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Are you kidding me? I have to defend DH's daughter???

Shaman29's picture

I believe hell froze over and pigs were flying around the city since last night.......

DH and I were having dinner last night. I asked if he is making any plans with his kid on her final week of summer visits. DH then starts crabbing about why should we make plans? All she's gonna do is sit in her room all day, doing her hair and watching TV. She'll come out for dinner and then head back in....crab....crab.....crab......crab.....

I asked him what his problem was? He said "After the stunt she pulled last week with the school clothes (see my blog from a few days ago), I'm just tired of her crap!" I pointed out that his KID didn't pull that stunt, it was Uberskank. He said my kid sent the text. I said...okay DH...let's apply a little logic to this......

Shaman29: When your kid texts you, how does she write it out. With cute little acronyms, bad grammar and smileys? Or does she suddenly become Shakespeare?
DH: She uses acroynms, bad grammar and smileys.
Shaman29: When you receive a text so long, it takes up two to four entries...who is usually the author of those texts?
DH: Uberskank.
Shaman29: So you figure this out DH. In the last month you received two long texts from your kid. What was the motivation behind each of those texts?
DH: Money.
Shaman29: So who do you think wrote the texts about the dentist and the shopping trip? Your kid or Uberskank?
DH: But they both came from XXXXX's phone.
Shaman29: No shit ajax. Cause Uberskank knows you'll just ignore her. But if XXXXX sends them, then you're sure to pay attention! Get a fricking clue here. It's not your kid.
DH: But she's allowing her mother to use her! Dammit!

Mind you were in a restaurant having this conversation and after that last comment I lost it. My words to DH..

"Why you hypocritical jackass! How dare you criticize your kid for doing EXACTLY what you've been doing for months and months. Rolling over and doing whatever Uberskank tells you to do, so you won't have to argue or fight with her. How dare you take this out on your kid! Oh...booohoooo....she's acting like a fricking teenager and you're all upset cause it reminds you of Uberskank. Well nut-up Dad! Who the hell do you think your kid reminds Uberskank of physcially? Your kid looks exactly like your side of the family, she has your body shape and your coloring. So think about the fact that every single time Uberskank looks at your kid, she sees you. Do you think that bitch is going to take it easy on your kid because she's such a loving mother? Or do you think that bitch is going to treat your kid the same way she treats yoou? And she knows your kid has your personality. So do you think your kid is going to fight? Or will she do what Dad does and give in to stay off of her radar?? I love you but you are being a hypocrite. And you better listen to me jackass....because out of all of the people in this world you know I'm going to be the last one in line to defend your kid!"


Did I really just say all of that??? Holy crap!


Rags's picture

Applause!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Biggrin

How did he take your little rant?

Well and to heart I hope.

Best regards,

Shaman29's picture

I think he took it to heart. By the time we were heading to bed his mood changed from crabby to sort of crabby. Smile

JustAnotherSM's picture

That's great! Sounds like you put everything into perspective for DH. Kudos to you!

Shaman29's picture

He started to get very, very angry while I was speaking, until what I said starting sinking into his very thick skull. He gave me the "look".....and I, are you going to do the usual mull it over for two or three days before admitting I'm right? Or do you just want to get it over with now? Biggrin

His mood improved a lot after my heated speech. Before bed I gave him another chance to cut out the waiting period and tell me I was right. He declined. }:)

This morning he was in a much better mood and I asked "So, DH.....ready to tell me I'm right yet?". He gave me a little smile and said he was still thinking it over. Wink