad mouthing SD to her...which was totally untrue as I didn't give a damn one way or the other about BM, so SD and I never had conversations about her mother...

Over the years it hasn't changed...

The most recent is that she's sat SD down and gone over the CO with her...An 8 year old...*rolls eyes*. And she's given her a calendar and told her about all the days DH misses (something untrue). She's told her about court and how that DH hates her and is trying to get SD taken from her...Just craziness...SD is way too young to be able to read and understand the whole concept of a CO...Hell, BM barely understands it...

That's my experience.

The things that have helped me the most is to stay out of DH and BM's craziness...It used to be that she could get a rise out of DH, but to add me to that dynamic was certified shit storm...So I'd just listen and advise...I never got into it with BM...She's never even heard the sound of my voice...She's a non-factor in our lives...She's BECOME that after much work and perspective on DH's part.

He follows a Parallel Parenting plan vs. a co-parenting plan because of the lunatic that she is. (she's physically attacked him at court and went to jail...for example of how crazy she is). He is a VERY involved parent. I had to disengaged early, and that caused him to "step up" to where he was supposed to be. Does he do everything the way I think it should be done? No...But he takes care of his family and his responsibilities regarding SD and manages BM, and that's all I ask...

Do I want to punch the woman? I used to. Now I just want her to leave us alone and get a life. I really don't care how she views us, talks about us, whatever...It truly doesn't matter as she's not important...I'm still bothered by her trying to take advantage of my DH and trying to take away his rights as a father. I'm still bothered by how she paints DH to SD...I'm still working on that...

newbie88's picture

Well it's quite comforting knowing I am not alone here!

As for the custody arrangement, it was something made up right after the two of them split so there were no issues around who had SS when sort of thing. We are however needing to go to court to make some changes. When my BF files for a divorce (which BM said she would never agree to do because she doesn't want me being her BS's step parent) I know there is a storm that is brewing right now and will erupt when this all happens.

I have been really strong thus far and I haven't let a word she's said about me get to me because I know myself I am better than that. I have never retaliated which is sooooo difficult and I am sure a lot of you understand and feel the same way. My concern is the way she speaks to my BF and the horrible things she says about him in regards to his parenting because I think they hurt him more than her comments bother me.

As for BM not wanting her BS around me, I know there are no reasonable grounds for this. I work with children on a daily basis have had police checks in the past and so on and so forth in regards to work. I have a very well paying job and a stable household that I support so there is no reasoning for anything close. Just wanted to know if anything close to that was possible but good to know it's not.

I would like for us go to for a split custody type of agreement where we alternate weeks with the child. We live about 20 minutes from where she does though so I do not know if a judge would grant this. I work very close to where SS will go to school and close to where his BM lives so I was wondering if anybody knew if this could still be granted even though we do not live in the same area.