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Right time to vent about it all.

The big G's picture

The things that annoy me about my life any ideas on how to change things.

1. My sd13 is the most annoying child i have ever met.
a) Shes rude to me her father any everyone else she talks to
b) She constantly gets in trouble in school
c) She never helps around the house
d) She wont go to bed with out hubby taking her
e) She needs to wear about 3 pairs on underwear a day? Why :? ?
f) People tell me about things she has done to pass onto her parents Christ tell them yourself, if shes rude to you then tell her parents WHICH I AM NOT
g) She talks to her dad like she is 3
h) She cant brush her teeth without getting about 3 times more on the sink
i) she eats like an animal CHOMP CHOMP with her mouth open
j) she leaves dirty underwear laying around the house
k) She is never happy with what she gets nothing is ever good enough
l) She keeps on taking bd3 and bd2 toys of them and winding them up
m) If bd3/2 are crying she will ask whats wrong with them, but in a accusing tone
n) She cuddles hubby and wants to sit by him only when i am near
o) She plays dumb and wont do her homework she's 13 how can she not know what 0 x 4 is??
p) She makes pans and expects daddy to pay even when she is with bm
q) She chucks all her clothes out in the landing not the laundry basket even when they are clean
r) I HATE HANNAH MONTANNA }:) i dont need to see the same episode over and over again
s) She calls bm all the time bm hardly ever calls her, she never calls her dad when she is with bm which is only about 6 nights a month
t) She gets in your personal space
u) When i teach her how to make cakes etc, she has to make too many far to many and i hate greed
v) She has started making jewellery which was my thing and now when ever i want to make something i have to stop to help
w) She walks into my room when ever she wants }:) i really hate this her excuse its my dads room i can go in if i want
x) She leaves her dirty plates layng around even my bd3 and to a certain extent bd2 can put the plates in the sink
y) she is so just lazy is unreal
z) I hate bath smellys as presents she knows this and i know its rude to complain about it but it is all she ever gets me even is dh is paying for it

Thanks for listening rant about hubby next Biggrin


StillSearching's picture

LOL this list reminds me of my BFs daughter who is 17. She watches Hannah Montana and all those lame shows all day long on my couch. I have no advice as I am on the same page here! Except she doesn't cuddle with my BF but the occasional head on the shoulder thing. I am curious to see what other posters say because I am at a loss!

The big G's picture

Well the hubbys are

1. It was my 30th birthday last week and it didnt cross his mind to do anything for me except a meal which his boss was paying for as a xmas bonus which we havent used yet.
2. He lets bm and sd13 walk all over him, that is so unattractive
3. He spends way more quality time with sd than with bd's, as apparently sd has 10 years on her own with him and was used to all his attention
4. He keeps on giving and giving to sd13 and never gets thanks, this doesnt bother him
5. He never follows through on punishments with sd (see previous blogs)
6. He nicked my sandwich after bd2 was born (still annoyed about this 2 years 1 week later lol)
7. Sd can shout and scream at him and in the next breath he will offer to take her out
8. when we met he promised he would follow through etc when i realised he wasnt going to it was too late i was already pregant with bd3 and determined that my children would be from a united home (a plan that if things dont change might get resolved)
9. You let sd13 act like a baby
10. you left a baby gate up for sd13 untill i took it down about a month ago sd13 was 10 when bd3 was born about 11 when that stairgate was needed

11. i'm bored writing now your just a pathetic spineless wimp when it comes to sd13 and it winds me right up

herewegoagain's picture

sigh...oh my...what the heck is wrong with these men? what kind of nasty women did they sleep with to end up with such horrendous kids?'s obvious that men will sleep with anything...otherwise, why would there be so many kids like this? good luck! at least I don't have to see the llittle witch!