She's getting remarried and my husband's reaction is confusing...
I'm hoping to understand better.
My husband's exwife is getting married to her boyfriend of a little over 7 months. They moved in together after two.. so I suppose things are right on track for this whirlwind romance. I tend to think that the his ex and her fiance aren't very healthy in their actions here. But what do I know? Moreso.. what do I care?
I'm trying to put on my best Colorado Girl face and not make this about me. He has every right to go thru his emotions whilst still being married to me.
My husband is really pissed off. He also said something strange to me when we were discussing the recent engagement. Something along the lines of how pathetic does this guy have to be to want her? Three kids, divorced, an as*hole exhusband and a whole set of issues. Stating how pathetic they both are.
So I asked him if that's why we love people? Based on these traits because if it is, I'm so confused. I'm 10 years younger than his ex and I have a lot MORE baggage when it comes to exes and kids. It doesn't define me though and the fact that he picked me to be his wife, I thought, had nothing to do with these things.
He looked at me and realized that all her "patheticness" is part of who I am.
So I just sat in confusion. I couldn't understand a lot of why he is so upset. I tried to put on his shoes and think about when my ex was going to be married again (ended up breaking it off though). It didn't bother me. I promise. There was no thoughts other than a hope that he could find happiness, and any jealousy or ill feelings I had were geared towards accepting that another woman would be in my kiddos' lives. I struggled with that, but I think that's pretty common... and I grew to let that stuff go.
I don't know. I had a friend explain to me that it's sometimes different for the male species.
I have to be honest that my feelings are still a little bit hurt. I'd like to think that I'm OK.. and that my past has helped sculpt a little bit of what makes me OK. I'm also trying to gear my thoughts in that it shouldn't really have anything to do with me anyways. I'm trying to compartmentalize how he's feeling and allow him to feel whatever he wants with this recent news.
Maybe he's like me and hates this guy around his kids and is just angry and doesn't want to admit it. Maybe he sees this marriage as a sign of his own failure. Maybe he isn't ready to let go of taking care of the mother of his kids.
I suppose it could be all of it.
I just don't know what it is that bothers me so much.
~Colorado Girl
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Well, I am going to plant my
Well, I am going to plant my self in your shoes. What if this were me?
If I were you, I think it would bother me that this bothers HIM. Why does he care if his ex-wife gets re-married, and why is he analyzing so much?
Also, I would be upset that everything he called her pathetic for is something that is part of your life as well. It would make me wonder what tiny part of him might feel that way about me as well?
Now, once again, we all know you are a different breed, CG.
So these are just MY thoughts on the situation.
"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."
I personally think your
I personally think your husband doesn't want him to be around his kids. You should ask him why he's feeling this way. Maybe he doesn't trust him for whatever reason.
I think men view things in
I think men view things in terms of success and failure. A divorce is like a stamp of failure. Perhaps he doesn't like the idea of another man succeeding where he has failed. Its an ego thing, I think.
I also know from your previous blogs that your DH and his ex have had some sort of codependent relationship. Maybe this is a sign of the end of that relationship? That he is no longer needed? I know many men that really like or need to be needed. He is being replaced, and that is something that he isn't familiar with, I assume.
I hope that helps, just trying to throw ideas out there :).
I have to agree with GiGi. I
I have to agree with GiGi. I know for me, I felt like a failure when I got divorced, even though I don't want my EX back (believe me!), I still am somewhat..jealous, embarassed in a way that the person he is with now can make it work when I couldn't. We get a long great, but I look at my life (very happy with current DH) but it's my "second marriage" and I know none of us walked down the isle with the intention of divorce/split homes as our goal. And for me, it's definitely a pride issue. Sometimes pride is my worst enemy.
accepting a new person that is going to be a large part of his children's life is probably just as hard. It was for me as well. Each person is so different and emotions are so unpredictable.
I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown
OH CG my dear friend... You
OH CG my dear friend...
You and I are two of a kind sometimes
Constantly Overthinking things.
DH LOVES YOU! You two have been through so much together, and a lot of that involves BM. It is possible that he had just gotten to the point that YOU are at, where you are content with WHO BM is, her illness, the way life is. It is possible that the thought of throwing a new husband in to the mix has him a little concerned about what the future will hold for ALL of you.
He knows better than anyone how BM is in relationships. I can only hope that this relationship ends better than the one with your DH, but it is possible that he is concerned for his girls being exposed to what he put an end to.
I don't know. He may not even know. It is still pretty fresh, and he may still be trying to sort out his thoughts and feelings on all of this.
Talk to him about it. You will know when the time is right. You are a pro at reading people... do what you do best, and get to the root of the issue... when the time is right.
LOVES to you!!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Some people deal with change
Some people deal with change better than others. Maybe your DH is one who does not deal with change well. I think GiGi has some good perspective on this.
When my XW became pregnant shortly after our divorce was final I did not take it well. I was hurt and I took it personally though my XW was a freak who deserved what she got ..... nothing good mind you.
At that time I told her "it should be mine". Fortunately this was years before I met my beautiful and for ever wife so my perspetive on the issue at the time hurt no one but me.
For sure I would not personalize and internalize this CG. This is his issue not yours and is about him and not you. Had my incredible wife been in play at the time, she likely would have had a similar issue to my behavior to the one you are having with your DH's current behavior.
Your DH won the marriage lottery the second ticket he bought. As a two time player my self I can attest to what both a really crapy marriage and a great marriage are. The primary difference between your DH and I is that I did not have kids with my XW.
Be excellent to yourself CG .... and party on. As George Carlin so wisely told Bill and Ted. Your DH will work through this and get back to where he should be focused .... on you.
Best regards,
Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)
Why do you say that he
Why do you say that he looked at you and related her "patheticness" to you?
On a different note, I wonder once in a while about exfh. Who would want to date him after what he put me through? What a jerk! But, then I think, too that he has his good qualities in there, too. It is hard for me to admit that I loved a man who could hurt me so much. And, my anger is a defensive anger. Calling him pathetic would be out of defensive anger. This defensive anger stems from feeling inadequate at not being enough for exfh to not do what he did. And, you and I both know that I'm not inadequate. So, like you, I have to make it not about me. And, like you, dh has to make it not about him if he can. But, that's on him.
To every thing there is a season.
So I've absorbed all this
So I've absorbed all this feedback and come to a bit of a conclusion in that...
It just has nothing to do with me. I care but only to the extent that I don't like seeing him PO'ed.
My husband is a creature of control and structure. She rattles that as often as she can.
I think she disappoints him as a constant, leaving him disappointed... and it's all cylical. I don't know if he'll ever be able to lower the proverbial bar where he can accept that she is just never going to meet a standard that is ok. That's his own war to wage with himself.
I did tell him that I was little disgruntled at him sharing as to what shortcomings make her a loser. I let him know that if there is truth to that, then I don't deserve his love either. He responded with "touche baby"... and basically said that such things are not what make our loser status apparent.
My husband is a good man. I don't really care anymore why he feels the need to be attached to his exwife's choices the way he is. All I ask is to be left out of it.
And all is well.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley