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Crap- Not again! how many times can she cry "cancer" and expect us to believe her?!

Last-Wife's picture

Loca Grande couldn't get ahold of me or Loghead this morning, so she called Princess 18, and left her a VOICEMAIL, saying she has thyroid cancer.

Stupid b^%$&. Who leaves crap like that on a kid's voicemail? She left 3 strange and frantic messages for me this morning- asking to have the boys call her, since she hasn't talked to Princess in almost a month. She called Loghead and woke him up at 8:00 am to talk about a dental appointment for PITA 15. Then she starts leaving me messages- the last one saying she really needs to talk to Lazy Boye 14 because she has to have surgery.

I tell Lazy Boye to call her back when he wakes up. He left messages on her phone and her husband's phone. A few hours later, I get a text from Princess that says, "WTH. Loca Grande left me voicemail. She says she has thyroid cancer?"

Princess is at work, so I really don't have any other details from her. I call Loghead, who has since left with the boys to go do some yard work at the in-laws. I tell him what Princess said. My anger grows that she would tell something- that may not even be true- to a child by VOICEMAIL.

I call Loca Grande's mother. i'm thinking it's another "cancer" scam that Loca Grande pulls every so often, just so I can get her mother's reaction. Lil Grandma says she also received a voicemail from loca Grande this morning, and knows nothing about it. She says she will meet with Loca Grande today to get more info and call me back.

At this point, I'm not too worried. I'm pissed she would do this to the kids. she had to have a breast biopsy last fall and made a BFD to the skids about it. I even took them out of school to go sit with them at the hospital since she insisted they be there... It was nothing.

About 5 years ago, she'd claimed she had a tumor on her breast- but shut up about it when my mother actually did get breast cancer...

About 11 years ago, she disappeared for awhile, and claimed she had gone to stay with her father in Florida while getting treatments for ovarian cancer. She said she left home, because she didn't want the kids to see her sick... Turns out she'd actually been in the loony bin.

I'm sorry. I dealt with my mom actually going through chemo and radiation. I even had a scare myself, which I kept VERY private, because I didn't want to upset the children if it was nothing... You don't shout "cancer" unless it's true. What a twisted b$#%^ to leave that on her daughter's voicemail! I am so furious right now, I can hardly see straight. how would she tell that to one of the kids without talking to Loghead and informing him first, so he could have the right information to be able to comfort the kids and give them support?!

I don't believe her. She's cried "wolf' too many times, and done too many hateful things to PITA and Princess in the last few months. Sadly, I don't bye it. I think this is her attempt to get even, to try to get them to turn back to her, to give her attention.... It she's lying, she's even more mentally ill than I originally thought...


stormabruin's picture

"I don't believe her. She's cried "wolf' too many times, and done too many hateful things to PITA and Princess in the last few months. Sadly, I don't bye it. I think this is her attempt to get even, to try to get them to turn back to her, to give her attention.... It she's lying, she's even more mentally ill than I originally thought..."
OMG!!! I would never have believed there was another one out there!!! This is how BM got skids to run back into her arms when they were so hurt & angry because she left them. She had 8 months to live 6 years ago...

What kind of mother does this???

Last-Wife's picture

"What kind of mother does this?" Apparently, the ones that gave birth to our skids, the ones we have to deal with...

I pray every day the little things- and big- that she has done does not warp them for life. I pray they see that their father and I stayed constant for them...

stormabruin's picture


Jsmom's picture

Honestly, Thyroid cancer is probably one of the easiest if you have to have cancer. They generally remove the Thyroid and put you on meds. That is it. My late husband had it in 1990 and the only thing he had was two months off of work after the surgery and the medicine to replace the thyroid caused insomnia. I think he was 29 at the time.

Sounds like a drama queen. Let her enjoy the drama, the kids will eventually see through it and not take her seriously about anything after this. If they even do now.