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Who does she think she is?

francke125's picture

Does anyone have a problem with BM calling DH at work? She never calls him at home, only at work. Does she not understand that he is at work? He can't sit on the phone with her? I can see if it is an emergency, but it never is. It is just stupid stuff to argue about. Like she told him she needed our tax info so she could help SD apply for financial aid for some college classes. Ya like I will let that out of my sight. Or she will call him with some other stupid crap about what his children did wrong. He never gets a call when they are going to a prom or anything like that though.
I just can't figure out why she thinks it is ok to call him at work. I told him he needed to grow a set and tell her that she can't call him there anymore, unless it was an emergency. He said he did, but I don't believe him. I am ready to call the b**** myself. Why can't she just leave him/us alone.


WickedStepMom18's picture

It's just her way of "marking her territory" - although it isn't hers to mark anymore. He probably has told her it isn't appropriate for a myriad of reasons but she's a nightmare BM. Of course she won't listen. She won't ever leave you alone. You just have to swallow that fact, be strong and realize that any time spent worrying about her is time you won't get back. If your DH has balls, he'll hang up on her next time. Unfortunately, again - our DH's seem to have no balls when it comes to dealing with the BM! It makes me want to puke! She's pathetic - leave it at that. You can't control what either of them is doing - only your actions. So - chose to not let it bother you. Chose to have more important things to worry about. Wink

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I will add that BM has zero right in going behind your back to request YOUR tax info - that is crossing the line there.

ALL info given about you per se should only be given by YOU.

How would BM like that if the tables were turned?

In my "past", BM not only called STBXH at work BUT also tried to show up there with COOKIES.

Now, nobody wants STBXH. NOBODY.

starfish's picture

bm, skids, mil, sil they all ONLY call dh's cell phone when they think he isn't home and i'm not around... once in a blue moon i get the opportunity to answer his phone when he is unavailable and i LOVE the dead silent pause while they struggle for what to say ~ it's PRICELESS.... i usually have to say "HELLO , what do you NEED?" too much fun for me... hope you get the opportunity to do it to bm one day!! }:)

francke125's picture

Well she's just a pycho. Don't worry there is no way in hell she is getting any info on me. Ha I would love to see her bring DH cookies. She is too much of a bitch to do that. She would never do anything that nice, not even for him. The last time she called the house for him, he wasn't there and I did ask her if there was anything I could help her with, but she just slammed the phone down in my ear. I got a good laugh, but she hasn't called ever since that day. She just tells her kids to come over and make me miserable. She told them they are not to be my friends or talk to me or do anything with me. They just need to stay away from me. Well, then keep them at home and let them drive your freaking car around, crazy. She really is not worth it. I wish I didn't get sick every time I hear her name, but I can't help it. I will walk in to all of her spawns smiling faces in a couple of hours. Oh yeah, that's right, they don't know how to smile.

Lord help me..'s picture

I can feel your frustration and see your points, but I actually prefer her to call him at work. She has his work number and my cell phone number, not his. We had to have it that way because she would call in the middle of the night claiming their son had a bad dream and wants to talk, or that he farted etc...Or she would nit pick and use the kid as an excuse to call and fight. With this arrangement, she is actually regulated. She can only call him at work between 8-5 and has no choice but to be civil, and she has the option to call my phone to get ahold of him any other time..for emergencies and such. My hubby calls his son almost every other day but this type of thing assures that there is as minimal drama as possible.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Have DH email her instructing her to call work only in case of a medical hospital emergency. Any requests for info can be made via email. There's no reason she needs to call him at all IMO.

simifan's picture

Because your DH Allows it. See phones come with this neat disconnect feature...

DH: Hello?
BM: I want to talk to you about your children?
DH: I am at work, is it an emergency?
BM: Of course, I need the co-pay money you owe me!
DH: (hangs up phone)

Old BMs can learn new tricks too, they just have to be trained properly.

Halgsmom's picture

This happened with our BM too. Several years ago Dh got into trouble for personal calls at work. She would email him, call him and do all kinds of crap while he was at work. I finally called her and told her that IF DH lost his job she would be losing her paycheck so she better knock her crap off. She also wanted OUR tax information once and told DH he needed to file "on time" so she could get his taxes (we owed arrears for a raise in support for a child that was NOT even my DHs) I called BS on that crap too. She never did either of those again after I got to her. Wink

12yrstepmonster's picture

she needed our tax info so she could help SD apply for financial aid for some college classes.

FASFA forms are based on the custodial parents tax filings - as well as all scholarships. if custody is split, it is based on the income of the house that has her the most.