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What do they learn in school?

jojo68's picture

I am usually the one who helps Princess do her homework. She is nearing the end of her fourth grade year. I have always suspected that Princess has ADD but the school has never caught it so I'm probably wrong. She attends a public school in's the deal...she has a hard time with reading and comprehension and still reads aloud, does not know how to write in cursive, can't add and subtract without counting on fingers, and doesn't know her timetables yet. She makes the A-B honor roll most of the time so it isn't her not doing her work or failing tests. I seem to remember my older children having been taught cursive, multiplication tables, and simple adding and subtracting to be done in your head when they got out of 3rd grade. Has something in school changed and they are waiting to teach these things or what?


folkmom's picture


jojo68's picture

I know that is what I thought too. I don't understand what is going on. Princess does estimation and does ok with that but she is totally lost with fractions. She could never in a million years write a book report. I told my BF that he should talk to the teacher and find out what is going on cause it all seems kinda weird to me.

jojo68's picture

There isn't....but there is reading comprehension which I don't understand how Princess is going to pass.

jojo68's picture

OMG....I is absolutely ridiculous...but you know, the school my son goes to is absolutely different...they push his butt to the limit like they should. He takes the GT classes and they kick his butt somtimes but that is good for him. He needs to be challenged. But this school Princess goes to seems to be teaching at a much lower level than what I would think is normal.