My FINAL reply to SD
This is the last of the drama, because I'm finished with this. I can't stand her tone, her continued misplaced resentment, her having her mother and family involved in this. I'M PISSED! She wants to talk down to me like I'm some kid, then she's getting the same tone from me. I've sent her this response and I'm washing my hands of this and her. I've deleted my e-mail account because I want no more of this crap. I know I'll get a LOT of replies about how wrong this is, how horrible I sound, how I shouldn't have done this. And that could be true, but this woman is on my last nerve! I took the liberty of quoting some of the responses that I got from the wonderful members of ST. I hope none of you will mind. (Crayon, I loved your wording about SD's tone of her letter, so I quoted your words).
First and foremost, this has nothing to do with your family, SS, your mom, or anyone else. I don't understand why you keep bringing other people into this. I'm only going to respond to your statements about other people when it's necessary because you keep bringing them into this even though you can't speak for them. Otherwise, this is you and me. Period.
So now the gloves are off. I tried my best to hold back in the previous letter, but I'm done with that. There are many, many things that need to be said and unfortunately, I'm the only one with the balls to say them to you and the only one who doesn't give a rat's ass what you think of it, so here it goes. I just love your pious, sanctimonious tone as if I could actually learn something from you. Ha. Someone with little to no life experience, no kids, never married, and her head up her butt is trying to tell her father and I what life is about and how things should be. What a joke. "Shady things"? You are standing in the shadiest place that exists. Again you go back to you not seeing your dad. That's your problem, and your problem alone. I KNOW that he has called you, just to be hung up on before he can even say goodbye. That's not disrespectful? You can't find time in your uber-busy day to see your Dad on Father's Day? OK, yet I'm the one holding you back?
He will always worry about you. HE IS YOUR FATHER! As for helping financially? Well, there wouldn't be a problem with that if it was actually HELP. When you ask to borrow money, that implies that you will actually pay it back. Have you ever paid him back any of the money you 'borrowed'. I don't think so. When you haven't worked the entire summer because you were too busy sitting around and partying with friends, but yet you feel you 'need' a vacation, maybe what you really needed was a J.O.B. Why would you need a vacation? What are you tired from? Sitting around all summer? Instead of taking your Dad's money, you should have worked for it yourself. OR perhaps you could have paid him back. Wouldn't that have been more respectful?
You say that I don't trust your Dad to talk to your Mom. Sorry, wrong. It's not an issue of trust. I completely trust him when it comes to any other women. Not a problem. The issue is that you're adults. You have phones, cars, and the freedom of adults. If there's something going on, he can talk to you or your brother direct. If he wants to visit you, he can set it up with you. There's no alimony, child support, custody issues, shared property, nothing anymore. The divorce is final. So what's the point of going through your mother? And frankly, after hearing her through the phone chewing your Dad out, why should he even bother going through her anymore when there's no need. KISS is the motto: Keep It Simple Stupid. Why complicate things and possibly open up a Pandora's box of issues? Makes no sense, and it was proven when she called here the last time. Chapter closed.
You say that you respect your Dad? HA! That's so laughable. I recall an instance at your graduation party in Ohio that shocked everyone in the room and had your Dad's side of the family defending him. Let's see...if I recall correctly, the exact words were "I know I don't need his permission, I just want him to pay for it!" If I ever spoke to my father that way, I'd have a size 13 shoe up my ass sideways. Perhaps that's something that would have set you straight as well. Another: "Don't you just love how he takes pictures of absolutely nothing?" "Dad, you're such a dork." The examples of disrespectful and condescending remarks are endless. I don't know what your definition of respect is, but it certainly doesn't resemble the definition in Webster's. Even your previous letter from last year was dictatorial and condescending to him. You dictate to him about marriage (how many times have you been married?), you dictate to him what he should do with his life and how he should live while you're still hovering at home. You say you don't want to give him an ultimatum. What do you think that entire letter was? It was one huge ultimatum. You say "I'm speaking for just myself" yet SS was peppered into the entire thing. It was just riddled with contradictions. You do that when you talk, too. I swear you love the sound of your own voice. You interject it into a conversation that you have no clue about just so you can hear yourself. What you really end up doing is looking uneducated. Better to keep quiet than to sound like a fool.
Speaking of that party, when you came to the car to thank your father, you forgot the rest of your sentence. Let me finish it for you: "Thanks for throwing the party for me Dad." (Now the part that was missing...) "And thanks Stepoff for helping. I know you're 8 months pregnant and running your butt off for 2 days straight in the mid-summer heat to help throw my ungrateful butt this party so I could shoot my mouth off to my father and embarrass him in front of his family. I really appreciate it!"
