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Disgusting things your SK does:

jojo68's picture

SD11's top 5
1. No matter what her father is eating or drinking she has to eat off his plate or drink from his glass.
2. She thinks it is ok to use her Father's toothbrush and so does he because they are related???????????
3. She and her little posse of fellow narcissists spend hours at a time in the bathroom and eat and drink in there.
4. She can run around, eat, drink right next to a pile of dog crap and not think a thing about it until she's told to clean up after her dog and then somehow it is gross?????????
5. She leaves disgusting a mess behind no matter where she goes...not just a few clothes or shoes laying around but actual filth and then has the nerve to say that someone needs to clean the house or the car?????


jojo68's picture

That is what I is part of the whole possessive dominant thing...I don't know but it is super rude! One day I hadn't cleaned the dishes off the table yet and she saw uneaten cake on a couple of plates but the plate her dad had eaten off was clean. She ttok the fork off his plate and got a bite of cake off the dirty plates...very bizarre!

sonja's picture

Oh thats just sick! I understand feminine accidents.. but do your own laundry! OMG. I think Id let it slide if my SD was older and said she wanted to wash her clothes.. no explanation needed!

hismineandours's picture

He still wets teh bed every night and he's 13. Then he doesnt shower unless forced to. He can go a whole week without showering. And he doesnt brush his teeth unless forced to-he can again go weeks without brushing them.

jojo68's picture

UGGGGhhh..I get so mad at my BS15...I have to tell him every day to shower...he should friggin know this. If I don't say anything he would go for days.

MamaBecky's picture

SD6: Picks her nose...constantly...and yes she eats it.
She is constantly and always yanking on her crotch. We ask her if she has to go it just does it. Then she wants to put her hands all up in your face.

SD14: She doesn't brush her teeth....ever. She says she does, but she doesn't.
She doesn't have a hygiene problem here but I know she doesn't shower regularly at BM's

mama_althea's picture

Top 6 for SD7 plus a bonus

1. Chewing with mouth open leading to deafening smacking noises and food falling out of her mouth.
2. Always sitting leaned back in this slouched down way with her knees at shoulder height and her ankles near her ears, meaning her crotch is always exposed. She is only 7, but still, nobody should be aware she even HAS a crotch.
3. Grubby face, hands, arms, and legs coupled with matted up dirty hair.
4. Has brushed her teeth 2 times at our house while being here nearly every weekend for the past almost 2 years.
5. Does not use toilet paper. I know this because she also does not flush.
6. Over-handles community food, for example rooting around in a bag of chips with her grubby hands or the time she put her foot in the Pringles can.
Bonus: Not disgusting in the conventional dirty or germy way, but disgusting in the humanity sense: insults and makes fun of people and things. In my opinion a disgusting habit, especially in a small child.

DTK's picture

I also agree on the attitude/personality being disgusting is almost worse than dirt. SS9 is always calling people "Butthole" (I can't STAND that term, it's so white trash), and talking about how he wants to shoot and kill certain kids' celebrities. So unattractive.

DTK's picture


1. Will poop in the toilet and NEVER FLUSHES!! Ughh!!
2. Leaves half-full glasses of milk everywhere, and as I've begun to refuse to pick up after him, it is left there for days on end and turns into a foul-smelling solid. My DH started to just bring them to the sink and leave them there, but I've started to insist that since he can't get his kid to pick up his dishes after himself that HE be the one to clean the glasses of gag-inducing spoiled/solid milk.
3. Talks about farting/poop/any other bodily functions and parts... AT THE DINNER TABLE. It drives me NUTS! He thinks it's hilarious. I understand that he's a 9-year-old boy but I draw the line when we're eating.
4. Picks his nose until it bleeds, and then blows the blood/snot into the toilet and sprays it all over the bathroom.
5. Pees all over the rim and the back of the toilet, to the point where the toilet stinks of urine after ever visit.

As a result of numbers 4 and 5 I have started to make DH clean the toilet now. Maybe I'm a little too hard on him? Nah...

alwaysanxious's picture

1. I thought I was just weird for hating that she drinks after her dad. I hate it because she proudly announces that she drinks after her gross white trash friends and her mom. Every time I see her drink after her dad I cringe. She knows not to touch my glass. I've told her its gross.
2. Her personality and demeanor are the worst for me. I hate to think that she is out there making someone feel like crap for just being themselves. She's mean.
3. Flirts with her dad.
4. Loud burping and farting. When I was her age I would have been embarrassed to do that in front of anyone.

