freakin bm! & the beginning signs of PAS...
bm calls dh this morning and says that she doesnt think sd will 'feel up to coming there next weekend' because she is having something put inside her to check her kidneys since she has been getting kidney infections. Okay... well its not like she is having surgery, AND you have had weeks to schedule this appointment, and somehow it keeps falling on a friday? Like last weekend...? Didnt helped that it snowed so we couldnt get out anyway. But you keep rescheduling them for fridays. On the weekends you KNOW H is supposed to get sd. You couldnt schedule it for this week??? and I am pretty sure sd would still want to come anyway as she hasnt H in over a month now and every time they talk she asks when she is coming here again.
Then sd calls just now and its clear as day that you are whispering stuff in her ear. Trying to train her huh? Your feeble attempts of PAS didnt work in the past. She loves H and knows that he loves her. Shes a smart girl. Now it doesnt help that H hasnt been getting sd regularly so you got that in your favor, but now there is a CO in place and he intends to follow it, and funny that it mentions no bad mouthing the other parent in the CO as well! So I keep hoping that sd wont ever fall for your stupid attempts at PAS and actually turns against you.
- happymostly's blog
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Don't allow it! If BM
Don't allow it! If BM schedules a dr. appt. during DH's time, then DH should tell BM that he'd be happy to take SD to the appt.
We experienced the same about 10-15 years ago when SS was young. BM would schedule appts, play dates, sports (mostly ones that SS didn't want to play), vacations, family gatherings, etc. during DH's visitation. DH never wanted to be the bad guy and just let it happen, rarely getting the chance to make up lost time with SS.
SS is 18 now and I still have hope that he will be able to get over the PAS damage.
I hope your DH does what he can to remain a constant presence in SD's life and fight the PAS from ever getting between them (and you too!).
she's trying to drive a wedge
she's trying to drive a wedge in there! fortunately you see it and won't let it happen.
azo cranberry pills and cranberry juice really works to help the urinary tract be stronger. the kid needs to quit sodas if she hasn't.