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What to do?

stepoff's picture

I recently blogged about DH putting SD21 back on our health insurance plan (thanks to the new obama rules). She is eligible to be on our insurance until the age of 26. So we have another 5 years of this to go through.

I'm trying to figure out a process of handling her bills that come to our home.

The insurance began on May 1, and she has already been to the doctor twice (hypochondriac like BM). She's perfectly healthy but has to invent new ailments to gain sympathy votes. But that's another blog altogether.

Anyway, the bills are coming in and I need to figure out what to do with them. The last time a bill came in (in Sept) there was a HUGE HUGE stink about it. SD and BM were SO offended that I had the 'nerve' to send her bill to her house so SHE could pay it. Just the fact that my handwriting was on the envelope sent them into a tizzy.

So my dilemma is: what to do with the next 5 years of bills? Do I send it to her house for her to pay/for her records? Do I leave it up to DH to take care of this? (note: I would love for DH to take care of this, but he doesn't see her often and has a tendency to listen to her whining about how broke she is and then he ends up paying it for her).

I would like to send them to her house, and being that she's 21 and getting free insurance coverage, just let her deal with it. If she doesn't like me sending the bills, then she shouldn't be on our insurance. They are, after all, her bills. But I don't want to start a shit-storm either.


pepercash's picture

I would have DH scan and email it to her directly... don't send anything in your handwriting so to avoid the unnecessary drama but do have it sent to them. It takes alot of time of you pushing DH until he puts his own foot down because he lives with you and rather you not be "annoying" him with anything. He will realize soon!

winehead's picture

Sounds like some assumptions have been made about DH covering the costs because she's on his insurance. Maybe he needs to set some expectations about her responsibility for the deductibles/copays. Then enforce the expectations (right, I know). I like pepercash's idea about HIM sending the bills to her so that you can get out of the fire.

2ndTimeAround's picture

I am glad someone brought up this issue as I think it may have HUGE impacts that haven't been considered. If the full legal age of "adulthood" is 21, then who is responsible for these bills? As stepreg said, looks like the policyholder is stuck holding the bag. If policyhoder doesn't pay, sounds like the collection agency will be knocking on their doors - not the 21-26 year old "kids" doors. My SO's "kids" have already expressed great interest in this new policy, since they can further delay their unemployed student status until age 26. And if one of these "adults" covered under the insurance has a child of their own, what happens then? Technically, you can be a married 24 year old "student" having a baby, but if you are on your BM/BF's policy, their insurance will cover it. What a nightmare ...

nycSM's picture

I believe, and someone correct me if I'm wrong here, that because she's over the age of 18, she's legally on the hook for all of her uncovered medical expenses, including copays. It doesn't matter where any of the bills go, they are her responsibility. If she can't pay them, too bad, it will hurt her credit.

cyberwoman's picture

She is 21 let her pay her bills, if she does not comply get her off your insurance. She can get coverage on her own.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I would talk to the health care providers. The doctors need to have the correct billing address on file for all of their patients. Just make a quick phone call to the doctor's office to let them know where the bills should be sent. Then you and DH don't have to be the bad guys by forwarding the bills.

stepoff's picture

You're absolutely right Blended! I just contacted the ins company and they explained this. Which means ... she's still giving the doctor's office OUR address. Grrrr. I'll have DH straighten this out with her. The less I see of her on our plan, the less frustration.
