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BM had a stroke Thursday morning...

stormabruin's picture

is the story SS called to tell last night. SS turns 18 tomorrow & was wanting to spend the weekend with DH & I to celebrate.

He called around 9:30pm last night & said that when he woke up at 6:30pm...yep, PM, BM told him that she'd had a stroke that morning. She was fighting with the live-in (not dating, but he pays the bills) & she kicked him out...again...yesterday morning.

SS slept through it all, but the story goes like this:

All the stress on BM made her eye swell up & her head felt "funny". So, her mom & SD took her to the hospital...& they released her. She had a stroke.

Now, MIL had a stroke a few years back, & they kept her for 6 days to run tests to verify that a stroke had indeed occured. They kept her longer to evaluate her to see what parts of her had been affected. Thank God she suffered no kind of paralysis, however, it did a number on her vision & her short-term memory.

According to BM's story, she argued in the morning, stroked out, went to the hospital, was diagnosed with a stroke, & returned home...all before SS woke up.'s sounding wildly fishy, much like the stage 4 terminal cancer story...

So, SS calls to tell DH he can't come this weekend. BM is exhausted & needs him with her...and she wants to have a party for him Saturday. He feels obligated because after all, she did just have a stroke. :sick:

We'd planned to take SS out for his birthday dinner tonight. DH suggested maybe we could do that Sunday. We have some unexpected things to deal with this afternoon (one of our dogs got hit yesterday & we need to go get her from the hospital after work). Sunday would work better for us anyway. No...BM wants to do it tonight. She'd already made plans to meet DH tonight & she needs it to be tonight because SHE NEEDS HER CHECK! The fact that we'd already made plans to have SS this weekend doesn't matter, though. DH is supposed to come pick me up after work, we drive 1 1/2 hours to pick up our dog, make the 45 minute drive to take her home, drive back out past work, to meet BM to get SS & then get him back to her & drive back home???

Sorry BM. I'll put the check in the mail tomorrow. DH will let you know Sunday that you can expect to receive it Monday or Tuesday...just because you had to be a bitch about everything.

SD's FB update this morning:

SD: waiting for saturday to come already(:
BM: HELL YEEAHHHHH!!! Party time SS's 18th ohhhhemmmmgeeee!!!!!!

Sounds like a day-ago stroke victim, does it not?


Gigi82's picture

My grandmother had a stroke 3 months ago, and I can say with almost 100% positivity that BM did not have a stroke. My grandmother was kept in the hospital for over a week, and then sent to a rehab center. Now hers was a massive stroke, but they would have kept her in for testing in the hospital regardless. A stroke is very serious and they perform numerous tests and procedures to measure it's effects on the body, and target any future risks.

She's lying, and crazy. And who yells "Time to Party!" for their 18 year olds birthday anyway?

stormabruin's picture

"And who yells "Time to Party!" for their 18 year olds birthday anyway?"

LMAO! Yeah, she's that awesome party mom that every 18-year old kid dreads having at a party. You know, the one who will likely show up in a tube-top with boom-boom shorts & she'll sit everyone down in circle for a dirty game of spin-the-bottle...offering to go first. :sick:

aggravated1's picture

I work in this area-and no, BM did not have a stroke. Unless she calls being crazy a stroke, and then yes, she had one.

stormabruin's picture

Unfortunately, no. SS still has a year of HS left. He was wanting to move in with us for his last year, but BM won't loosen her grip, likely because she'd get short-changed in CS.

stormabruin's picture

DH did explain , without the concern. He explained that a doctor can't just look at you & know that you have or not had a stroke. There are tests they do, & tests don't often come back that day. There are also things they need to look for & monitor, to be able to determine what functions/parts have been affected.

I recall him saying, "Son, I guarantee you that if your mother had a stroke this morning, they would not have released her today".

stormabruin's picture

There's no question in my mind that the stroke is merely a story made up to guilt SS into spending his birthday weekend with her. I believe it is as true as her terminal cancer with 8 months to live...7 years ago was.

There will be no questions, as we have learned that questions will only lead to more lies. Even if she told the truth, we wouldn't believe her. She is too much like the boy who cried wolf.

As for the dog, we know she has a fractured left hip. The vet kept her last night to make sure she poops & pees okay. I just now got a call from them saying that she hasn't peed yet. They've taken her out 4 times today & she won't go. She isn't used to being on-leash to go, so I'm hoping it's just that throwing her. Of course, even with that, she should've gone by now.

I'm worried. They said she could have a ruptured bladder.

If she doesn't go before the office closes, they have to keep her another night. I don't have children of my own. My dogs are my babies. I really hate not having her at home.

As for BM...she can go fuck herself. I may hold the check & stick it in the mail Tuesday, just because I can.

BSgoinon's picture


Ok, if she actually DID have a stroke, I apologize for laughing. But seriously??? Like a Dr is just gonna say "oh, yeah, you had a stroke... take 2 asprin and call me in the morning".

WTH? Lame-OH!

stormabruin's picture

I hate to say it, but even if I don't, it's in my heart. It's only because of my fear of karma that I don't literally pray to God a stroke takes her from here. I won't be sad if it ends up killing her.

My MIL had a stroke about 8 years ago. They kept her for 6 days. My mom has had several "mini" strokes. Even with those they admitted her & kept her for a few, to determine what functions had been affected.

BM went in late Thursday morning & was home by 6:30pm when SS woke up. When he called to tell DH, she was upstairs in the kitchen with SD & SD's friend planning SS's birthday party. She wants to claim to be so tired & exhausted, but when DH asked why they didn't keep her she said she had to be home for SS's birthday party Saturday. Really??? I can't say for a fact, but I would bet that with a real stroke victim, their health would trump a birthday party for an 18-year old man. They would likely forgo the party, & SS would spent his birthday hanging out with his friends. Even with that, she still could've stayed & rested Thursday night & come home plenty of time for the party.

DH told her Friday that he wasn't going to be able to meet her with the CS. She flipped on him because she was counting on that money to buy the birthday cake, etc. He explained we had a dog at the vet (we did get to pick up that evening) & we needed to get her home & help her get as comfortable as we could. He did tell her he was waiting on his unemployment check to hit the bank, & that was why he couldn't get it to her that evening.

He called Saturday morning when we got into town, & told her he had the money & if she wanted to meet him in town, he'd get it to her. He left messages on the house phone, her cell, & SS's cell. No one ever called back.

That's cool. I'll get it in the mail when I get a chance. She's gotten used to hollering for it on a whim. What she's throwing a fit over is the money he earned last week, & she's acting like he's a deadbeat for not delivering it on Friday. Fuck her.

My thought is, she took the kids to the beach for a week less than a month ago. She took them to the fair a week ago, & now she's crying over a CS check because that's what she was planning on spending on the cake, etc for a birthday party...for an adult. No doubt she'll be on the horn again tomorrow or the day after wanting to know where the money is, & then Friday she'll be trying to make plans to meet DH with this weeks money.

The woman was in tears over a fucking birthday cake! If money is that tight, maybe she needs to prioritize things a bit.

SS is pissed at DH because he made BM cry. SS called DH Friday night with some kind of attitude & said it took him 45 minutes to calm BM down & get her into bed. WTF??? Why is an 18-year old kid responsible for soothing his mother & putting her to bed???