Thanks Mom-N-Law
Could not help but chuckle when I heard about this. We were at my husband’s aunts house where we usually do Thanksgiving when he called his mom over to talk. Apparently when they went over to her house the day before she had a little talk with his youngest daughter. Topic of that discussion was that her mom left her dad and she is happy with Barry (my husbands, sisters husband well x-husband now) and that they have a baby together and that is the choice she made and she needs to just let us be happy together. LOL and even I know if you don’t want BM to find out anything you don’t talk around the kids. It’s almost like she pumps them for info. That just leads me to believe that she was on a mission to be heard... BM of course called pissed off that she is butting into her business (WTF is she doing to us??!!) sick of the double standards she lives by... Hubbie just said that she over stepped the boundaries, I can see his point of view, don’t get the kids involved but BM does it all the time. But I agree with his mom too, be happy with the life you chose and back off mine!
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MY MIL stepped in when DHs
MY MIL stepped in when DHs Sister-IL and because she said so, his brother didn't talk to DH for over a year after he filed for divorce. Apparently DHs ex called SIL and DHs B to 'let them know' DH was filing for divorce and he had been cheating on her and he was wrecking their family.
So Sis IL in her usual fashion got on her high horse and decided that DH would be discluded from all 'family' holidays and events. He was gudgingly invited to his neices HS graduation party at a restaurant but no one but his mother spoke to him.
Then I came in the picture, Sis IL put 1 and 1 together and got me as the home wrecker. So she didn't speak to me for about 2 years. WhatEVER!
One night MIL was talking to Sis IL and SIs IL let it slip that I was the one that wrecked DHs and exs marriage and how she couldn't BRING herself to be in the same room as me because it would condone all that I did. Apparently I can break up marriages of people I never met. Powerful huh?
MIL (LOVE this woman!) told Sis IL that Dhs ex didn't tell her that DH wanted to see a marriage counsellor over a year before he filed because he was incredibly sad in his marriage and she refused and told him HE was the one with the problem and SHE wasn't going to change or see ANYONE. And DH met me online AFTER he had filed for divorce and didn't actually speak to me until he had moved out of the house. And did Sis IL know that DHs ex wanted them to live separate lives and DH live in the basement and she lived upstairs and they would only share space and never talk? Did Sis IL know THAT?
I am all for MILs telling it how it is. These kids get so wound up in the emotional side of things that they need a reality check./ After all, your MIL told the truth. Is BM going to say "No! I am sad all the time. I hate my baby and I want my old life back.." Of course not. She didn't overstep anything. She stated a fact.