When will it end???
I have a question for anyone who may have the answer?? When do the weekend visits stop? At what age are the SK's no longer interested? By the time my children were 13, 14 & 17 the could've cared less to go to their Dad's. I just wondered has anyone been through it & know how much time I still have to do???? LOL
- Stepmom1966's blog
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lol Depends from what I have
lol Depends from what I have read...
It stops when we move
It stops when we move away!!! My hubby has wanted to move away just to get away from her.
God my fiance wants us to
God my fiance wants us to move to the Northwest Territories... Blah... I can't stand Northern BC winters and you want me to move north??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lets try Newfoundland, I'm sure there's still places there we can get away with not having a phone...
My skids get on my nerves
My skids get on my nerves sometimes but they aggravate me no more or less than my own children do...they are kids. Of course I like my peace and quiet just like the next person...but I can't imagine counting down the days the the skids aren't interested in coming over for visits anymore with their Dad.
Idk, maybe it's b/c my skids aren't teenagers yet, but if I knew that my BF was secretly counting down the days til my kids moved out I'd have to say I'd be a little offended.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I truly don't care if he's
I truly don't care if he's offended. He needs to side with me sometimes & teach them some home training & some hygiene! The 13yr. old SS & 12yr. old SD still pee the bed - everynight! I can't stand when they come & the whole house smells like urine & we have to wash loads & loads of blankets & clothes. They have no respect for anything. His kids are not like mine. They were raised completely differently. His are like the Klumps!! They're all obese & not clean at all. He hates that but says he's tired of arguing with the BM over it...
If it's that bad, then why
If it's that bad, then why does BM have custody? Also, do the skids have an undeveloped bladder? I remember having this problem and it was quite embarrassing. Maybe try googling some ways to deal with it in your home and with the skids?
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I agree....if these kids are
I agree....if these kids are that badly neglected, why hasn't yur DH filed for custody?....their living conditions with the BM seem horrible...why wouldn't he want to get his kids out of there?
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
It's sad though. They're
It's sad though. They're being neglected somehow by their mother but if the OP feels this way about the kids, they probably won't fare much better with her.
The have medication for bed
The have medication for bed wetting, you might want to consult your physicans about it for the teens. They also sell adult size night pants, rubber pants,they use them in some nursing homes..and they are washable, but expensive,but it could help with the laundry problems. I hope you are having the teens who wet, strip their beds and wash their own bedding. They should do that on their own. And remake their beds. Also disinfect their rooms.
Slow nighttime urine production. The drug desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) boosts levels of a natural hormone (anti-diuretic hormone, or ADH) that forces the body to make less urine at night. The medication is available as a pill or nasal spray. However, the nasal spray isn't recommended for the treatment of bed-wetting because this form of the medication stays active for much longer, which can increase the risk of serious side effects.
Although DDAVP has few side effects, the most serious is a seizure. This can happen if the medication is accompanied by too many fluids. For this reason, don't use this medication on nights when your child has had a lot of fluids. Additionally, don't give your child this medication if he or she has a headache, has vomited or feels nauseous.
Calm the bladder. If your child has a small bladder, an anticholinergic drug such as oxybutynin (Ditropan) or hyoscyamine (Levsin) may help reduce bladder contractions and increase bladder capacity. Side effects may include dry mouth and facial flushing.
Change a child's sleeping and waking pattern. The antidepressant imipramine (Tofranil) may provide bed-wetting relief by changing a child's sleeping and waking pattern. The medication may also increase the amount of time a child can hold urine or reduce the amount of urine produced. Imipramine has been associated with mood changes and sleep problems. Caution is essential when using this medication, because an overdose could be fatal. Because of the serious nature of these side effects, this medication is generally recommended only when other treatments have failed.