You write "he is entitled to pay for my schooling." "my father helping me out with my school (which is is obligated, on paper)" "Dad should be able to help us", "Mom doesn't have much money and I'm not financially stable", "its not like i am out to get his money". Blah, blah, blah, money, money, money. What a greedy mind you have. If you aren't financially stable, who's fault is that? At your age, your father was already married with a kid and wife to support with all the bills that come with it. At your age, I was working 3 jobs and supporting myself entirely with rent, utilities, food, insurance, car maintenance, the works. We both succeeded in life without a bachelor's degree. We both worked since we were teens. I worked until the age of 37. So what makes you so different? A sense of entitlement and a lazy streak, that's what. Again, nobody's fault or problem but your own. If you choose to work a menial retail job instead of what you went to school for, that's your choice. If you can't get along with anyone in the workplace, that's something you need to work on. You will reap either the benefits or the disadvantages of whatever job you choose in your life. And on the topic of money (your favorite), you dropped out of jr. college because you said you didn't want to waste your Dad's money. So you rushed into beauty school (because your friend was doing it) only to decide after 6 months of working that you don't like to do that either. How is that not wasting his money? Now I understand nursing school is the profession of the day. Again, your friend is doing it so therefore you must do it. Good luck to you! Have you ever considered a career counselor? You need to decide what is right for you, not for your friends. It's like the old saying goes: "If your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to jump too?"
"When it comes to my father helping me out with my school (which is is obligated, on paper) then that is considered YOUR finances because you two are married, so that part is my business." Um, nope. Your business is making a success out of your career choice and being responsible for your portion of the student loan. That's it.
You say you are mature? OMG, that actually made me laugh. You have got to be one of the most immature 21 year olds I have ever known. You can't go anywhere by yourself. You have to bring your 'posse' with you. Why are you scared to do normal day-to-day things? Why are you scared to do anything yourself? Why are you scared to take the reins of your own life? Where's the sense of independence that every 18 year old longs for? You say you do 'everything' on your own except for live on your own. Well, that's a HUGE part of growing up and independence. It might be time to take that leap, yeah? You still need your mother to call your boss and yell at her for firing you? You need her to call your Dad and yell at him because (God forbid) I actually sent you YOUR bill? I have been saying for a while now that I think there's actually something wrong. You're really a 13 year old kid stuck in the body of a 21 year old. My theory: you were so shocked at the news of your parents splitting that you became mentally paralyzed and haven't matured at all since that moment. You have insurance now. You can find a 'neutral third-party' to help you to work through that. And I'm not saying that to be condescending. I really think you could benefit a lot by getting some help. You also view me as an obstacle in your life; someone who is keeping your father from you and making him 'cut you off'. Did you ever stop to think that it is simply the timing of things that you are confused with? I met your father when you were 16, almost 17. So for that one year until you became 18, yes, he continued to support you. When you turned 18 and the divorce was finished and you were expected to begin to behave like an adult, suddenly it's my fault. In your mind, it's me who is pulling strings on your father like he's some kind of puppet. Maybe it's just the natural progression of becoming an adult. Don't you think you misplaced and misdirected your anger and hatred all these years? Instead of being bitchy and disrespectful to me, maybe you should have stopped to realize that you're an adult and this would have happened regardless of whether I was in the picture or not. You never stop to think.
As for the insurance, ABSOLUTELY. Yep (raises hand) that was me. Do I care that you don't 'appreciate it'? Not one bit. Why would you think your Mom would have called? You make no sense. Your Mom isn't on the policy, therefore, if she called they wouldn't even give her any info anyway. Again, your bills are your bills. If you don't want to pay for them or can't afford them, then don't create them. You need to get your address changed with your doctor, because any of your bills that arrive here WILL be sent to you, like it or not. You can have whoever you like call here to complain and harrass your father about it, but it won't make any bit of difference. You're a big girl now honey, time to put those big-girl panties on and take care of your business. You got lucky with the new Obama-care rules. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. If you don't handle your business like the adult you claim to be, then I will. And if that doesn't settle well with you, you're always free to go back to your own health insurance. That's your choice.
