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Sterling's picture

UGH! My SD just failed a couple of classes this last semester. My DH TOLD her if she failed any classes he would not let her continue with cheerleading for high school. Funny, he ends up letting her continue, even with her grades and on top of that he has to pay out almost $900 for her cheer. Plus, she is supposed to do cheer camp, workouts, etc this summer and she has not gone to any one of them. She didn't go to her cheer camp because she didn't have "a ride home" at 9 am. She didn't want to walk 10 min home. She missed all 5 days. So what does he do, NOTHING. No punishment for not going and he is still going to pay out all of this money for her. Are you kidding me? This is nuts I tell ya............................makes me so mad at the both of them.


briarmommy's picture

She might not be able to cheer if she skipped the cheer camp. In my area if you don't go to the camp you can't participate at the high school level. I would call the school and inquire if she can still do even do cheer, don't tell anyone then let them find out the hard way at the beginning of the school year. That way they learn a lesson and you get the satisfation of knowing what is going to happen all summer.

dragonfly5's picture

Cheer! Are you sure there are not grade requiremnets at your sd's school. When my daughter cheered, the rule was no grade less than a C or you were on cheering until the next grading period.

No rules, no consequences = a selfish child, true for all children step or otherwise.

Disneyfan's picture

Poor grades and a no show for camp??? LoL She will be sitting in the stands watching her friends cheer.

alwaysanxious's picture

Agreed. The coach will probably give out consequences. I'd be surprised if there aren't requirements for at least a C in all classes in order for her to participate in sports.

At home, I'd just tell dad he's stupid for paying money for something that isn't used. Its his money though, as long as the bills are paid. Then I'd be done with it. Its not affecting you. She's the one who will suffer and dad is the one being taken advantage of.

Its so hard to watch though, I get that part.

SteppingUp's picture

I coach cheer and there's no way I'd put up with that! And if the school is like mine, they have to keep up a certain GPA to be on the team and can't be failing ANY classes. If a kid voluntarily skipped cheer camp and a certain number of summer practices, they'd be off the team completely. However I know some schools don't consider cheerleading in the realm of caring what their grades are as long as they look pretty in a skirt....

It'll probably take care of itself, but the point being that your SO isn't doing ANYTHING about it is really frustrating. And the thing I hate about this is that YOU look like the bad guy by trying to enforce consequences.