Sometimes a combination of medications is most effective. There are no guarantees, however, and medication doesn't cure the problem. Bed-wetting typically resumes when the medication is stopped
Ummm yah, those side effects
Ummm yah, those side effects are exactly why I didn't try them with perfectson. He also wet the bed until he was 12. He just put a goodnight (they make them for a reason ya know) and we didn't discuss it further. Then it stopped, just like that and it never happened again. He was humiliated by wetting at night and drawing attention to it would only further humiliate him so we rarely discussed it, because he truly couldn't help it.
They've been put on this
They've been put on this medication & the BM is just so use to them p*ssing the bed everynight she quit getting it filled. It was just easier for her to let them pee the bed I guess! My Fiancee doesn't want custody, he couldn't handle having them all the time. He says he's argued with BM for years about their appearance, hygiene & them not having respect for anything & she threatens to stop them from coming. He says its just EASIER for him to put up with to see them when he wants...
I totally understand your
I totally understand your frustration as a step- parent, but I have to tell you bed wetting is not usually intentional. My brother was a bed wetter and I had to endure hearing my step-dad berate him for it. It is usually an emotional issue or medical issue. Either way I beg you not to make the kids feel bad about it. My brother is still scared from his experience and it wasn't fun being a bystander either.
My parents split when I was
My parents split when I was 10 and I spent EWE with my dad. By the time I was in High School I had a lot of activities going on. Visitations went from EWE to EOWE to monthly and then to almost non-existant. But my dad stayed involved in my activities so I didn't feel like I missed out on my time with him.
Thank you for your input. I
Thank you for your input. I don't care how much time my Fiancee spends with his kids as long as I don't have to. I think he should stay involved in their lives. I just don't think he should expect me too. My children are grown, 19, 20 & 23 & he's not involved with anything that has to do with them. Which suits me fine. They have a Dad. So what age do you think it is 15 or so??
Thankfully you're not my
Thankfully you're not my kids SM.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
Thankfully you're not my
Thankfully you're not my kids SM <-----
LOL, Agreed!
No doubt Middlemom!!!
No doubt Middlemom!!! Counting the days until you're rid of my child? Wow.... no thanks.
I'm sorry if I seem cruel to
I'm sorry if I seem cruel to all of you but that's how I really feel. I don't want to be a stepmom. And I've told him we will not be married until they're grown.
If you're this eager for his
If you're this eager for his kids to stop wanting to see and spend time with their father, why don't you just tell them how you feel? I'm sure they won't want to come back after that.
Please read this with
Please read this with sarcasm.
I think most of us know you
I think most of us know you well enough, that we already knew that
I had to laugh when I read it the first time!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Sorry, I wrote it then I was
Sorry, I wrote it then I was like, "GOD, I hope no one thinks this is a serious piece of advice!"
LOL, you crack me up!
LOL, you crack me up!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I've had it out with him
I've had it out with him several times. He knows how I feel. The BM & I got into as well. She stopped them from coming for about a month. I was happy. Then they just creeped back in. She tries to get rid of them anyway she can.
A small,wicked part of me
A small,wicked part of me once wondered, "when will she give up and stop having her father bring her all the way out here to grace us with her presence"
Then I flipped it on myself and said, "my kid is rotten sometimes...what if DH is hoping to boot him out at 18?? or ship him back to his dad's to live when he's a teen???"
REALITY CHECK. I'd hate it if that's what my husband were thinking so I HAD to stop those wicked little thoughts about SD before they overtook me. Now I just wonder when she'll think our house is WAY better than her moms and I often fantasize that she becomes an independent self sufficient girl who thinks her stepmom is cooler than anyone in the world.
I'm still relieved when she's gone for the weekend though. She's a brat but I don't want her to stop coming over all together..that would hurt DH too much and indirectly I'd be blamed for it anyway so I just suck it up and hope for the best...well, i hope for the best on most days except today when I'm in an emotionally traumatized mood.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
BBB, I do this same flipping
BBB, I do this same flipping thing in my head with our kids. Sometimes I wonder if SD will ever decide she hates us so much that she wants to go live with her mother but then I think, if DH hated my BD this much, she would have nowhere else to go. And I put on my stiff upper lip and make more of an effort with SD.