You think I need to show you respect? Are you serious? I don't owe you a single thing. You will never respect me? That's fine. I can absolutely live without the respect of someone half my age. You say I never showed you respect and I was out to get you? When you used to visit would be talking, all sitting within inches of each other, and you refer to me as "she" and "her". You can never look me in the eye. You can't say hello when you arrive. You come here and crawl into a little ball on the couch and text your friends when you're supposed to be spending time with your father that you keep complaining to that I'm keeping you from. How many dinners did I cook for you when you came to visit your Dad? You like sweet-n-sour chicken. Fine. You like salad. Fine. You bring your friend. Fine. You fall asleep visiting your Dad. Fine. You needed a gift list for him for Christmas. Fine. You invited yourself to Florida without anyone asking you to go. Fine. You're going to be late visiting again? Fine, we'll rearrange our schedule to accommodate you. You come here a week after Easter to tell your father that it's not fair that he has to 'sneak around to talk to Mom', and "are you happy Dad?" Not fine. And I even let you back into our home after that episode to come see your grandparents when they visited. Yet according to you I haven't tried to take it all in stride and give you chance after chance after chance to be a decent person. Nice of you to try to plant your seeds of destruction. What you don't realize is that I know more than you think I do. And you speak of disrespect? Who's the hypocrite now?
You don't consider me 'any form of family'. That's fine too. Frankly, we're not family. You're my husband's daughter. That's it. That's all you are to me anymore. We don't have to see each other. We don't need to speak. We don't need to ... anything. The only relationship you have with anyone under our roof is with your father. Period. You have a 'right' to see our boys? Um, sorry sweetheart, no you don't. You have no rights or legal ties to anyone here. Yes, they are your father's kids, too. But it is the job of a parent (again, something you don't understand) to first and foremost protect their child. Do I think you're Satan? No. But ask me if I trust you at all. Do your father and I make decisions together? Yes. But after your pissy little letter, this is one topic that I cannot and will not flex on. You need to learn to engage your brain before having diarrhea of the mouth. Don't worry about their happiness, safety, etc. That's what parents are for. You are grossly overstepping your bounds and seem to think that you have some type of authority or control. But I'll tell you what, if you want to see them in the future, you let me know. It will have to be around the age of 8 at the earliest. I'll let them read your letter about how they don't need a father because your Dad "didn't stay with your Mom just for you". Then they can make their own decision. Sound fair? Try talking your way out of that one. You've got 6 years to work on your speech.
This is your father's house? *BUZZ* wrong again. This is our house, and you are not welcome here anymore. "You do realize that she is around, me and SS want no part in it". That's you boycotting our home. Please, continue. I insist now. You think, "So there is another case in which you have influenced my dad into keeping me from him." Nope, you can see him anywhere you like, just not here. So I'm influencing him to stay away from you by not wanting you here anymore, yet you write "I honestly never want to see her again, and that affects my relationship with you". So you admit in one breath that your boycott of our home affects your relationship with your father, and you're okay with that. But when I say I don't want you here, then suddenly I'm keeping you from your Dad. Ugh, stop the double-standards. You say these things and then get mad when I don't want you to come around here, even into our garage. It might be time for you to listen to the things you yourself say. You seem to be confused.
What I really believe is going on with you is that you like to cause trouble and then play the victim role. "lets put all this behind us in front of the family." Yes, I know, so you can look like an angel and then say "see, I'm so nice but she just doesn't give me a chance". Well, others might fall for it but I'm not buying it. You say I don't know you. So then, pray tell, why is it that I can predict just about every move you make, everything you will say, before you say or do it? I've told your father many, many times the outcome of the decisions you make even before it happens. I told him that beauty school was a bad idea. Why? Because you can't get along with people at work. They either fire you or make it so uncomfortable for you to work there so that you'll leave. But wait, it's always their fault right? Please forgive, but you're just too flaky to stick with anything. So, what was the outcome of beauty school? I've always been right. How is that? It's because I've got you pegged. I know exactly who you are. I don't need to talk to you or be around you to know how you think. You're pretty transparent and obvious.
You call me a hypocrite? Well, disrespectful little girl, let me enlighten you. Did we live with my parents? Yes, for 3 months until we found our home. Did we pay them rent? Yes. Did we keep the stay there short? Yes we did. Did we ever borrow money from them? Yes we did. It was paid back in 2 weeks. Did we call them dorks, or ask to borrow money and not pay it back, or sit around and let them cook and clean for us without helping? No. See, that's showing respect for people. A LOAN is repaid, a GIFT is not. Not that any of these details are any of your business. Just using them as a learning tool for you.
"Yes i know you are married to him but when you say its in our hands to call and visit, well then why is it that it seems next to impossible to get him to get together with me or my brother". Why are you asking me this? Why don't you ask your father? You don't seem to be getting it into your head that I have nothing to do with your relationship with your father. Let me repeat just in case you didn't catch that again: I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FATHER. Did you catch it that time? I hope so, because I'm not repeating it again.
