Something I've Noticed
There are many new members here recently. To all of the new members, I'd like to say Welcome!!
But I can't help but notice that there seem to be a lot of 'bait' blogs. These are blogs that are posted that seem either hypocritical, overly dramatized, or so unbelievable that they're ridiculous sounding. Now, perhaps these bloggers are sincere, but maybe they're not.
After reading the most recent of these blogs, they seem to have bits and pieces of other bloggers issues, just reworded a bit. But it sounded like bait to me. A 'put the shoe on the other foot' scenario. Someone posing as a step and writing some statements to get a reactionary response. I checked the bloggers bio and they were a member for less than 12 hours. The time of the post was 11 hours 45 minutes ago. So the blogger signed up and posted a strange blog immediately. Also, the name was just some random letters. The way I see it, if someone is going to sign up for this site to get legit advice and stay for a while, they're going to put a bit of thought into their screen name. Someone trying to bait the members will create a phony nonsensical name and start writing.
There were several replies to the blog. Members here would like to give good advice to those who are needing it. However, being that I truly believe this to be someone looking to bait us into giving hypocritical advice, I think this blogger got what they were looking for. Now, I'm not saying the members on here are hypocritical, not at all. What I'm saying is that the blog was worded to GET hypocritical advice.
Is this a BM looking for a reaction from SM? An ex-member looking to 'point and laugh'? Or someone looking for real advice? Nobody knows. But just be aware that 'bait' blogs ARE out there...
- stepoff's blog
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I didn't. You've missed the
I didn't. You've missed the point.
I think she was just pointing
I think she was just pointing out something she's noticed.
Being that there have been
Being that there have been several issues recently with BM's finding SM's on here, I think it's good to have this as a reminder. Just something to keep in mind...that there are trolls who will come here in search of drama & who will post to "bait". Just keep it mind as you respond to others' posts.
Absolutely, ignore and move
Absolutely, ignore and move along. I have found a few members, 1 in particular, who is a 'negative nellie', nothing is ever good with the skids in her eyes. When things get better, more negative remarks are made about them. I ignore and don't give it any of my time or attention. However, there have been instances in the past where BM's or skids have found SMs on here, blogs and responses have been found and posted on other sites, etc. Some members have been forced to stop blogging because they were 'found'. Just posting a friendly reminder to everyone.
'negative nellie'
Heehee! I love that name! It reminds me of Nellie from Little House on the Prairie.
Yeah. Me too.
Yeah. Me too.
me three... I've only been
me three...
I've only been here 4 months and the changes/turn over have been huge so far...I mean I welcome new members, I just miss some of the members that were here longer with more experience and advice.
41 weeks for me. Wow, we're
41 weeks for me. Wow, we're practically twins!! LOL
Well, I'm only at 21
Well, I'm only at 21 weeks...LOL!
Well, if it isn't widely
Well, if it isn't widely accepted, it should be.
I agree!!
I agree!!
trolling BMs one word
trolling BMs
one word PATHETIC!! well, there's a few other words, but this one was clean and to the point!
"Many people who were members when I joined don't seem to be around anymore. That makes me sad."
me, too...... but there a few i can honestly say i don't miss one iota...
Here here!! *raises glass
Here here!! *raises glass for toast*
50 weeks and i'm gonna be 20
50 weeks
and i'm gonna be 20 again this year..... maybe just a "little" more polished and reserved this time around..
I have only been here 4 weeks
I have only been here 4 weeks but am so happy to find that there are other people with the same feelings and experiences as me!
Wow! I havent reached 3
Wow! I havent reached 3 weeks yet, but it sounds like I really missed some drama?! I would crack up laughing if the BM in my sitch was trolling and "found" me here...I imagine if she had any sense at all, she wouldnt want to make herself known as the truth would likely be pretty embarrassing to her? Although she deems it ok to live the way she does, so there's a chance she doesnt know enough to even be embarrassed! I'm sure it would be no surprise for her to know that I cant stand her nor her kid, so there wouldnt be much to say.
I'm just so thankful to have found others who are willing to admit how they really feel. If only we could get some legitimate resources now to back authors and professional counselors who could provide some understanding to "the other side" instead of all this ridicule and "feel sorry for the child" crap. When you research how to raise your own kids, all you see is "dont give in" and "tough love" but we all are supposed to just welcome other people's kids with open arms and feel sorry for them no matter what they do...get real.
" I would crack up laughing
" I would crack up laughing if the BM in my sitch was trolling and "found" me here..."
I'm with you. I wouldn't care if our BM found me here. It may be a blessing for her to read how everyone responds to her character. Of course, she has no shame & would defend her actions till she's blue in the face. She'd probably show skids my blogs, but I wouldn't care about that either. I have nothing but empathy for them. If I had horrible things to say about them, they'd find it here. I don't, so they won't. Wouldn't it be something for BM to show skids my blogs thinking she really had something on me? They'd be reading my most private thoughts about them & realize I have nothing horrible to say about them after all??? Of course, she'd find my deepest feelings & opinions toward her too, but honestly, there's nothing here she doesn't already know.
Anger is powerful. Sometimes
Anger is powerful. Sometimes irrational. Sometimes toxic.
I've learned to respect other people's anger and walk away if my words fall on ears who are either not ready to listen.. or simply just don't want to.
Why waste time at all?
Negative Nellies are sometimes just lost a little bit. I used to be her too... until I saw everyone around me having so much fun basking in the sunlight rather than complaining about the clouds.
I've been here 42 weeks... well plus 2 years... the tides are always changing.
I went away for like 2
I went away for like 2 weeks..and when I came back most people where different... the only person to respond to one of my recent rants was a BM.. go figure.
Anyways... it's sad too...and Yes I have noticed the exagerrated blogs myself...but as someone else pointed makes me feel better about my own situation