Ya know the funny part C_G?
Ya know the funny part C_G? lol, I used to think this about ChooChoo too! OMG I'd be like, "Seriously when will this kid be old enough to go live with his dad??!! He's so difficult!!"
And He's MY kid. So,I think sometimes the feeling is normal with parenting but to have it be a serious,for real thought in your head that is actually what you're feeling is NOT good. If you feel it once in a while out of frustration,fine. But all the time...not a good thing AT ALL.
I know my own mother was like this when she was frustrated with me, "ummm...when are you moving out dear?"
but like I said, a fleeting moment of frustration is TOTALLY different than a mantra of "when the hell are these kids gonna stop coming over here!!!" NOT COOL.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
Totally true. Even in
Totally true. Even in bio-families the kids go through periods where they hate the parents and wish they could move out just as much as the parents think the same about them occassionally. But you know as a parent that if your child really did reject you in that way and choose not to be with you anymore you would be wrecked. So why would you wish this on the your husband or wife, the very person you are supposed to want to protect from those feelings?
Ouch. Im going to put this
Ouch. Im going to put this into my bag of great mom words! She didnt mean if of course but it got to you. Her point was served! Im learning a lot here from moms and sms alike.
Wow... I can't imagine
Wow... I can't imagine waiting for the day that SS is no longer interested in his DAD. That would break DH's heart, and mine for that matter. In my experience, boys that wet the bed at that age have something going on inside, possible physically, but likely emotional that is causing this to happen. Have you taken them to the doctor? I would for sure have it checked out. That is not a good thing. I know it is hard having kids that we raised differently in your home, but these kids are your husbands flesh and blood. And I am sure he would be devestated if his kids no longer wanted to have anything to do with him. I would maybe reconsider this relationship if this is how you truly feel. Maybe you are just having "one of those days". We all have them... If DH ever heard me say anything of this nature, or read a blog that I wrote, if even out of anger that resembled this content.... he would leave me in a heart beat... and I would him as well. As much as I love him (and that is a TON), my kids are the most precious thing in the world to me. Failing reading, and temper tantrums and all. They deserve to WANT to come home to be with me. And so does SS.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
My kids are grown, 19, 20 &
My kids are grown, 19, 20 & 23 & he has no part in anything that has to do with them. He gets mad when I do anything for my children. But expects me to care about his. I just completely shut myself off from them. When they come for the weekend I stay in my room or make other plans. I refuse to have anything to do with children I have no control over in my own house. I have reconsidered the relationship over & over. He knows how I feel.
I had a SM like you. I
I had a SM like you. I stopped seeing my Dad when I was about 12 or 13. I remember feeling unwelcome, so I stopped coming around. If my Dad was going to be a p*@%y and let his wife decide whether or not we could have a decent relationship, then have at it.
My Dad finally divorced her ass a couple years ago. You get what you give...
12 and 13... Geez. Still really young kids. I can relate.
I hope they stop visiting ASAP... for their sakes.
Just remember: You get what you give.
Did I write this??? Wow... I
Did I write this??? Wow... I could have!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Dis, did you have this same
Dis, did you have this same experience growing up? I haven't read all your blogs. I will go back and read...
Uhhhhh, yeah... wretched
Uhhhhh, yeah... wretched woman had an affair with my dad... he chose her over us for 18 years. We fought with them for YEARS. We wanted to see him, she pointed out what horrible kids we were (we were adults by then just wanting our dad to be a part of our kids lives). He FINALLY left her about 2 years ago. Nice to have my dad back.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Me too. Because he has
Me too. Because he has nothing to do with my kids so I feel I should do the same.