"i would never be jealous or expect my dad to neglect them because feeling neglected from your father is a terrible feeling, and i would never wish that upon anyone else." So what you're saying is that you feel neglected by your father. Why? He has tried on many, many occasions to meet with you only to hear that you're too busy. Do you feel financially neglected? If so, why? You're an adult now. Do you feel emotionally neglected? If you would make some time for him, maybe you could resolve that yourself. Honestly, please get some help. It could only benefit you.
One last thing: Maybe you should try to write a letter by yourself, too, instead of having your Mom do your homework for you.
- stepoff's blog
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Honey, this is a bad
Honey, this is a bad idea.
You have to take the emotion out of it. Take about 48 hours and step away from this. Do not think about it. The world is not going to end because you didn't send this email/letter. Put some mental distance between yourself and this reply. Then, come back to it and start editing. Take out anything that has to do with the past. Take out "You" statements and replace them with "I" statements. Take out statements that tend to blame or finger-point. Take out statements that relate to the XW. Then, start over. Write about the present... write about how you feel, what you see, what you want. But leave the emotion OUT.
Stop stirring the shit bucket. Dump it out and clean it up. You will only have peace by taking the stink out.
When does an adult child
When does an adult child learn her lesson on how to treat people? If she can treat her parents this way, she is liable to treat anyone this way.
Thanks PF. Your avatar is
Thanks PF. Your avatar is spot-on. You know the part that just made me lose it and click on the send button? It was the part where she's telling me that she has rights to our kids. Never dictate to momma bear what is good for her cubs.
But why does the SM have to
But why does the SM have to be the one to "teach" her that lesson?
Do you really think anything - and I mean ANYTHING - that stepoff writes in this obviously labored-over letter is going to turn the lightbulb on for anyone? Nope. It'll be skimmed over, really egregious parts of it will be committed to memory and hashed and rehashed within the family, and it will change nothing. Abso-freakin-lutely nothing. It might make stepoff feel better for the moment, because she was able to get things off her chest, but in the long run, it will do nothing. Well, except make things even worse than they are now.
Actions may mean more than words, but as we all now far too well, words can do an awful lot of damage. Words can poison the flow of respect and kindness in a family. Seems like a lot of word-related poisoning, as well as some possible playing-of-both-sides (on behalf of the husband/dad) has been done in this family. Wouldn't it be a good time to stop?
And before you ask "well why should the SM have to be the one to stop?" - it's because she knows she can.
I agree, thus the point i was
I agree, thus the point i was making with my rhetorical question.
People need to stop babying their kids and making excuses for their actions " oh she's confused, she came from a broken home la la la" I seen the same excuses for my half brother and 2 sisters and they are all around 40 years old and you know what guys..THEY TREAT THEIR PARENTS WORSE NOW AT 40 THEN THEY DID AS TEENAGERS. NO ONE put them in their one, and they carried this thing, this grudge through life and they treat other people like this because they came from a divorced home. Is it easy for me to say? yeah it is, but I know whats right and whats wrong and so do they and treating people like shit because you come from a broken home is in no way right. If coming from a "broken" home is holding you back in life..get help, speak to people, join support groups. DOnt use it as a crutch your entire life to be an ignorant SOB.
I am sure it is not a popular
I am sure it is not a popular view point, but I say good for your Stepoff for taking a stand against that ungrateful snot. I get so tired of everyone shifting blame, and how we should always take the "high" road. I was taught to stand up for myself and what I believe in. You tried being nice, extending an olive branch so to speak only to get beat with it. So, good for you for giving her a piece of your mind and your true thoughts on her behavior towards you and the man you love.
DH used to tell me all the
DH used to tell me all the time: you're older than her, be the bigger person, don't let her get to you. Well, had he stopped her in her tracks the very first time she gave me shit, we wouldn't be in this place. He HAS tried playing both sides of the coin and now it has backfired on him in a big way. I kept telling him to not give her personal information about our lives, but he wouldn't listen. He told her that we were expecting last September, she said "you're kidding", he said "I want you to be the godmother" without even asking me about it. Why the hell would I want her to be BS's godmother when she has made it very clear that she didn't want us to have any kids ever, and she gave me and DH shit both times I was pregnant and has tried her best to split us apart. Well, now she's pissed. Not my fault. DH puts himself right in the middle of things and creates a mess, now I have to be the bitch and stand up because he wouldn't. We're actually seeing a counselor now, and she has been blown away by the stories of things that SD has done and what DH has done FOR SD. I have stood along the sidelines waiting for DH to put her in check, but nothing ever happened.
