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This is just total BS

stepmom2fk's picture

Ok so I haven't told much of my story and some of it I will keep to myself but I wanted to get this off my chest. Over a month ago we moved to a new state in order to give my SDs new beginning. After everything the BM has put them through and the bad choices they were making we thought this was the best idea. Well after talking with them they thought this was a great idea and they said how they wanted to make changes.
So today after my hubby couldn't find his brand new pack of smokes he gave up and went and bought a new pack. When coming home he smelled smoke coming from the bathroom. SD17 swore she wasn't smoking. Come to find out she was and her and sd13 stole the pack and smoked half of them over night. So I gave up all my friends and family, a good paying job and being their for my sick brother for them to continue to do stupid shit. I want to go home.


stepintexas's picture

You and DH's mistake was thinking that a DIFFERENT PLACE changes someones behavior- IT DOES NOT. Giving someone a change of place, atmosphere, home does not distance the problems they have, those problems go with them.
I made this mistake in one of my marriages, I thought if ExDH was away from toxic people and drugs, then we would have a better life. We moved to another city, and he just found other negative people and drugs. His problems followed us and that didn't change.
I don't know what the dynamics of your family are, but RULES, BOUNDARIES, and a come to Jesus meeting with these girls is what is needed.