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Have you ever...?

Willow2010's picture

I was talking to DH last night and referred to BM as “BM”. I did not call her by her real name, I actually called her BM. LMAO.

DH thought I meant “bowl movement” and thought it was hilarious nick name. I didn’t have the heart to tell him it is how we refer the ex’s on an internet site?

I have almost called SS a skid and caught myself. Anyone ever do this?


dakotamom's picture

YES!!! it was a friday and everyone was talking abotu the weekend plans and i said i have to endure the skids this weekend. they looked at me funny and then i realized what i said adn had to laugh!

Couldawouldashoulda's picture

I'm so guilty. My onery SS called me "Steeeeeeeeppppppmooooooom" overexaggeratingly teasing me and w/out a thought I overexaggeratingly responded with Sssssssssssssssskkkkkiiiiid. Oops. Wink

lisa510's picture

I have had to stop myself from using the word "skid." Is it considered derogatory?

steptwins's picture

I don't like saying her real name. I always say: their Mother,
when referring to her. And to DH, I don't say ex-wife, I say, their mother. Weird.

antidrama's picture

Yes!!!!!! I've had to stop myself MANY times on the BM thing. BUT, not only does it stand for Bio Mother & Bowel Movement, but also BABY MAMMA.

SteppingUp's picture

I have had to stop myself many times from saying "BM" out loud. DF wouldn't care but it'd be pretty confusing to other people if I refered to her as BM instead of her name! Smile

3bk1sd's picture

DH and I call BM "b1tchface", it just seems suitable, lol. If the kids are around we don't. DH will say something like "oh, I got an email from "her" today" and I know who he means. If he's talking to SD he always refers to her as "your mother".
We refer to my exh as "sh1thead". LOL, one time I did it in front of him. DH called to see where I was and I said "oh, I just dropped of the kids, I'm talking to sh1thead", lol.Exh just gave me a dirty look, he's really very easy to get along with though, as long as you're not married to him.