Bedrest, not what I wanted to hear.
So I went to my two week follow up for my back surgery. All was well to begin with, my incision looks great, my nerve pain is gone, I am active as HELL right now watching SD5 as much as I do.
Then I mentioned the migraines, I didn't even know if the two were related, I mean how does having back surgery give you headaches right? Well my surgeon says that they ARE related and that it is pretty serious.
Apparently I lost/am losing spinal fluid. They don't know if I lost too much during surgery, or if I am still losing spinal fluid. When I sit up or stand, gravity pulls what spinal fluid I do have away from my brain. :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: And is the cause of my headaches, they are called spontaneous spinal headaches. :O I guess this answered my question as to whether or not I have been doing too much too soon.
So my doc had now insisted that I go on bedrest for a week or so, and avoid being upright as much as possible. :O Not really what I wanted to hear, apparently if it doesn't get better with bedrest, they are talking about ANOTHER surgery.
Please everyone hope for me, that I get better with bedrest, and don't require another surgery. Also hope for SD, that I don't have to strangle her to be able to complete my "bedrest" around her. }:)
- Kay2's blog
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Did your DH happen to go to
Did your DH happen to go to your doctor appt with you?? I'm hoping he got to hear the news from the doctor himself!! SD has to go to daycare or have other arrangements made for her!!
You have to stay in bed and get the rest required for a full recovery!!
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this!!
Oh I really wish that he had
Oh I really wish that he had been with me at that appointment, but he had to work. I am on board with this bedrest thing, I have felt like CRAP with the headaches and a few other annoying symptoms, and I will NOT have surgery again, just because I can't get the rest that I need in my own house. That will mean that I am going to have to kill my SO }:) .
I guess you will have to
I guess you will have to simply flat out refuse to watch his daughter! I know men and if they don't hear things directly from the source then they think we are exaggerating!!
I'd like to kick his a$$ for you!! Of course I'm trying to kick my DH's a$$ right now!! LOL
Well if you are on a roll
Well if you are on a roll with a$$ kicking, I will invite you over to beat up on mine for a bit
He is going to have to figure something out, I obviously can't keep this up. Everytime I sit up, I have a horrible headache. I am glad to know why I have been feeling like this, but damn. Can't I just get better? lol
If you're still leaking
If you're still leaking spinal fluid, sometimes a procedure called a blood patch can help. The doctor takes a small amount of your blood and injects it into the leak. Your blood will clot and close the leak. It's done for leaking epidurals and spinal taps. Did he say anything about that or is the leak too large?
Yep, they said the leak is
Yep, they said the leak is probably too large. They will do x-rays/mri to be sure. I have already been reading into the blood patch. That would be the way to go if it is an option. *fingers crossed*
Tell your DH she simply
Tell your DH she simply CANNOT BE THERE unless he's there, period. You have got to stay on bedrest, and that's something he's going to have to make some sacrifices to deal with. Does he have family that can help out? If not he might have to bite and cut something out to pay for daycare.
Yep, I am preparing to tell
Yep, I am preparing to tell him tonight when he gets home, that I just can't care for her right now. The stakes are too high. If bedrest doesn't help, or if I can't follow doctors orders, they are going to move into more invasive methods. :O If nothing else, if he wants to argue with me about it, she CAN be here if he wants her to be, but I will go stay with my parents for a couple weeks }:) . I have mentioned my rocky relationship with my mother in my blogs before. That should give him an idea of how serious I am about this.
SO and I are both in the medical field, he WILL understand how serious this is, or could potentially get. Prior to this my doctors orders, were to get up and move around as much as possible, just not to strain. I have found myself almost unable to do so, with how bad these headaches are, I sit up and withing seconds my head is pounding, I feel dizzy and faint, and at times sick to my stomach
. Now I am literally being ORDERED to not get out of bed unless I need to pee, or eat.
Let us know how it goes when
Let us know how it goes when you tell him. I hope you don't have to go to your parents'.
Kay2 - so sorry to hear about
Kay2 - so sorry to hear about the spinal fluid- when I had my back surgery they actually nicked my spinal column and everyone had to stand back for a moment and then the surgeon would not cut anymore - they sewed me up and I had to lay flat for 24 hours and then was okay - you need to tell DH very very very seriously that you have to stay in bed - you may look okay but you need to listen to the doctor and stay in bed!!! Kick DH's ass if he gives you any problems!!!
She is out of state, SD
She is out of state, SD staying with her would involve chaging her schools. SO had to FIGHT her tooth and nail to be able to put her in a good school here. BM wanted to sent her to a non accredited charter school. She doesn't seem to care if the kid ends up not being able to go to college or not. Sending her to her mother isn't really an option unless we want to loose her for the school year for good
. Her mother is a real piece of work, SD got here 6 weeks prior to starting school and didn't know abc's, couldn't hold a pencil, ect. Her teacher three weeks after school started, was suggesting taking her out of school and waiting a year to start her.
Her mother would rather SD look pretty, than be able to read. It is sad really. We had her on webcam reading a sight word book to BM, the only thing BM could say was that she needed a hair cut :O . It is sad really
I am thinking after school
I am thinking after school care for SD.
We might need to put it on SO's "emergency credit card" but oh well.