Florida Child Support Law
In case anyone that lives in Florida is unaware of this new law-
A new statute has been signed signed by the Florida Governor, Charlie Crist - making significant changes to the child support system in Florida. Florida child support is based on a mathematical calculation.
The main factor that goes into that calculation is the Gross Income of both parents. In the old system, child support ended when each child reached the age of 18 (or 19 if still in high school). But there was a big problem that came up when the minor children reached 18. The old statute was set up to require parents file a petition, return to court and to seek an order ending child support. If there were multiple children, the law required a parent to seek an order recalculating the amount of child support each and every time one of the children reached adulthood. The effect of the old support statute was to create a huge financial hardship for parents.
Frequently, parents had to go back to court multiple times as each child became an adult. Human nature caused an additional problem: parents facing a required return visit to court always seem to want changes in parenting time. The end result was a series of court fights throughout the life of both parents. The new statute provides a solution to this long standing problem.
Beginning on October 12st, 2010 (certain provisions start on January 1st, 2011) (as of this writing), child support orders must be written differently. Any new child support order shall list the date the support will self-terminate. Normally, that date would be the 18th birthday of the child - or an alternate date based on extenuating circumstances. If there are multiple children, the order must contain a breakout of support amounts for each child, and a schedule of dates showing when the support for each child terminates.
The bottom line: parents will not be required to return to court when their child becomes an adult. The other big change affects the amount of child support - and how that amount is customized for each parenting situation. In the old system, child support was calculated by a standard formula for most situations.
But when the non-majority parent (non-custodial parent) had a certain amount of overnights with the child - the support calculation used a different formula. This alternate formula resulted in a drastically lower support number. The amount of overnights needed to trigger the alternate formula was 146. This resulted in continous battles between parents. While one parent fought for overnight parenting time exceeding 146 nights, the other parent fought back trying to stay below that number. The real fight in everyone’s mind was over money.
The new statute changes the trigger point from 146 overnights to 73 overnights. Because most non-custodial parents enjoy at least 73 overnights of parenting time - most situations will qualify for the alternate support calculation. That alternate calculation is called “Substantial Time Sharing.”
And once the alternate calculation is triggered, child support will vary according to the exact amount of overnight parenting time each parent is responsible for. At The Divorce Center, we believe the new statute will lessen fighting over money and direct the attention of parents to where it belongs: on their children.
- aggravated1's blog
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I hope it helps. Bm will try
I hope it helps. Bm will try to argue that we didn't have SD taht many overnights, but the court order states we get that many, she has jsut denied visitation. That is why we will be filing a contempt at the same time. ugh. Just thinking about doing all this again makes me nauseated!
Ditto! I never once took my
Ditto! I never once took my DS's "father" back to court to increase CS once the system finally caught up to him (DS was almost 10 before he paid a dime in CS).
BM, on the other hand, takes H back to court SO many times. I couldn't believe it! She hasn't taken him back to court in a couple of years after the last time SHE got hit with a Contempt order to pay H $500 for interfering with visitation. But now she is having another child and wants more CS before SD17 turns 18.
Yes, as in this case here. BM
Yes, as in this case here. BM slowly was able to "PAS" out SD6 to the point lately of crying when she had to come visit dad who has caved in to both of them and has been sent an email from BM's attorney STAT about modifying C/S. What a suprise. I thought she cared "about the kid", not the money? Sure. We have written signed agreements from BM with both signatures about the visitation change and that BM would not be seeking more C/S. BM never filed a complaint since but now is going for DH's throat. BM is also fixing to marry a doctor with a prestigous income, about 100,000 more than DH makes a year. :O
Man, will BM be set or what?
Maux- Indeed. I guess I was
Indeed. I guess I was the stupid one at age 19 years and in college and decided to be able to support myself and my daughter all alone.
I could have sooooooooo easily grabbed some wealthy dumb man and spit out a kid, filed for divorce living on C/S and alimony...
Hey! I have my dignity though! BM will look obvious in her lifestyle as to what she really is, a big- fat goldigger who can't take care of herself at age 41 years. Impressive. :?
Funny thing is that it has come to my attention that the new benefactor's wife is a loon and takes her ex-husband to court on a monthly basis. Oh yes, and the DV charges.
Wait until BM gets a "Real
Wait until BM gets a "Real Housewives" reality series and makes even more money! :jawdrop:
These people are incredibly pathetic and are unable to support themselves without support from others. What is truly nauseating is that I saw that those idiots from Jersey Shore made last year. One of them made $2Mil! OMFG! No skill, no intelligence, no talent and $2mil a year.
Hopefully BMs new Doc hubby has a great attorney and an air tight pre-nup and she will owe him when they divorce.
@ Rags. Damn! you nailed it
@ Rags. Damn! you nailed it exactly! I was told that she "used" to watch "Desperate Houswives" * gag *
I don't get it though. This "one" is not nailing a doc on account of her looks- trust me there. I'm not being mean but this woman is fugly.
The new "doc" is a fresh newbie in the land of divorce himself. 2009 to be exact and still kicking in the courts today. That could be the reasoning. He is a "Desperate Househusband" with two children. BM will make a nice maid for all of them. She is built for the job.
I wonder if he will take in my DH as well with the way things are going. I might try to hook all of them up. Then I can be left alone in peace, once again.
I'm impressed with the new
I'm impressed with the new legislation then...about time they do something to avoid increased course cases, wasted time and it became about the kids. BRAVO for FL!
I loved taking the SpermClan
I loved taking the SpermClan to court when they got stupid. Win or loose just pissing them off was worth it. Fortunately we never lost. However, even when we won I always felt like I needed a long hot shower to disinfect after going to court. The sleezy SpermClan, their sleezy lawyer and the sleezy judge just made my skin crawl.
I like the auto termination of CS and visitation. That is what it is where my SS's CO was resident. He turned 18 in Aug and we got the termination of CS/Visitation letters from the DA's office several weeks after his B-Day.
Interestingly, since CS ended he has not gotten one call from the SpermClan. No calls, no attempt to set up visitation for this Dec, no nothing. Though this is what I have wished for from the beginning of my S-Dad career, it is sad for my Skid that once his SpermClan has no financial skin in the game they don't give a shit about him. I guess they never did, but not calling after CS terminated is proof that they never really gave a crap to start with.