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Getting My Life Back

ddakan's picture

I just got the courage to tackle the game room after ss17 took it over last fall. Since he moved out, I've been unwilling to go in there. I put my weight set back together and got my treadmill set back up (he took everything apart because he didn't "like" the bedroom we gave him.

I'm finally able to get excited about having my home back. I just couldn't face going up there and reclaim the space until now. Probably PTSD, haha, like a lot of steppers.

SD21 is still a twit, but that's not my problem. Her bf texts me every time she is stupid (= a lot). This time she used his notary stamp to cash his paycheck. He made her leave the house.

SS20 still isn't paying his truck payment, so he is 600 behind. Dh isn't doing anything about it....bfd...if dh won't do anything about it, then he can do without his fun money...the registration is about to come due, so I will get my jabs in then.

STEP KIDS SUCK, but at least for me, they don't infiltrate my life on a daily basis anymore! Youngsters, let this be a lesson...don't procreate with a'll get kids that have 1/8 of a brain.


ddakan's picture

I sooo understand what you are saying, its like i've had a 10 year departure from sanity, Crayon! I am starting to gather yard saling stuff and what doesn't go is getting donated!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

"Youngsters, let this be a lesson...don't procreate with a'll get kids that have 1/8 of a brain."