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I'm a BM who's a SM dream come true, so why am I stuck with C*ntzilla??

justanothergurlNJ's picture

So I left my XH many years ago, there wee DV and addiction issues. I was glad to see him go! He has since gotten the help he needs with both issues and has become the man I always knew he could be and a wonderful, yet guilty part-time dad. While I have no love for this man, and could not even think of reconciliation, I am happy for his progress, for the sake of my kids and his new FDW. Yes I said it, I like my EH FDW. While I would not consider her a friend, she is a good woman, she has 3 kids of her own, she works hard to take care of them, they are polite, respectful and over all good kids and are great with my kids as is she!

Lets call EXH’s FDW D. You see before D came into the picture, EX was difficult, when it came to switching weekends or times, if he needed to switch I was expected to just accommodate, but when I needed something it was never even considered, it was always NO! that is MY time with the kids. When EXH first met D he waited about 6 months before he introduced her and her kids to mine. Which I thought was very respectful to all the children involved, they made it a kids day. Anyway it wasn’t long before D seen what she thought was me being an A typical BM because every time EXH asked for something he was met with a NO after years of accommodating and getting nothing back I started giving what I got.

We never really spoke other then hello and goodbye, there was never a reason to, that is my EX’s new girl, I am in a relationship everyone was happy. She respected my boundaries and their mother and knew her place as their father’s girlfriend; I will call her SM because while I don’t think either of them really wants to get married, they have been together 5 years and consider them self’s life partners. There is commitment there as well as stability for my children, which is always more first concern.

So one day SM calls me, she had a death in the family and was begging me to please can I switch days with her and EX, I felt horrible for her, not just for her loss, but the way she was begging me. I told of course I would switch and there was no need to beg. We got into a conversation about why EXH was always met with stern NO when ever he asked to switch things up. To my surprise she understood completely, we also talked about the guilty daddy syndrome and how I was tired of him going against me when it came discipline, if they are grounded here for an offense then I expect the punishment to continue at dad’s, again she totally agreed. I explained how I tried and tried to co-parent with EX, but he just yes’s me to death and did his own thing, it was not good for the kids.

Here I am 4 years later and I co-parent with my EXH’s girlfriend instead of my EXH. While we have different parenting styles and ideas we seem to agree on most major things and she respects the things she doesn't agree with because I am thier Mom. Any accommodations that need to be made go thru her, any issues, punishments, grades, school functions are all sent thru her, this works for us, yes there are certain thing where I have to deal with him direct and when I do I try to do either conference calls or sit down with all of us, I include her IN everything. It works out great. While I know this is not the NORM for blended families, it is what it is.

So can someone please tell me why I got stuck with C*ntzilla as a BM, she is vindictive, spiteful, has leaned the tactic of PAS, she makes life a living hell for me and BF, causes nothing but drama and chaos in OUR home. BF has set boundaries wither and has stuck to them and our relationship has gotten stronger, but it seem now that she can’t come between us, she uses his boys. I thought you get what you put out there, so how is it I’m a SM’s dream come true, and I have a nightmare of a BM I have to deal with!! SIGH!!!!!


Milomom's picture

justanothergurl, will you be MY BM??? Smile

There is no logical answer to help you with your conundrum. You did nothing wrong to deserve a nasty BM, I'm sure - despite being nothing short of a "dream BM" to your exH's GF/SM. The only thing I can think of is the typical reason that most of these nasty, selfish, narcissistic BM's are the way they are:

They HATE their exH MORE than they love their child(ren).
They are MISERABLE and want their exH to be as miserable as they are.

Don't take it personally. Your DH's BM would hate whomever was walking in your shoes - it's not YOU personally.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

LOL sure, I wish I could!!! I know she would do this with any woman he was with. It's not like I expect to get along with her like I do my EX's GF, all I would like is peace and for the childish games to end. I know for her it's all about control. She left him and continued to play with his emotions for 6 months after!!

They HATE their exH MORE than they love their child(ren).
They are MISERABLE and want their exH to be as miserable as they are.

^^THIS^^ best desribes her!!, for me I guess I just can't wrap my mind around it!!! I dislike my EX but why waste my energy making him miserable, I rather put my energry into making a happy home for my kids and my skids and my BF, positive energry is more productive!!! Guess there is no point in trying to figure out the crazies, you'll just make yourself nuts!!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

NJG- Your story sounds almost like mine, to a tee even.

