When Is My Child Emancipated?
Scroll down on this link, read and weep (if you're an NCP biodad)
These cases are almost ALWAYS found in favour of the CP BM so that daddykins can keep paying support. So if these are truly "children" we're talking about, how come they get to VOTE in elections?
Oh and be glad you don't live in NYS!!
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HOLY CRAP! So glad I don't
HOLY CRAP! So glad I don't live in NYS! What a load of sh!t!
So if an 18 year old marries with parental consent, the NCP must continue to pay CS? WOW!
I'm disgusted!
18+ charged as minors, NCP continuing to support their "children" until they are 21, those with the right to marry, vote & join the military still considered children. What is our world coming to?
GG's agreement is even WORSE
GG's agreement is even WORSE he blindly agreed to "22 or graduates college which ever comes LAST!!"
I am sorry but GG sounds like
I am sorry but GG sounds like he needs to man up a bit....I dont know how you are doing it.
Hell community college will
Hell community college will accept you if you have a GED which is where GG's kids are heading. And they'll take semester after semester of remedial high school in said community college. All on GG's dime.
In NYS, MA and CA, CS is really "matriarchy support"
Slowly but surely the house
Slowly but surely the house is getting done. Hopefully the present Puppett-In-Chief will be voted out and the economy will turn around; thus the housing markets will spring back.
Check out the article and
Check out the article and comments here:
I still don't know what GG
I still don't know what GG stands for; are they initials?
Even better in our case. SD18
Even better in our case. SD18 had a baby when she was the ripe old age of 16. SD was still living with PB (BM). PB was collecting CS for SD who was, in turn, collecting CS for baby daddy.
Within a month of SD turning 18, PB kicked SD and baby out of her house.
Because of a poorly written order for CS, DH has to continue to pay the SAME amount of CS for SS as he did for BOTH....until SS turns 18 or graduates HS whichever is later. Lucky DH gets to pay CS for 2 kids until a year from June...even though one is a mother and hasn't lived at her mother's for months now.
If he goes to court to get it modified, PB will just request (and probably get) CS paid for when the skids are in college too...and possibly half of their tuition.
She may be evil and she may be stupid but she KNOWS how to work the system! I wonder who she got that info from....she started working the system when SHE was 16....
NJ is just as bad as NY. DH
NJ is just as bad as NY. DH will be paying for SD20 until she is AT LEAST 22! He is paying less child support now that she is in college because room and board is covered while she is at school, but he is REQUIRED to pay 65% of her tuition regardless of where she goes!
It gets worse... depending on the parents' education levels, DH may have to pay through GRADUATE SCHOOL for SD20 as well! This is arguable since it's not in their DD at all, and even though both BM and DH have Masters degrees, DH was already married when he got his, so it's not like his parents paid any of it.
He expected to have to pay through college, so he didn't put up too much of a fight when it got adjusted when SD went to college (except when BM googled him and falsely accused DH of hiding money and under-the-table jobs...I don't understand why she is allowed to make false allegations like that!!!!) Anyway, DH has said that if they try to FORCE him to pay for graduate school and continued CS after 22, he will fight it with everything he's got. He said he would gladly help SD with what he can, but he will not be forced to. It makes me sick!
I heard NJ was pretty bad as
I heard NJ was pretty bad as well. Funny how all the BLUE states seem to be militantly pro-golden uterus. Things that make you go HMMMM
If the states weren't out for
If the states weren't out for their cut of the federal money pie, they would have it worded that if the child gets pregnant when underage, support ends immediately.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul;
Robbing Peter to pay Paul; then Peter robs Paul back again.
Can someone please tell me
Can someone please tell me how to find this information based upon state? I'd like to know what it is for where I am (I hope to god it is 18..........or younger LOL).