Totally O/T... But what is your favorite deliciously sinful food?
Let's lighten the mood around here.
Me myself, I love nutty bars and zebra cakes. And ice cream sundaes with gummy bear toppings.
My DH lovesssss baked potatoes covered in sour cream and butter. The more cholesterol the better.
How about you?
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Marshmellow pies, LINDT
Marshmellow pies, LINDT chocolate. M&M's. Both DH and myself Love them baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, oh and shredded cheese on top!!
I love stuffed crust pizza (hut) the list goes on and on...
I'm also a sucker for
I'm also a sucker for Mcflurries!
First of all TheWife... your
First of all TheWife... your avatar is sickeningly hilarious!
I LOVE Reese's Breyers ice cream. But sometimes, I CRAVE hot spicy food! Mmm, the local Mexican restaurant makes this hot salsa that the mere thought of makes my mouth water!
Maggie Moos Better Batter ice
Maggie Moos Better Batter ice cream with gummy bears mixed in...I prefer to get it in "HOLY SH_T" Size whenever possible.
You know what's even
You know what's even better!!
COLD POTATOES!!! Luv em! Don't even need to heat them up!
Starbucks Frappucino (sp?)
Starbucks Frappucino (sp?) has become my newest obssession although I need to have almost daily the haagen daz ice cream bar, the vanilla with the chocolate and almonds on top.
I think I'm gonna go get one right now, BRB... }:)
Without a doubt it's
Without a doubt it's Pepperidge Farm Chessmen cookies . .just thinking about the aroma and richness of the butter . . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I love pizza and all kind of
I love pizza and all kind of cakes
a good dense new york style
a good dense new york style cheesecake ♥ , the kind that weighs twenty pounds but is the size of tea saucer...cuban pork with black beans and ceviche..I love Ecuadorian Ceviche..
It's so funny you mentioned
It's so funny you mentioned ceviche because I'm trying to learn how to make it, but PR style.
I have a great Ecuadorian
I have a great Ecuadorian recipe that was taught to me. Don't have a PR one, but that might be a new one to try. I'll have to ask around and see if any of my friends know how to make it in that regional style.
Hmmmmm.... beer is my
Hmmmmm.... beer is my ultimate sin. }:)
I am a sucker for Eggs Benedict. I know it sounds dumb... but I friggin love that stuff.
OHHHH I LOVE EGGS BENEDICT!!! I don't know where you live..but if you ever visit the OBX..go to the Jolly Roger and get their Crab Eggs Benedict(if you like crabmeat). It is TO DIE FOR!!! Their Bloody Marys ain't half bad either!!
I like most foods and, well I
I like most foods and, well I love almost all sweets LOL!
They also have a really good
They also have a really good Turkey burger (google it though and the fat content I think is worse than a regular burger though }:) )
oh man ..that ruined it.
oh man :O ..that ruined it. Their Turkey burgers are SO good too..
Yikes.... 1,145 calories 71 g
1,145 calories
71 g fat
56 g carbs
yup, shot that healthy
yup, shot that healthy thought to
WOW abeaulieu I almost had an
WOW abeaulieu I almost had an orgasm reading your descrption of that cake! :jawdrop:
Guacamole dip, bacon, and
Guacamole dip, bacon, and fried chicken. Put the bacon in the guac and the fried chicken in it. For dessert Twinkies with chocolate frosting but syrup will work too. Finish all off with 6 shots of red-headed sluts and I'm good to go! Slap my ass and roll the waves in.
Mmmmmmm guacamole... Good
Mmmmmmm guacamole... Good one.
LOVE your Avatar!! But you
LOVE your Avatar!!
But you should DEEP fry the twinkies!!! YUM!!!
Geez TW what's with the new
Geez TW what's with the new avatar - speaking of hippos and you are talking about DEEP fried twinkies. LOL
I'm bad..
LMAO, she was my
LMAO, she was my inspiration!!!
lol, kidding.
Deep fry in butter but only
Deep fry in butter but only on Wednesdays. I gotta watch my girlish figure.
They are drinks, usually made
They are drinks, usually made in shots.
jagermeister, peach schnapps
jagermeister, peach schnapps and cranberry juice.