I can understand the desire
I can understand the desire NOT to have skids around. I totally do. I won't be the one to judge (like some posts above) so I won't say loving or even liking skids is impossible, because I'm sure it is for a lot of great women. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. If I NEVER saw my skids again, it wouldn't bother me a bit. Does that make me a monster SM? Not sure. My DH has 50/50 and since he has to be out of town a lot (business), I take care of them. I do everything that needs to be done (they are teenagers). But they are demanding, attention-seeking brats, completely PAS-ed, with no genuine love for their father (he's a good-old ATM machine and a taxi driver) and after years of trying to love them, then at least just like them, I simply don't. I tolerate them and do what my DH expects me to and that's all. There's peace and quiet at my home and my DH and I don't fight AT ALL when they are not around. Still blame me for not wanting them around? Go ahead.
Unfortunately, as long as they get EVERYTHING they want in our house (guilty parenting, anyone?), they will keep coming. My oldest skid is at college this year and every single time she came to visit, she stayed with us (presumably, she just "followed" her siblings schedule, but the real reason is that she's so pampered here, and her mom doesn't really want her around - disrupts her romantic non-kid weekend with a BF).
So, in my case, I don't think I will ever have my peace back. Oh well. Got used to it, but one cannot stop dreaming...
I don't think any of us were
I don't think any of us were trying to judge... in my case at least, I was simply reminding her that these kids lives are important to her husband, the man that she loves...? No judgement, like I said, we all have our "days". Blended family is a tough life most of the time. Sometimes we need people to shake us by the shoulders and snap us out of it. Maybe.?!?!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I don't have to like or love
I don't have to like or love my stepdaughter every day. And believe me there are moments that I don't. But I DO have to respect her place in our family and her place in my DH's life and heart.
That's how I feel. I can
That's how I feel. I can rant here all day long about everything that bothers me but that's only because I don't do it at home since i'm too busy respecting her place and all:) Even though she doesn't respect mine...I get to be the big girl and not wish her away like I did when I was younger and dealing with her.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
OK, I must have missed
OK, I must have missed something,but the original post, IMO, was just venting, not a request for an idea how to break a bond between a father and his kid(s). Oh well.

Let me lighten up the mood for a second by retelling my favorite scene from "Will and Grace". Her hubby is asking (hoping for a hearty "YES" answer) - "Grace, you want me to be happy, right?"
and she's like - "Only if that doesn't inconvenience me in any way".
Sorry, it didn't sound like
Sorry, it didn't sound like an "innocent" vent to me.
Sounded like she was looking for someone to tell her how much time she had left with this prison sentence of hers...
That was my impression.
I agree. What if this site
I agree. What if this site is her only outlet to vent, and this is just how she is feeling at the moment?
I once told my SD I didn't give a fuck about her (3 yrs ago). She cried her eyes out. I was so pissed off and fed up and had it up to here with no place to turn to and vent and let it all go that I took it out on her. I was sooo sooo wrong and apologized and she forgave me. But if I had had this place to let it all out back then it would have never gotten to that point. Sometimes we just gotta let it to so that when we go home to those CrAzY things, we can make nice nice and deal with it. I thought that's what this place was for. People say things they don't mean and feel ways maybe they shouldn't. That's life.
Would it be better if she was saying it to the skids instead of just venting here?
Cmon y'all, let the lady vent.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
BTW before anyone thinks I
BTW before anyone thinks I am a total bitch, I only said that after she told me she hopes my baby dies...(I have been pregnant twice and had two miscarriages, this was with the first.)
The relationship has drastically improved since BM cut all the PAS crap, and she now prefers me over her BM.
*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
YIKES! I am impressed that
YIKES! I am impressed that was ALL that came out of your mouth...
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
In the back of my mind, I
In the back of my mind, I knew she wasn't saying that from her heart, she got it from BM. She was mad at me, and she I don't think she truly understood death, and she just said what she heard BM say because although she didn't understand it, she knew it was hurtful. That is the ONLY reason I apologized. Because I don't think she understood what she was saying...
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
She had to be young if that
She had to be young if that happened 3 years ago. Kids are sponges and at that time, when BM was PAS-queen, I am sure you are right. I am glad that you were able to recognize that then, in the midst of it all... with prego hormones to boot. Not real sure how I would have reacted to that. Kudos. You are a good woman TW.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
But it doesn't mean that one
But it doesn't mean that one should be coddled and patted on the back now, does it?
