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Oh, you are going partying while I watch YOUR brat!?

newbiemommy's picture

So my DH is going to help out with his cousins band. There are so many thing I find wrong.
1. It has caused HUGE issues with us in the past. I HATE how they act, drink, flirt, ect. at these shows. And he said he was done with that.
2. Why do we keep going back to this kid is MY responsibility. She is horrid to me and I'm forbidden from disciplining his "sweet baby girl". How does that work that you expect someone to be a caregiver and let your kid do whatever without consequences??
3. You are 32 years old. I think that's a little old to be doing the teen band crap.
4. He didn't pay HIS car registration so he took MY car out to party.
To say the least I'm sitting here PISSED!! Not to mention the last show he did that I went to he ditched me and I find him hanging out ALONE with one of his good friends who, oh yeah, is an ex.
I don't want to do this anymore but he claims he's just trying to find another way to bring in money and I'm bring ridiculous for being upset.
I don't know why I'm more upset that I'm watching SD10 from hell or that's he's going to this stupid show. Plus add on top of that all the bs he's put me through with BM2 lately. I'm pretty sure that I will eventually snap under all this pressure...
Does anyone think its ok for SO to go play and leave THEIR for you to care for??


alwaysanxious's picture

No its not ok. You are allowing him to take advantage. Put your foot down.

briarmommy's picture

Next time he says he is going out say "sorry I have plans and you didn't arrange for anyone to watch your kid so unless you can get a baby sitter and a ride you'll just have to sit at home and watch your kid, maybe if you had asked something else could have been arranged"

newbiemommy's picture

This is so what I needed to have said. I always feel obligated when he springs stuff on me but it isn't my kid and it is my car. Maybe I just made plans for next weekend! Wink

momof5_1969's picture

If he left this child with a babysitter he would allow the babysitter some ability to discipline this child I'm assuming? I know I babysit several children and their parents give me authority to discipline the children -- not spanking, but time outs. Although one child I am able to spank, but I choose not to -- I use time outs. If you don't have the ability to discipline, you have no control. I would discipline anyways. Screw it. What's he gonna do? And if she doesn't like it, send her to her room!

As far as his band gigs --- what the heck?? And alone with an ex! Wow .... I would have kicked his butt! You have shown great restraint. If you love him, maybe try some counseling to see if you two can work through some of this.

But most definitely have plans for next weekend. Smile Good luck!