Egats. Betcha that tastes
Betcha that tastes better going down... then up.
Um yea, I know from
Um yea, I know from experience that they taste much better going down. I will NEVER EVER drink jagermeister again in my life. I was letting every guy in the bar feel me up. What a slut!!! That stuff is dangerous.
I love jagermeister too
I love jagermeister too
HubbaHubba...It's 100% really
HubbaHubba...It's 100% really me. American made in the backseat of my daddy's 72' impala.
You sexy bish you!!
You sexy bish you!!
Chocolate peanut butter ice
Chocolate peanut butter ice cream in a cone.
One scoop each of Bryers
One scoop each of Bryers black raspberry chocolate chip ice cream and dark chocolate ice cream,
with a "side of" good book on reclaiming my happiness- my secret indulgence these days after BD4 goes to bed.
I don't know that I could
I don't know that I could pick just one...haha! I love Ben & Jerry's! Especially Chunky Monkey! I also love chocolate filled croissants, mint chocolate chip milkshakes, my mom's chocolate pie, chocolate mousse, thin mints...can you see the running theme here? LOL!! I also love to put peanut M&M's in butter flavored popcorn. I love eating a banana with spoonfuls of peanut butter on it. And the one thing I eat that almost everyone I know cringes at but I think is the most comforting thing in the world...saltines crushed up in a glass of ice cold milk eaten with a spoon like cereal.
Along with the previous
Along with the previous mentioned Eggs Benedict. I love Oysters Rockefeller (if they are done right) with a ice cold Grey Goose dirty martini with blue cheese stuffed olives!!! The DH needs to take me out and SOON!!!
pancakes, i make them fried
pancakes, i make them fried in butter so it's all soaked in and they're just a little crispy on the edges, then load it with real maple syrup. i think we're having breakfast for dinner.
Mine has to be Sharp Cheese
Mine has to be Sharp Cheese and Crackers
Potato skins with bacon and cheese and sour cream
Usually anything with Cheese - even the spray cheese on the wheat thin is yummy
whats that?
whats that?
Mmmmmmm... Poutine... *drool*
Mmmmmmm... Poutine... *drool* I once worked at a diner that made the best poutine ever! People used to come in all kinds of drunk and order it plates at a time. They didn't use cheese curds though, they just used shredded cheese - it melted perfectly under the gravy though.. My knees just buckled a little bit..
OMG it looks so good
OMG it looks so good
It does Vickmeister - I bet
It does Vickmeister - I bet my DH would LOVE to watch me eat that. LOL
OMG yall making me so hungry.
OMG yall making me so hungry. Let see my favorite food would be chicken keiv on a bed of wild rice. I love fried ice cream of course blizzards and stuff is really awesome I will sit with my bd17 and eat raw cookie dough when we get down lol been doing that way to much lately
This is making me terribly
This is making me terribly hungry too and I'm dieting because I'm pretty overweight right now. Not nice!!!
But I really really love chocolate. I think it's a cure-all.
Those cadbury eggs that come
Those cadbury eggs that come out at easter that are solid chocolate with a hard candy shell. They also come out at Christmas as little balls. I literally can eat the whole bag, no problem. LOVE THEM! Also anything that combines chocolate and peanut butter. Like a chocolate chip bagel with peanut butter on it. Yummy!
I like those Entenmann's
I like those Entenmann's donuts dipped in jelly. Very tasty. I don't know about cat food Ms. Freeze. That's very interesting. haha. My cat sure likes it though!
Napolean cake from a place
Napolean cake from a place called Contes in NY
I know its not good for me...
I know its not good for me... but I luv it. - Friday Fish Fry with potatoe pancakes. I don't eat any sweets. I think it is due to being a kid and my mom never let me have any, so I really got a taste for them. And so now when I eat sweets, they actually taste so sickenly sweet that I would rather not have any.
I figure that because I don't eat sweets that I can have my friday fish fry.
Can't wait till its TGIF!!!
Have any of you ever had
Have any of you ever had Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles? Its around LA and I crave it all the time. I swear their butter has crack in it - maybe their syrup too. Delish!