She won't 'use' this against me because she knows it is true, and she knows that her family will agree with it. Her own grandparents don't like her and DH's mother has pretty much had it with her too. It will embarrass her too much to let anyone read it.
She'll probably cut and paste
She'll probably cut and paste it to make it no longer the letter you actually wrote...... my SD20 did that....
Oh, Sia, I'm smarter than
Oh, Sia, I'm smarter than that. I cc'ed Dh on all of my e-mails to her. I know what she's up to.
I didn't the 1st email I
I didn't the 1st email I wrote to SD20, but did every one after that! live and learn
"I kept telling him to not
"I kept telling him to not give her personal information about our lives, but he wouldn't listen."
I don't understand the need for parents to share personal information with their kids. I had to ask DH several times to please let our business be OUR business. Kids don't need to know how much we pay for our home, our electric bill, our cell bill, etc. They don't need to know how much my car payment is or how much I paid for MY dog. It's none of their business how much we spent on our couch or TV. I didn't care about ANY of that when I was growing up. They just want the info to carry back to BM. He said SS asked, so he told. I told him the best answer he could give SS when he made nosey inquiries was, "IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS", & leave it at that. What we spend in/on OUR house is OUR business.
I so agree... i would bet
I so agree... i would bet money that the main reason bm is trying to get more money from us is b/c dh's dumb ass runs his mouth about things we have/get..... he trys to downplay, but wtf bring it up or answer skids questions regarding money in the first place... makes me want to slap him!
keep the letter and use some
keep the letter and use some of your points given the right time verbally! i'm sure you can't wait to send it and i'm sure it would send sd & bm through the roof. BUT you are sinking to her level and do you really want this out there for her to show the whole family and claim to be even more of a victim??
seriously, ignore her.... look how much time & energy you wasted writing that letter?? maybe it helped to get it on paper, but don't send it... imho
I totally feel the same way
I totally feel the same way about my SD. I'm soooo done, I can't stand it anymore. SOme of these damn kids are so catered to it isn't funny. Then they feel the need to become sanctamonious when you confront them.....UGH.......I so feel you on this one... funny, sounds like something I would've written!
In my opinion, not a highly
In my opinion, not a highly shared opinion either, but in my own opinion...sometimes you have to give a SK a verbal smack upside the head. Even though she may not take it to heart or even though she may not learn from it right away, I think step parents have a right to stick up for themselves, they deserve respect from skids and DH. STep parents DO NOT have to put up with bull shit from BM or DH or skids. These mouthy kids have to learn that they can not walk through life talking and treating people the way they feel they can. Because one day, they will say the wrong thing to the wrong person and the smack up side the head will be the real one. Sometimes you have to hurt their feelings a little to really hit home. There is a time to be caring and protective and then there is a time to let your kids fall on their ass a few times and take the bumps and scrapes because lets face it people, we will not be around for their entire life span, they need to learn to be well adjusted, responsible hard working adults who can do for themselves. I would hate to leave this world knowing my kid ( as an adult) was rude, cruel or can't do for themselves because I coddled them all their life and made excuses for them. Life owes no one nothing and kids have to realize that too. Life will give back what you put into it and even then you don't get back what you put in. It's a tough world and a cruel one, so, so what if our kids have a few calluses on their hyde. When the going get's tough, the tough get going. Kids are too pampered today and rarely suffer the consequences for their actions anymore. Too many parents take the fall for their childrens stupidity, so who is going to take the fall for them when the parents are gone? Because the kids sure as hell won't know who to.
SD is 21. She needs someone
SD is 21. She needs someone to teach her that it's time to put on the big girl panties. I like the letter, and feel that yes, it sounds angry, but you provided many examples of the behavior she needs to stop, and behavior she needs to adopt. I am currently in nursing school now, and my class started out at 140. One year later, class dwindled down to a little over 50 people. Spending 40,000 yearly is an investment, and something I WISH my father could help me with, but I prefer to do it on my own, just because I am conscious that my father has 6 kids, 2 of whom are younger, and most of who need the help more than I do.
Your SD is being coddled by all the adults around her, instead of anyone teaching her that she is wrong, that she needs to become a woman now.
Finally, stepoff, it's not like you called her out her name, or demeaned her in any way. Your letter was truthful and to the point. You in no way, shape, or form, are telling her that you will not allow your H to see her; you are setting your boundaries, and I applaud that.
