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This Guy NAILS IT!!! The "Entitlement-Self Esteem" Generation, That is!!

Auteur's picture

Check out this link:

He says the "first wave" of these. Well we have our first wave sitting in the White House IMHO and the "coddling" continues to this day!!


Kes's picture

I read some of this but could not really get the gist of what he was saying - what is the "occupy movement?"
Is he talking about doing away with welfare benefits or something? Sorry, we probably have different terms for all this in the UK.

Auteur's picture

The "Occupy" movement is the collection of fleabaggers who are protesting wall street when they SHOULD be protesting the GOVERNMENT for giving out so many hand outs to people who CHOOSE not to work. Just like these guilty daddies and BFF mommies who REWARD their children for bad behaviour.

Oh wait. . .the fleabaggers want to be paid for not working as well. . .entitlement doncha know.

Kes's picture

Oh yes - we've got these protesting in the City yesterday. DH was told to go to work in jeans (he is an investment banker) in case he got mugged by them. As it happened, there were more police than protestors in the financial area of the City, but I gather it was anti-Capitalism elsewhere. We have had anti-Capitalist protesters in tents outside St Pauls Cathedral/Houses of Parliament in London for the last couple of months. Nightmare. What do they want - communism? I am a socialist,(so DH and I clash on issues like private schooling) but communism didn't work in USSR and it won't work here.

Auteur's picture

Captialism is not perfect but the basic premise that everyone should work for what they have and out of their abundance give to others that they know who may be legitimately down on their luck (not have the gov't take it away and decide WHO or WHAT GROUP to give it to) works pretty neatly.

AliceP's picture

Well the thing is our parents told us "Go to college, get an education or you'll be flippin' burgers.", so we went to college we took out insane loans we graduated, now there are no jobs in our fields of study and the same parents are saying "what you're too good to flip burgers?" Well yeah I thought you told this generation burger flipping was bad and now you are all mad that we don't want to work at Burger King.

AliceP's picture

I agree I have an degree in graphic design, after graduation, before I had kids I made gourmet ice cream lol, but mmy generation was told "you don't want to flip burgers do ya?" Instilling in us that that kind of work is beneath us and now everyone is yelling at them for being lazy, we were told if we went to college we'd woudn't have to flip burgers.

skylarksms's picture

That was probably also in the pre-Great Recession economy, too. When businesses are forced to lay off workers and close their doors completely, those burger-flipping jobs start becoming more appealing to the people who actually DO want to work and not just suckle on the government's teat.

Auteur's picture

And what is really horrific is that most college education is equivalent to remedial high school. Sad to say that my high school diploma in the seventies runs rings around today's bachelors degree in English, History and most other fields of study.

The OWS should also be protesting the "Educational System" and teacher's union since they were gypped out of a decent education through incessant dumbing down (aka everyone gets an award).

Why is it that University costs keep going through the roof and the graduates are increasingly more and more unqualified even to form a cogent sentence?

Auteur's picture

Nailed it! When I went back to school in the eighties (college), I was shocked at the number of younger kids who couldn't care less because daddykins or mommykins were paying their way through.

I took a course at a "business school" and when the instructor said "today we are going to be working on fractions" my jaw dropped. I thought fractions were a done deal by fourth grade!! Needless to say I tested out of the class.

I guess my first clue was working at one of my first jobs "burger flipping." A girl a few years younger who had graduated from an inner city school wanted to know what a "dictator" was when I said "the boss is such a dictator."


And this was back in the late seventies!!

overit2's picture

Well, the MAIN problem now is the NCLB-lead to disaster...and btw Auteur, who can we thank for that wonderful legislation piece? Wink NOT was the Bush Administration.

Personally I wonder if it wasn't all a ruse so the whole public education system would eventually implode on itself, we are going fastly in that direction. Hopefully we can implode NCLB before the whole education system.

skylarksms's picture

Before this breaks down into a political debate, people choosing sides (black and white) in the real world (shades of grey) is what is ruining the political arena and the United States as a whole.

Hardly ANYONE can say that they 100% agree with the left OR the right. BUT, once a person aligns themselves on one side or the other - everyone who believes in what the OTHER side says is evil, stupid, whatever.

It is not Obama who is ruining the country, it is not Bush (either of them), not Clinton, not flipping Millard Fillmore! IT IS ALL THE POLITICIANS WHO ARE IN IT FOR THE KICKBACKS AND PORK PROGRAMS - ALL of the damn politicians who say one thing to get elected and then roll over for the money of their biggest political backers. NONE of the politicians realize what it is like to live life like a REAL middle-class (or lower) American.

cant win for losin's picture

Its from turning away from God. The country was founded by Godly men.

Back then there were two things people didnt turn against, God and their conscious.