"Here, here, honey. Those useless kids will be gone soon. You'll have everything you always wanted as soon as those godforsaken kids are out of your hair. You won't have to worry about anything then, dear."
It's great to vent. Just don't be surprised if someone comes back with a comment based on their own personal experiences.
Her post struck me as something my SM said in the past. I related to it, I commented on it.
Not my fault if she didn't like what she read. If she didn't like it, maybe she needs to figure out why...?
Here's the thing: I don't
Here's the thing:
I don't think you are WRONG to feel the way you feel. But if I have an opinion on something you said, I can feel how I feel too, right?
No beef with anyone. Sometimes, we all just disagree. That's life.
~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~
And you are correct! We are
And you are correct! We are not married. He is my fiancee. I have made it perfectly clear to him that I will not marry him if I have no say so pertaining to his children in my house. He has nothing to do with my children & mine felt completely neglected when we first got together. If he doesn't like how I feel he can always leave. Everyone has options & that's one of his options. I chose to stay for now because I know eventually they'll grow up & won't be p*ssing in my house anymore!
Maybe it was an innocent
Maybe it was an innocent vent. Only the OP knows the answer... and maybe she is have "a day"... but I just went back and read through the responses, and really... I don't see these as attacks (for the most part, I would hope). Maybe I just know these ladies really well, and know that their intentions are as mine and only meant to help the OP gain a different perspective. We all have days when we would like to lock the kids outside (you know what I mean, don't call CPS). But that doesn't mean we want them to lose interest in their family. Of course I have had my days that I wish BM would disappear even if that meant NO SS. But then I remember what a HUGE part of DH's life would be missing if that were to happen (and I happen to adore the kid, so it is always just a fleeting thought when BM is going crazy). As for LIFEISSHORT and I, maybe it brought back some horrid memories of our childhood, and our stepmoms wishing us right out of our Dad's lives, and we are sensitive of something of this nature. But honeslty, my intention was not to attack... but to turn the table a bit, so her perspective may become different. In fact many of the post were advice for the bed wetting. That is a serious problem... no attacks, just thoughts, we all understand that desire from time to time to make it ALL POOF- BE GONE, but really.. when will it end she asks??? Possibly never, those are your husbands kids... good bad or indifferent~ he loves them, and YOU LOVE HIM!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
Maybe I would buy the "vent"
Maybe I would buy the "vent" if I didn't see LOL at the end of her OP. To me, it appears that this is funny that she feels this way about the skids.
Yes, there are ppl that need to vent, ppl that feel negative feelings in the moment...but there are also ppl that aren't looking to have a different perspective or seeking help to change how they feel.
Instead of working on getting the skids out, I feel that she should be working on her anger/resentment/bitterness towards these skids.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I could/would have if she
I could/would have if she would have posted details about her situation, but based on her post, all she came here for was to find out when skids started to become uninterested in visiting Dad's house.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
She could just be doing a
She could just be doing a random count down to remind herself that they will not always be there. I'm sure she's not trying to think of ways to get rid of the step kids. She could just be having a bad day, and trying to find a laugh. idk...
I do the random countdown
I do the random countdown til alimony and cs ends. i guess that's kinda wishing for sd to grow up and out in an indirect way since cs doesn't stop til she's 19.
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."
..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."
"If they sold clues at Walmart,I'd be first in line to get one for DH" ~the lovely Jbee~
lol DH does the count down
lol DH does the count down till CS ends... I laugh...
14 1/2 years to go...
I wish for both my kids to
I wish for both my kids to grow up and head off to college (biological and step) because I'm looking forward to the day when it gets to be just me and my DH since we've never gotten that in our entire relationship. But I don't think looking forward to this natural occurence in any child's life (growing up and leaving home) is the same as wishing that the children would choose their mother over my DH and stop wanting to see him. That's kinda cruel.
When I'm wishing for the day that my kids leave home, I'm NOT hoping that they never come back. I want them to love us and come visit us. I just wish I had my DH to myself sometimes.
