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greenSM's picture

what does pas mean????i'm so lost!i'm really glad i found this site though and i hope to start getting some help with my situation as soon as i get a private minute from the little prince.


Shaman29's picture

Parental Alienation Syndrome. We deal with it constantly, and even though my DH is the better parent, his daughter believes Uberskank is WonderMom and that he is a piece of c**p. He's only good as long as he's buying her the things she wants.

greenSM's picture

thank you for the information!my stepson thinks the world turns on him like he is so darn husband is the same way about buying stuff and will buy everything for stepson just to see that goofy gomer smile from turns my stomach everytime.of course the minute i say anything about it i am the bad one.

Persephone's picture

PAS can be done wittingly or unwittingly. Most divorced parents are guilty of it to some degree.
After much online research I read the book Divorce Poison and not only did I see my X and BM, I saw my self and DH.

It's a good book that sorts it all out and provides scenarios and strategies. A must read if only to not become an alienator... and if you are the target parent.. coping strategies