Somedays I just feel like the maid at the house...grrrr!
Ok....I hate it when my day starts off bad. It really puts me in a sour mood and I am not they type that likes to be in these kinds of moods.
My husband does not like it when I make our step daughter practice responsiblity at our home. All I ask is for her to make her bed and put her computer up at night....I learned a long time ago not to even mention unloading dishwasher or dusting...heaven forbit that. He did agree to the bed making and computer putting up....but I have come to realize that he is the one that does it for she doesnt even have to do that.
SO ok....I have tried and tried and tried to back off. But this morning, my husband calls me in his whiney voice. Seems he got a call from the ex and the sd has a sore throat and running a low grade temp, so she is staying home from school. Some way my name got brought up about baby-sitting the sick child. Well, I had already told my husband that I HAD to be at work in a converstation last night. So, at least he told the ex I had to work today. SO I DONT HAVE TO BABY SIT!!! YAY..
On the other hand, GGGRRRRRRRRR I cant say anything to her about cleanliness, but they want me to watch her.....that really stings!!!!!!!!
But....for some strange reason, I have a feeling that the sd will all of a sudden get better, because she is suppose to go to a game tonight. If they let her go to that game tonight, I think I will laugh my butt off.
Also, it is our weekend to have to sd....but, i know this is petty in me. But, being pregnate the last thing I want at this moment is to get sick. I wish she would stay at the mothers!!!!
- tryingtomakeit's blog
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How often do you have her?
How often do you have her?
50% of the time. Say we get
50% of the time.
Say we get her this weekend we will the turn around and get her Tuesday night through Friday morning. Then get her again Sunday night through Tuesday morning. It rotates like that.
Now I can see her not doing
Now I can see her not doing chores if she was jsut every other weekend, but not being 50/50.
Why does DH think she does not have to help?
Yeah I could see that too.
Yeah I could see that too.
She doesnt have to do anything at her mothers house that remotely sounds like the word chore. She tells me that often.
Her father thinks, and has told me this straight from his mouth, that he is afraid to make her do anything because she doesnt have to at her moms and that she will stop coming and not want to stay with us if we make her do things.
It is like a act of congress to make the child take a shower and she is 13. It is terrible!
It kills me because I am on the outside looking in and they just dont see that they are only hurting her.
Im have came to that
Im have came to that conlusion myself. The only time the sd thinks I exsist is when she wants something. I know most kids are that way, but its a different feeling when you cant displine them or make them be productive.
Are you living with me? This
Are you living with me?
This sounds just like my household...specifically the shower situation. My DH finally had to say to SD12: "I don't ask you to do chores or take care of things, so I am expecting you to take care of smell. You need to shower daily. You can hear this from me or the kids at school. I would prefer you took care of it and not get teased."
Don't do anything for her at
Don't do anything for her at all! Don't cook or clean or make sure she has clothes NOTHING!!! Your dh will get the hint. When she asks you something tell her to talk to her father and if he isn't home too bad! Only do for yourself. When dh asks what the deal is tell him that you are not anyone's maid and if he insists on sd not helping or doing for herself then he can do it! HE will get tired of having to do everything for his dd! Don't even make her take a shower her friends will tell her she stinks!