I'm stuck too with a crazy BM BUT have a VERY good friend who was my "late" husband's ex-wife!!! Yes!!! We even go out together, once in a while for a cup of coffee or something. If only all ex-wives could be the same way, we would have much happier families out there.

I have never held a grudge either. I just simply "move on" and wish the best for whomever. I wonder what I did wrong here? I've always been civil and polite yet ended up with one of the most psycho ex-wives on the planet?


justanothergurlNJ's picture

BFK- The Ex wives club lol. maybe we should write a book "How to be a normal BM" lol....

I keep trying to remind myself, this to shall pass, and what goes around comes around! But shit sometimes I wish I could give Karma a little kick in her pants!!

AHHH well what can you do!! At least I now can come here to vent!!!!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I'm fixing to find out what divorce is like. I've only been "widowed" before by a man that was 18 years older than me and had adopted my BD20.

Yeah, we should write a book. I don't quite "get it" either. So what if they are with someone else? That's called life, you know? Big deal- lol

justanothergurlNJ's picture

BFK~I've been following your blog since I joined. I can't even begin to put myself in your shoes. I feel for you. If a divorce is really what you want, I can tell you 2 things, it is expensive, but well worth it, and the peace of mind it brings when all is said and done is PRICELESS!!!

Hold your head high, be strong and ALWAYS listen to your gut, your head and heart will play tricks on you but your gut will never steer you wrong!! You will find yourself on the rigth path in no time. GOOD LUCK!!!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

MiloMom- So, are you saying that those are the reasons for these "types" of BM's?

dragonfly5's picture

I want what you have...Wow, you are rational and want what is best for the is only a dream for me.

SO'ex we call her "crazo" she calls me the golden vagina. Is exactly what you describe C*ntzilla as, and more. I could tell your stories that no one would believe.

Yet I love my SO's kids and treat them with respect.
Crazo even acknowledges that I am wonderful with her kids but it doesn't stop her from acting insane...and hurting her own children to get what she wants.

I will never understand how a mother can use her children like pawns and not even care that she hurts them.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Dragonfly lol, I really don't pat myself on the back or give myself props as to how I handel my kids SM. lol Dream come true only came to mind when I realized I am not alone in the Nightmare on Baby Momma street.

To me it's common sense, he's my EX for a reason, he's a man not just a father, he has his needs and if he finds someone to make him happy who am I to ruin that, I didn't want him! As long as he chooses wisely and does what's best for my kids, which he did.

I guess I go round and round in my head trying to find logic in how these women act, they are children for gods sake don't put them in the middle!!

The one thing I'm pretty sure about is it's all about control!

stepmama.of.a.prince's picture

It is rare that things make sense to me...or seem even slightly fair.

But you sound amazing, and i WISH you were my BM..God bless you.

As far as your BM...Some people care more about themselves, money, and power than ANYTHING, and that includes their poor little innocent offspring.

I deal with a selfish nut job as well...I think the most you can do in that situation is have EVERYTHING spelled out in court documents so that she can have ZERO leverage against you and BF.

Best of luck to you my dear, you deserve the best.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

Stepmama, thank you, I'm actually in the process of typing up all the notebooks he have kept, for incindents, switches, scenes and any other of BM shanangins. We are in the beging of what I am expecting to be a VERY long drawn out process. She has with held visitation from BF for over a month now, has yet to file for an emergency hearing for her "concerns", nor has her lawyer, in which her Grandmother pays for. BF and I are left up to our own devices on how to pay a lawyer. He has been to legal services and spoke with a lawyer and the ball is in motion. I don't want to give to much detail, you never know who is stalking, and I'd like to keep our Aces in the hole till the timing is right. My first blog summed up everything on the back story of C*ntzilla.

I miss my skids, and it is breaking my BF's heart not seeing them, but we're sticking together and staying positive. I'm concerned with all the time that has gone by and the time this will take to settle how much damage will be done to the relationship between my BF and his sons. I can tell you with 100% certianity that BM is turning them on him and I'm sure lying to them about where daddy has been, they are 4 and 6 so they are young and impressionable!! It's heart wrenching for me to watch!!