Hopefully, she will take what she needs from the letter, and realize how wrong she is, in order for her relationship to possibly progress with you again. If not, it's not like she has the excuse of being ignorant to how you feel. It's called growing up, and it's too bad you now have to be labelled "wrong", for trying to help her see herself for what she is.
I congratulate you on going
I congratulate you on going to nursing school. One of my SIL's did that and she is a nursing manager down in Florida and doing well. She has said in the past how difficult the training was. The problem I have with SD is that she flip-flops all.the.time. Like I said to her, she's too flaky. She can't choose one thing and just go with it. First jr. college, then beauty school, now she wants nursing school. How many schools does she think DH is "entitled" to put her through? That's the reason for the divorce decree amendment. Even DH said after reading her letter that his obligation is done. He told her this when she signed up for beauty school. Before she was even done with beauty school she said to DH "I need to go back to college to take some business classes so I can open my own salon". His response was "well, you'll have to pay for that yourself." She thinks he is just an open wallet and obligated to continue supporting her until she gets married if ever. Nevermind the fact that he has 2 little ones, kids, that need to be raised. It's all about SD.
I hate so say it but crayon
I hate so say it but crayon is right chances are the letter will not phase her a bit it is wasted energy on someone so obviously undeserving.
Isn't it obvious that the
Isn't it obvious that the saying about what you put out there comes right back to you is true?
Look at the SD... she keeps putting her "stuff" out there. And it keeps coming back to her - via SM. It's a destructive, vicious cycle. And it will only continue as you let it. Your replying continues the cycle.
You ladies are caught in quite the dysfunctional dance. Turn off the music and step off the dance floor.
I would wait a week and cool
I would wait a week and cool off. Then if you still feel strongly write the letter and let the chips fall where they may. Don't do it while you are this angry. I understand angy and would like to write another letter to BM but, all it will do is make me feel better for a little while and then probably used against us in court. Slow down and wait.
All of this is GREAT advice
All of this is GREAT advice about how the DH SHOULD set boundaries, etc, BUT, when they wont'/don't, sometimes you have to do what you have to do for yourself!
That's not nice. You have no
That's not nice. You have no idea what someone has been through to get to this point, so why judge? I've been through rough stuff too, and you can only "take the high road" or "bite your tongue" for so long, then any normal person would burst....cut her some slack...
Way to be supportive and
Way to be supportive and positive. There is a difference in offering an opposite opinion and being arrogant and nasty.
I don't think it's about if
I don't think it's about if she loved & respected her husband. If he loved & respected his wife, he wouldn't have let it reach this point. Everyone has a breaking point. Just because DH is willing to let his daughter treat him disrespectfully doesn't mean Stepoff is obligated to follow suit.
If stepoff had told sd,
If stepoff had told sd, "bitch, you are no longer allowed in your father's life" or had she given her husband a veiled ultimatum, "I don't want to give you an ultimatum, but I don't like sd and it's affecting our relationship as well as or bios", THAT is being immature. Stepoff stands up for herself WITHOUT resorting to threats and name calling and you call that being a snotty princess? Blendedfam, you can make points without name calling, you know. It just makes YOU look immature. You can also save your pity for something useful as I don't think stepoff's husband needs it.
Stepoff, I could've written
I could've written your letter and there were sooo many times that I wanted to. I will say that in a few face to face meetings I was able to be frank with SD and set some clear boundaries.
Everything that you wrote in the letter - you have the right to say. Taking the high road time after time is exhausting but sometimes it is worth the effort.
I just hope the letter will not backfire on you. I know what that is like too. Keep us posted.
Hi Stepoff, I agree with
Hi Stepoff,
I agree with Glynne - everything you wrote in that letter was justified and you had the right to say it. Facts are facts. I agree with the others that applaud you for what you wrote to your ADULT SD.
Of course we ALL advocate taking the high road, biting your tongue when you really want to SCREAM, ignoring comments/actions when you really want to defend yourself. However, we are all human at the end of the day.
I hope that the letter does not cause any negative things in your life - you've obviously endured more than most just by having to write it in the first place.
Please know that you'll be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a future of peace & serenity from all of your skid drama from this point forward. Keep in touch!! We will always have your back.
Milo, you brought a tear to
Milo, you brought a tear to my eye and I'm all choked up. Thanks honey!
Awwww stepoff, you're
Awwww stepoff, you're welcome.
