How do people cope?
I'm new to both this site and also to the role of being a SM. Not that I'm officially an SM - I've recently moved into my boyfriend's house after 2 years. Overall I get on really well with his kids 1 son (18) and 2 girls (16 & 14) but I'm really struggling with the full on impact that they now seem to be having on my life. Please don't think I'm being selfish and I hate what I've just written but I've gone from living on my own to suddenly being in a house full of people and I'm finding it hard. None of the children do anything to help around the house which I frustrates me and it then has a negative affect on my relationship with their dad as I always seem to annoyed over one thing or another. I don't want it to always be like this and I knew it would be challenging at times but it's every day. Well 5 days a week as they spend their weekends at their mum's. I love my boyfriend and want everything to work out with us all but sometimes I really can't see the wood for the trees. I feel like an outsider as he is very close to all his children and I often end up feeling alone. I was just wondering if any of you have any words of wisdom for me in dealing with this?
- Catherine's blog
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Welcome Catherine. Don't be
Welcome Catherine. Don't be too hard on yourself--Its just a little culture shock you're going through. I, and others, went through the same thing--At the beginning I was all for it and exicted then BOOM!---what the heck did I sign up for?
As time goes on you'll acclimate. Make sure you give time to yourself if you need to. I'm sure BF, kids, and kids bio mom(?) are adjusting as well. Just be patient with each other and keep up the communication with all involved and everything should work out fine
How do I cope? Red Wine.
How do I cope?
Red Wine.
First step is honing in on what it is that is bothering you. Bottom line?
If it's because they don't help around the house.. then you are having the same frustration as about 75% of every parent out there of a teenager.
If that makes you feel any better.
You moved into his house and it's different for you. Built in families are hard. Growing accustomed to each other is going to be difficult.
What is it that you ultimately want? To feel less like an outsider? To get the kiddos to pick up after themselves? Where does your frustration really lay? Honestly?
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Good 'ol Kentucky BOURBON!!
Good 'ol Kentucky BOURBON!! Makers is really good.
Welcome to our community!
Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!
Touche onehappygirl!. I had
Touche onehappygirl!. I had two shots of Makers yesterday w/my MGD64. I'm getting thirsty just thinking about it
Thank you for reminding
Thank you for reminding me... I have a bottle in the cabinet!
You've gone from zero to 60
You've gone from zero to 60 in no time flat. You lived by yourself and now you are living with your BF and his three teens. It would be hard enough adjusting to living with a boyfriend and dealing with the things that crop up (like realizing he never hits the toilet when he pees or doesn't bother to rinse out the sink when it's full of crusted food) but at least you're in love with him so it makes it a bit easier to adjust to his idiosyncracies. But then you have three other near-adults living with you and you don't have the same feelings for them or the same patience with them.
So set boundaries. Be clear with your BF that you expect certain things to be done if you are to be comfortable with the living situation.
1) For example, everyone must clean up after themselves in the kitchen. It's hideous having to clean everyone else's dirty dishes and crumbs and mess.
2) Make your bedroom and bathroom your safe haven and don't be afraid to disappear into it (put a nice sturdy lock on the door if there isn't one already).
3) Do not do everyone's laundry. They are all perfectly capable. Carve out time to do your laundry and your BF's if you so desire and let BF or the kids handle the rest.
By coming up with some things you can control it will help you to feel less frustrated and resentful in the long run. But if you haven't already, you really need to have a conversation with your BF about what you expect in living together. It is not unreasonable that he should either expect his kids to clean up after themselves or clean up after them himself if he refuses to make them accountable. It is not unreasonable to expect that you be made to feel included and not like a guest in your own home. It is not unreasonable to expect that your BF carve out time for the two of you and make the effort to demonstrate your importance to him in front of his children (sitting next to you, hand holding, kisses and hugs).
I've had the same feelings.
I've had the same feelings. I used to be one of those people that traveled a lot and moved a decent about (lived in 4 states and 3 countries between the ages of 19 and 24). All of a sudden I married a man with a kid and was like "Oh my....this is it....not going anywhere anytime soon!"
It's a bit of a shock but you will adjust. And you're lucky...if the youngest step kid is already 14 you only have 4 more years until they're all out! Just think if you married a guy with an infant!
I had the same culture
I had the same culture shock, Catherine. I moved 1500 miles, away from my entire family and my newborn nephew to be with BF. It was hard, I'm not gonna lie, and it's still hard sometimes. Expect some very rough patches, some very good times and a lot of adjusting. The girls (and guys) here have helped me tremendously, as does a steady supply of beer or margaritas. Talk to BF, tell him how alone you feel and that you'd like to start functioning as a family. Be honest but not accusatory. Set rules and boundaries. Constantly_guilty's list is great - everyone needs to do their part. You're not their maid, that only leads to resentment. Trust me on that one, I know
We're all here for you!
"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".
Hi Catherine, I am a new SM
Hi Catherine,
I am a new SM too.. what an eye opener! and the two kids dont even live with us.
Two things that really keep my sanity (other than red wine or burbon) is to spend some "adult time" with your partner every day. Just half an hour in the morning or at night (even if you have to get up early or stay up late) makes such a difference in my life.
Plus I make sure that I allow my partner and his kids the same courtesty, at least 1 hour of dad and kid time a day, without me.
You are the outsider in their group, dont be offended. They probably feel the same about you and their dad when you show affection to each other. It is not personal.
thank you thank you thank
thank you thank you thank you!!!! All your comments have made me realise that I'm normal to have these feeling and moments where I just want to scream!! Yesterday was a bad day - me and BF ended up going sleep with the silent treatment which was my error so I've apologised this morning. I know it doesn't do anything to help but sometimes I just want to switch off and go back to my 'old life'where at least my time was my own and I had certain control over things. The BM met someone else and moved out and so when I came on the scene I tried to make it as easy as possible and just did whatever I could so it would be an easy transition of seeing their dad with someone else. That included cooking, cleaning, washing etc (with the help of BF) and the bedroom door was constantly open because that what they were used to so I've never had any privacy. Everything was done the same way as it was when BM lived there and I was expected to just slot in. Somewhere over the 2+ years I think I've lost myself and to be honest have feelings of resentment which isn't their fault - it's my own for allowing it to happen. I'm starting to push back a little and feel better after reading all your comments and will be taking your very good advice - can't help feeling a tad depressed though when I think this is my future. BF does do his bit but at the end of the day, they're his kids so my opinions and feelings will always be low down on the pecking order. From a parental perspective I understand that he has responsibilities but I'm his girlfriend not their BM so I just don't have that desire to constantly be with them and look after them. That sounds awful doesn't it?! x