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Am I being paranoid

lovely's picture

I have been with my boyfriend for 4.5 years. We have lived together for 2.5 years. My daughter is 11 and his is 10.5. He has joint custody of his daughter and I have full custody of mine though she is with her father every other weekend and ever Wednesday. He father has the freedom to take her extra if he likes.

My bio daughter and step daughter get along with the typical spats. Since Last August my step daughter seems to be extremely jealous of my daughter. She copies everything she does down to her style of dress. She does not like to share yet will simply grab stuff out of my daughters room.

We found a book and in it my step daughter states that my daughter is a bitch and she wants to kill her. Another states my daughter is an asshole and she wants to kill her. They will bicker then later at night sleep in the same bed. Step daughter will be mean then when confronted play the victim how my daughter is so mean to her and we don't even know it.I have got step daughter beign mean and she will deny it.

I sometimes worry about them being alone. The other night I found myself checking on her in the middle of the night to make sure step daughter did not hurt her. They laugh a lot and seem to enjoy each others company. My boyfriends ex is nasty. Her and I do not get along. She has talked bad about my daughter to step daughter in the past. Should I be concerned?


LotusFlower's picture

Every situation is different, but I think if they bicker and then sleep together (is that on their own or do they have to sleep together?), then its just sisterly two SDs are bios...and they act that way toward each other some times...if u watch the show Modern Family and u see the two sisters on there...that's my I'd just keep yur eye on it...I would think that if there were really bad undertones, they wouldn't be sleeping together...

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

steppinginsf's picture

Talk about "killing" is worrisome in any relationship, I think.
Have the girls been in therapy at all? How about at least your SD?

Liz hill's picture

Hi its. normal for sisters to fight... But in sayi g that keep an. Eye on them You never know. What I. Fluemce sd. Mother is having over her in regards to your daughter. Maybe take sd. put for just so. E you. And. Her time ie get your. Nails done etc that way. She won't feel. So. Threatened about being the sd. It's a hard situation... Have you talked to your daughter about it, and does your daughter know about the threats.