OOOH I thought if something else. This one time her nasty hair ball was left wrapped all over the soap bar. I walked out of the bathroom and asked her to clean it off. Gross.

1. Doesn't brush his teeth unless told
Otherwise, he doesn't really bother me. He is particular about bathing, plays a lot of sports and always showers after.

Amazedstepmom's picture

I hear you with the eating off DH plate. Doesn't matter what it is...say we have chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies. SK will want something that is finished and then take away from their father. I am sorry, I am a mom, but I am also a person and my basic needs still need to be met. Now, of course if we didn't have enough food then it would go to kids first but that is anything but the case in this house.

and another thing I would add to the list. The 10 year olds who want to sit on daddy's lap, and hold his hand, and whine and boo-hoo if he leaves the room. Really...grow a set is what I want to tell them almost I come here to vent.

Their mother is bringing them up to be huge wimps, it is unbeleivably annoying!

Newstep's picture

1. Drinks out of her dads drink and gulps loudly while doing it. She can knock back practically the whole can of soda. It is disgusting!!
2. Is constantly either up my butt or her dads we will literally run into her sometimes if we stop and turn because she is so far up our butts!!
3. She can't do anything alone she is in constant need of attention even watching the damm tv in her room a whopping 10 feet away from the living room.
4. Acts like a baby when she wants something and thinks she is so cute :sick: giggles in this demented little baby voice it is vile!!!
5. Still has to argue every night about bedtime 9pm and a shower. WTF!!!
6. Super picky about everything!!! I refuse to take her shopping for anything at all!! She can't pick out a pair of shoes with out looking at every pair and trying them on and then wanting the one pair they dont have in her size and expecting to be driven all over town to find them at another store!!!!

Oh how I love these type of posts they get out the frustration so well!!!!

the_stepmonster's picture

1. Spends 15 minutes complaining about washing out her cup rather than rinsing it out in less than one minute.
2. Consistently tattles on SD11 even though they are equally tormenting each other. The only difference is that SD11 isn't a whiny brat.
3. Freaks out when DH is in the bathroom longer than 2 minutes and goes around searching frantically for him.
4. Eats twice as much food at 10 times the volume (with her LOUD mouth-open smacking) than anyone in the family.
5. When she plays her "make daddy feel guilty" routine on DH, who is a great father by the way. She will find a way to make him feel bad to get what she wants.

I know these things are traditionally "disgusting" but these are the things that make me disgusted with her when I see them happening.

k8tie's picture


1. Wets (floods) the bed every single night and still wets her pants during the day on average 2-3 times a week!
2. Constantly talks like a baby saying things like me want that or me want this and points instead of asking.
3. Still cant dress herself properly and will whine and pout until someone helps her or does it for her.
4. Is the sloppiest/messiest eater I know and gets food EVERYWHERE. I am talking on her shirt, floor, table, pants and even in her hair! She gets less food in her mouth most of the time!
5. She still wont wipe after she poops.
6. She wont use soap in the shower so I have to check/smell her everytime she gets out.
7. Please refer to 1!
8. I cant allow her to bring ANY drink outside the kitchen because she still spills them!

I can go on and on!


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

SS 8, wets the bed, eat's like a baby, seriously my 1 year old can come out looking cleaner then he does, he ends up with food from head to his waist pretty much, has temper tantrums like a 2 year old not getting their way, complete with he drop to the floor with fist smacking and legs wailing. I just don't know but he's one of these kids when he flips out with the crying and everything the looks he gives make you just wanna take him and shake him. lol

SD 6,
same way pretty much when having a melt down, soils herself on purpose then will basically stick her ass in your face so you will notice it. Doesn't flush and throws her dirty TP in a pile on the floor beside the toilet, picks her nose and eats it, acts sexually inappropriate.

cup cake's picture

Yesterday when I found dirty pads under the sink from my SD15 after after 2yr of trying to teach her how to take care of it thinks got really ugly for her. I remove all her clouds but a 1jeans and 1shirt she will be wearing the shoes that she dont like, there is no makeup , hair dryer, straightener ext... for the next 1 week . Her eating from her dad plait it is how it started 5yr ago
Take my advice take control of that posesifnest she is showing, let her and her dad know that all you are doing it is teaching her manners. Don't ever show your SD know what appset you be very nice when you corect her otherwise believe me she will turn into a "devil" in 2 yr .
I am dealing with the "devil" himself every day for the last 5yr and it is a nightmare. Do yorself a favor take control.