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Still up

lovelymother's picture

Today we went to a funeral dh's uncle passed away. He had been battling cancer for a year. I left the funeral home feeling grateful. IM grateful for the family that I have.Brothers, aunts, uncles grandma, everyone! I love my little family and I know at times I get frustrated, but Im only human. It brought back memories of when my mother passed away 14 years ago. (SAME FUNERAL HOME) I love my life and wouldnt change a thing. Im going to make sure I stop and soak up all the little things in life. Never know when my day will come or anyones for that matter.


mom2five's picture

That must have been really hard. I went to visit a friend in the hospital a few weeks ago. She was on the same floor as my grandmother was when she passed away. It brought back a flood of memories for me.

Sometimes it's easy to forget that none of us are getting out of here alive. We only have such a short amount of time on this earth.

stormabruin's picture

I'm sorry for your loss, & for your sadness. I'm inspired by your thought to look at the things you're blessed to have in your everyday life. Those things are so easy to overlook sometimes & tend to get overshadowed as we experience our struggles. Thank you for you post. Smile