I'm not upset or offended by
I'm not upset or offended by anyone's posts. I feel people should be honest. I just wanted someone's opinion that may have been doing this for longer than I have. I've only been in it for 2 years. & yes at times it does feel like a prison sentence. At first I tried so hard to be there all the time & my own kids felt completely neglected especially since he has nothing to do with anything that happens in their lives. Yes they are older but they're still my children. So that being said I don't like my SK's & I never will. I do feel sorry for them. But it has been made perfectly clear to me I have no say & never will. Let me make it perfectly clear that I'm speaking of the 2 older ones. He has a 7 year old to a different mother & she is nothing like the older two children. She has manners, respect for others & has been taught hygiene & home training. But the 2 oldest ones......There's no hope. I've discussed their BM with him so many times. I've tried to help the situation. I told him about the pee meds & he talked to her & she had them put on it for a couple of months but it's just too much for her to take them to the Dr. & get it refilled so they haven't taken it in a year. The BM is so trashy & neglectful. But he doesn't want them full time because that would inconvenience him. He said he's argued with her over & over about how they stink & arn't taken care of properly but it's just easier for him to deal with it that argue with her. I blame him as well & he knows it. He knows he's wrong. If he cared so much he would do something about it. They are his kids! It's a totally messed up situation. I'm sorry if anyone took my post wrong. I just wanted honest answers & I believe I got them.
Reading the first page of
Reading the first page of blogs I am right there with you SM1966. I can see everyone else's opinions on "glad you're not my kids SM" but I feel the same way. My DH kids are teens and I am COMPLETELY counting down the days until they will no longer be interested in visits. I thought it would have already happened with the 15 ss but it hasn't. My parents divorced when I was 8 and by 15 I had a job and more friends and just limited my time at my dad's. When they are not here I am SO happy! And my relationship with DH is much better as well!
Believe me I'm glad I'm not
Believe me I'm glad I'm not anyone's SM either!!! I pray every weekend that they'll find something to do than grace us with their presence!! I would just like some peace & quiet. By the time my kids were 12 & 13 they didn't go to their Dad's either...I guess all children are different. But I'll never stop hoping!
*I know the voices in my head arn't real...But they do have some great ideas!!
Then why did you get
Then why did you get involved with a man who has kids???
I just can't wrap my head around this. It's silly. It's like saying you can't stand someone that smokes but you date,or live with a person that does anyway...you can't stand someone that cusses, but yet you date, or live with a person that does..you can't stand a certain religion, but you date, live with a person that has those religious beliefs....you don't want skids around, but yet you date, live with someone that has kids....
You are in the wrong relationship....not only because he has kids, but because his lack of contribution to you and the relationship.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
I see what you are saying
I see what you are saying Middlemom. But it is possible that she went into this with certain expectations, and DH has not held up his end of the bargain. I can't see why she is STAYING in this relationship if she doesn't want to be a SM... kinda comes with the territory when you get serious with a man with kids. Maybe it turns out this isn't what you wanted, or expected it to be. I guess my question is... why stay? I know you love your BF, but it's like staying with someone who has one leg longer than the other, and all you do is complain that he doesn't stand up straight. There is nothing he can do about it. Those are his kids.
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~
I can see that Dis, and I
I can see that Dis, and I completely agree, very good point.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
DISbelief, I think you hit
DISbelief, I think you hit the nail on the head. I had different expectations. We dated for a year before I even met the skids. His mother always had them & we never really talked about the fact that he thought his mother should stay with us whenever the skids were here to take care of them!!! That was a real battle. I finally argued enough & told him, when the skids stay it's your job to take care of them. Your Mother will no longer be staying here to watch them so you have all the freedom in the world. I'm starting to realize from this site, that FH is a real piece of work!! This life isn't what I wanted & I don't want to be a stepmom, at least not to these skids! I have alot to contemplate...Things may be coming to an end.
*I know the voices in my head arn't real...But they do have some great ideas!!