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BM Redneck's brilliant idea...

Anywho78's picture

Due to the deceitful behavior of SD15 & SD13, BM Redneck has been wanting to have a sit down chat between her, her SO, my SO & myself confronting the girls about their various lies & stories. My problem is that SHE is just as bad as the SD’s.

This is the kind of person we are dealing with…When SO & I first got together, BM Redneck had convinced SD (now 15) that my SO paid to have my nails done. SD (then 13) told her dad that because he paid to get MY nails done, he HAD to do the same for her because her MOM said so (BM admitted that this was true)!! Of course, I paid to have my own damn nails done but that’s not even the point. Then another tiny story that may give some insight…when BM Redneck was married to my SO, he was in the USMC & was sent overseas. He was gone for 10 months. When he got back, BM Redneck was shacked up with another woman & he was served with divorce papers. She was with this other woman for 8 years…yet she has the girls believing that she & this woman were just really good friends & that SO was jealous of her “friendship” with this other woman & that’s why they got divorced. After the divorce, BM Redneck would not allow SO to have anything to do with the girls…he had to fight tooth & nail. Apparently, she & this woman figured they could create their own happy little families without the BDads around (they were only important for CS!). They lost & SO is still (kind of) a part of SD’s lives…for the record, she’s now straight again & she’s been with her current SO for 6 years. This is also the same woman who told SD (now 15) that SO isn’t her BD without the courtesy of giving my SO a heads up.

So…with the FACT that this woman is just as malicious & deceitful & her daughters (hell, she taught them well!!!)…why in GODS NAME would I want to sit at a table with this woman confronting her daughters about lies they have told when she’s just as bad as they are??? What is going to stop them from coming unhinged on ME & them ganging up on SO?


Jsmom's picture

I would love to do this, just so I could make every snide remark I could about BM and her lies. Please do it and let us know how you do....I want to live vicariously through you.

oneoffour's picture

I would tell BM that the only way you will confront the girls is by BM admitting to the truth. See, the girls see BM getting away with all kinds of lies and half truths and this is their belief. Lie and be decietful and no one finds out and if you are found out the consequences are not really bad.

Lovemystepkids37's picture

OMG! I know this is comming for me! My sd9 is learning from her BM and I am so afraid what is to come... She is already attention seeking and self centered and demands all of her fathers attention...I love her but I am afraid for her. :jawdrop: