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Well We are at It Again

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

Well my fiance and I are at it again. I want the ss 17 soon to be 18 and is a sr. in HS to move out when he goes to college and just go back to visit his mother and not live here anymore. Of course his father wants him up his ass. We were going to start a bed and breakfast but his kid is so loud and constantly using foul language and calling names that he could not possible be here under those curcumstances with a bed and breakfast. The complete idiot kid informed us he will be back every summer and all vacations, omg will this ever end?? I hate this kid with a passion. This kid is so entitled, ignorant, lazy, and never ever picks up one thing, wont work, just lays on the couch and makes messes. What should I do, I am 50 with grown children of my own and feel like i am to old to start over. Please give me some sound advice i am so alone in this world with no place else to turn. i do not want my 2 grown children to know. All I do is work and cry and live out of my bedroom becuase the imbosil is always on the couch with the remote in his hand surfing from station to station. My fiance always gets defensive the second i mention a problem. Please help me I am so desperate.


puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

That is exactly how I feel. But my fiance is so non affectionate
to any of my feelings when it comes to this disrespectful puke. He never says a kind work where I am concerned its always if you dont like it you can leave. It hurts me a great deal.

Disneyfan's picture

Your DF sounds like a jerk, but he's an honest jerk. Instead of pretending things will change, he's telling you they won't. He's also ok with you leaving. Why stick with someone like this?

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

That is exactly how I feel. But my fiance is so non affectionate
to any of my feelings when it comes to this disrespectful puke. He never says a kind work where I am concerned its always if you dont like it you can leave. It hurts me a great deal.

Doubletakex3's picture

My fiancé does the "if you don't like it you can leave" too ploy. I started turning it back on him and he doesn't like hearing it as much as saying it! Fight fire with fire. At least then you both get burned instead of just you! LOL

Doubletakex3's picture

Hugs to you. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. If you & your fiancé are starting a hospitality business that may present the opportunity to reassess the living arrangements of your SS and set new ground rules for his presence. If your fiancé is not willing to do it now, maybe he'll be willing to do it for the good of the new business. Using the business as a front, is a lot less personal and presents an objective reason for change.

Have you two visited other B&Bs? I'm guessing there weren't lazy teens lounging around those businesses. Maybe work with fiancé to outline the "atmosphere" you want to create in the B&B and lead him to the conclusion that SS doesn't fit. Perhaps you can outline the 'public' places in the home that will be part of the B&B subject to the "atmosphere" you are creating and eventually the only place SS's behavior is okay will be in a shed out back or his car! LOL

My suggestion is to try to depersonalize it and use the new business as an opportunity to renegotiate SS's participation in the home.

Good luck to you!

puttingupwithdramainmaine's picture

AAAAaaaahahahhahahaa I love the shed idea, and i shouldnt laugh because df suggested a camper out back, uuugggghhhhh. I could just scream, talk about wanting the imbosil up your asssss. The car idea is much better just in someone elses yard. lol