I know how difficult being in this stepmom world can get - I'm living it, too. We try to do what's right, we try to "stay out of it", we try to love even when it isn't reciprocated...we still try and try. We all know how you feel. We've all been there, done that, have the t-shirt, have worn it many times.
When I read your letter to your SD, it was like I was reading something that I could totally envision writing myself someday - not because I WANT to write it (who the hell WANTS another human being to dislike them this much to cause all of this drama to begin with? hello??), but because I HAVE to write it - whether to defend myself, my honor, my character, to "put it all out there", to finally have a voice after all the years of "sucking it up", for whatever reason.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You're human. You were pushed and pushed, and poked and prodded, to the point of frustration beyond all other frustration that you had ever felt before. I get that, stepoff, I really do.
Who is anyone to say that you were wrong? Only you are walking in your shoes. There are MANY of us here that read your letter and a little part of us STOOD UP CLAPPING AND CHEERING for you...with our eyes tearing up and our hearts feeling your pain with you. I know I did. Anyone else that won't admit it - well, they're just "taking the high road" in their own way - but I think that deep down, we all felt for you in one way or another. You are brave and you stood up for yourself. You have my utmost respect and you are an inspiration. I felt the relief for you by reading your words in that letter - it was raw, truthful, facts and you let it all out. Good for you.
Nicely said, Milo. We often
Nicely said, Milo.
We often forget that although we may have differences of opinion - we more often share the same experiences and frustrations and if we FINALLY say ENOUGH - who is to say that is the wrong thing to do.
"We will always have your back" LIKE.
Thanks Glynne. I myself have
Thanks Glynne.
I myself have "taken the high road" throughout many difficult situations that I've faced in my life - even moreso for the past 6+ years since I've met my BF and have experienced all this "wonderful craziness" that is BM/skid related. It's funny, because the reason I even went on to the internet and found this wonderful place called "Steptalk" is because at that moment on that day, I was "taking the high road" at a point in my life where I was at "the breaking point" in dealing with one of those BM/skid related issues - and searching for support and advice when I needed it most!!
So you see, we are all human and we all try to do our best. On that particular day, I happened to be lucky enough to find all of you here on Step Talk to help me with this CRAZY road we call our "steplives". However, on the day that Stepoff wrote this email/letter to her ADULT SD, she did what SHE needed to do and what SHE thought was best and was necessary for the situation. Therefore, I don't judge Stepoff. Rather, I applaud her for all of her efforts she put in BEFORE she got to this point.
You can only bite your tongue for so long in a situation that is not improving before you realize your tongue is swollen and purple and about to fall off unless you find another way to go!!!
I think there is certainly a
I think there is certainly a time to take the high road, but I also believe there is time to say "enough is enough!". When it comes down to someone being kind to your face & then saying things about you behind your back, accusing you of being the problem, & not giving you the opportunity to speak on your own behalf, they're being sneaky & 2-faced.
There's only so much taking the high road before it turns into letting someone tread on you.
I don't think you should send
I don't think you should send the letter. Even at age 21 she very immature and won't get it, my bd is 23 and wouldn't. Instead make a list (from the letter) and make no.1 the thing that bothers you the most. You know, the thing that if changed would make you happy. Talk to her about that one thing. Start with - I'm sorry we haven't been able to agree on this. I want to listen to your side now. Blah Blah Blah.
Wait some time for dust to settle. Baby steps onto no. 2
Rome wasn't built in a day ya know. Good luck either way to you.
I'm fairly new here. But
I'm fairly new here. But I'll offer my opinion...and then maybe duck
I've been a stepmom for a long time. And it has not been an easy road. Suffice it to say, if you can imagine it, we've probably been through it. My oldest is 21. And we have a 17, 16, 14, and 8 year old.
Writing that letter was a really, really, really good thing. We need to write letters like that. If we didn't, we would likely explode. Posting it here was a great idea! However, sending it right now is a bad move. Hold onto it for a few days. Let it sit. If you still need to send it, then you can send it. But I would bet that after a few days you'll realize that you won't get the intended result. Your words will get twisted. People will get upset. And the battle will continue. 21 year old girls LOVE the drama. And you're giving her the opportunity to play the role of martyr. If you ignore her, you take that attention away from her. Even bad attention is attention. And that's what she is after.
Holy shit. Well I'm not sure
Holy shit. Well I'm not sure if it will help much but I bet you feel a hell of a lot better.
Your life, your call. If you feel good about it, I feel good about it for you.
Personally I think that bitchy people will always be bitchy and there's nothing you can do to fix them. I've shown my Ex 1,000 experts who agree with me on stuff, and not a single person anywhere agrees with her on the same stuff, and I can't convince her of a damned thing.
