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Case closed...

shielded2009's picture


So my aunt, sister, mother, cousins and I were sitting at the table last night demolishing a plate of brownies when SD comes down. I had a friend over, and he was pouring himself a glass of root beer, and SD walked up with a cup. I said, "Hey wait...Go ask your father if you can have that..." SD said, "I already did...He said I could." (as she wagged her head and rolled her eyes) Mind you it's like 8pm...At that time DH was walking down the stairs and said, "I said what?" So my friend said, "She said you were okay with her having some root beer..." DH said, "No I didn't...I told her she could have some water..."

So of course he got onto SD, but after they walked away, everybody at the table except for my friend and myself started talking about how she'd been doing that all the while that she'd been visiting...

Then my aunt started talking about how she'd been complaining talking about how DH is mean, doesn't love her and doesn't do what she wants...Then my mom started in talking about she was telling her that, too...Then my sister started talking about how she went in on that, also...And finally so did my cousins...

I found it concerning, so I shared it with my DH as we were going to bed...

DH said, "Yeah...Whatever...She's not the center of attention, and she's vying for it with everybody...She's not satisfied with all the love and attention she's been getting...She's not satisfied unless EVERYBODY is focused on her 100%...I'm not falling for it, and I'm not playing the game...She's not going to make me and everybody else miserable..."

Case closed...Apparently...


shielded2009's picture

Seriously...He shut it down so quickly...It wasn't even a point of discussion...I had myself a little wound up when I was talking about it as I expected him to say something to piss me off (don't know why) and thought it'd become some deep conversation...

VioletsareBlue's picture

Good for him! My DH has said the same thing about SD16 as of late. She's SO a teenager. I was so angry with her right after my father-in-law died. She went to every woman in the family to complain that she didn't have the "right" clothes for the memorial service until she found someone who said they would get her some pants (this is after DH and I said no). Needless to say she didn't get to wear new pants. Ugh.