Odds are that you aren't going to convince this brat of anything, but if nothing else you got it off your chest and that's a good thing for you.
Stepoff, I feel your pain in
Stepoff, I feel your pain in that letter. I truly do.
But I still would not send it.
I agree with the ladies who said that it wouldn't do any good anyway. Your SD is too immature to understand it. You are 100% correct- she's emotionally "stuck" at age 13 (the time of the divorce). And she's also CLEARLY dealing with some INTENSE anger issues.
She sounds EXACTLY like my middle SD18.
And while I was always tempted to write something just like this to my SD, I knew it would only be in vain. She would "twist" it to fit her distorted world view anyway, making me the villian and herself the victim. And thus, the flames would forever be fanned.
So I have simply cut off ALL communication since she decided to leave our home two days after Christmas. Nothing. Nada. In fact, I even changed my ST screen name from "5teensathome" to "now4teens" after she left!
She and DH attempt to have a strained "relationship" (mostly in the therapist's office) but I know after she leaves for college in August, even that will wane. And that's between them- I'm OUT.
Stepoff, I KNOW how hard it is when people always tell you to "take the friggin high road". God, I hate that! I'm downright SICK of it. Sometimes I want to tell them, "But WHEN is it MY TURN to act like a immature a**hole just ONCE?!"
But in the long run, they are right. Taking the high road IS better. It sucks, but it IS better for your sanity...your soul...and your overall mental health.
Best of luck to you.
Where were you when I was
Where were you when I was writing the Ex's stbExH? I lit into both of them in the middle of a BAD fight, and the second I hit the send button I thought "oh fuck me... what have I done?"
I do agree that it's always best to put a letter or email aside and read it later when you're a little calmer.
I think in this situation though these are deep feelings towards her SD and I don't think any amount of time is going to make SD at any better or her feel any better and she'll have the same thoughts and feelings tomorrow. If it makes her feel better without sending it, then not sending it is fine, but if she needs that zing from sending it, fire it off...
It's been over 24 hours and I
It's been over 24 hours and I still think it was the right thing. I have no regrets. Her thoughts have been bottled up for a long time (according to SD) and so have mine. It's about time this got aired out. Now we both know how we feel about each other and we both know where we stand. No more e-mails will be received or sent. It's done. No regrets.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, positive and negative!!
I just want you to know that
I just want you to know that I LOVE this post! I can't really say that it pertains to my feelings toward my skids specifically, but sadly moreso to their mother. I have a lot to get done today, but I am adding to my list: Write a song about BM to the tune of "My Life Will Go On" by Celine Dion.
I know I'm a broken record.
I know I'm a broken record. But your SD is demonstrating borderline traits. The only way to neutralize her is to make her think she is in control or that getting along is HER idea, without rationalizing her behavior. As in "validating" her feelings while discounting her version of the facts. If you learn that skill, she will be putty in your hands. Promise.
If you approach her this way, it may be the truth, but regardless of the truth you are feeding the insecurity, the rage, the "borderlion" as it's referred to on other sites. You are fueling her up to lash out more.
She is highly manipulative. The best way to deal is to detach and not take anything personally. It truly is all her problem. It will drive her crazy and she will have "extinction bursts" (where she tries more outlandish and destructive things to get your attention- upping the ante) but you will be free of having it affect you or your kids.
I hate to see this going on, it's what finally did destroy my marriage. My H decided it was all me, and finally believed my SD. So he got her a new SM who will be the one to save them both apparently.
I like the letter. Although I
I like the letter. Although I tried the disengagement technique which works pretty good so far. I agree with Sita Tara that sending this will only feed to your SD's insecurity and rage. The attention is really what your SD seeks, good or bad.
It took some time for me not to care since there was SD's baby boy involved and I've raised him for 3 months until SD decided she can't "put up with us anymore". But time will take care of the emotions.
When you stop paying attention to your SD's behavior, then all her effort is in vain. I'm not saying let her walk all over you or disrespect you when the occasion arise. I'm saying not giving her any information about what's going on in your own family. Not to let her know that it bothers you about what she said. She has nothing to stir up if she doesn't have the info.
This has worked for me and I enjoy the peace for now until SD's next drama. There were times in the beginning that I really could send her a letter and tell her to go to hell. I didn't and I only told my DH that she will not be allowed in our house anymore.
Sometimes when a quiet/nice person roars, the effect is greater than someone screams all the time.
I wish you the best of luck and peace you will find!
God bless.