Uhmm... wow......
I've noticed over the past few days I've been here that the majority of posters here are downright contemptible of their stepkids. It seems like a huge amount of energy and anger is spent accusing and arguing with these kids. Kids suck as a general rule. This has been my opinion since.. well.. since I was a kid. I don't dislike my stepson. I love him. He's spoiled and he gets away with things a boy his age who would have grown up in a two parent home would never have gotten away with. His mother has had to work most of his life. His father was a son of a bitch who got into alcohol and drugs. She has some guilt issues. Doesn't excuse her in my book. A boy needs rules. Children need rules. Otherwise they grow up into idiot adults.
And while I see this and acknowledge this, I don't blame a child for what a parent should be doing. I have discussions with my wife that usually turn into arguments but I would never presume to blame the son. I also recognize that as much discipline as I think he might need here and there, I came into the game a little late. I hope that me and my wife can come to some understanding in the future regarding this but if not, all I can do is try and be the best example of what a man should be so that maybe someday he will want to be something along those lines. I'm not perfect, but I trust in a God who is.
I realize this is a place to vent. To get things off your chest. To let it all out and what not... but the anger and sometimes hatred that comes from here is almost scary and gives the "wicked step-parent" cliche some meat.
I guess I was hoping to find more situations that resembled my own, (a few other step-dad perspective would be good too) but mostly now, I'm just thankful that my resentment for a child hasn't turned me into a mean, hateful person.
Never know what the future holds, but God willing, it'll all turn out okay.
I wish you all the best of luck with your individual situations. I'm just happy I'm not married to you. No offense intended. Just a statement of hope.
Take care.
- Journey's blog
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Journey, I agree with you to
Journey, I agree with you to a certain extent...you might want to read up about stepmoms vs. stepdads...and how life as a stepdad is MUCH EASIER than as a stepmom. I'll see if I can find the article, but about a month ago I read about it and basically kids accept stepdads much better than stepmoms...I think it has to do with that whole "stepdad" came to "save" my mom from a crappy dad...(whether this is true or not, that's how the BM sees it and thus usually the kids...) vs. "stepmom" TOOK AWAY my daddy...and sometimes includes, "we would have more if stepmom hadn't taken him away, mom and dad would be together if stepmom wouldn't have taken him away, etc..." and thus the resentment from the kids towards the stepmom is usually much worse...
I know that my husband's stepdad was allowed to discipline him just as if he were his own child...his mom did NOT mind that AT ALL...Actually, my husband's ex-wife allows her husband to discipline his daughter as well...yet as soon as a WOMAN, ie. stepmom tries to do the same, all hell breaks loose...
So while I understand where you are coming from, believe me that because "society" normally sees the woman in a relationship as the "victim", including in divorces, most kids feel sorry for their moms and are happy to accept anyone who makes their mom happy vs. the other way around.
Again, not trying to say that some of us are just sick of it without reason or with reason, but you really should read up about it so that you can see that there is definitely a huge difference between what stepdads vs. stepmoms have to put up with.
Gender issues here, as in
Gender issues here, as in with most places in life, are huge.
Read up, step-dad! No offense intended there, just that your post seemed to not acknowledge at all the potential gender differences that exist in blending families, the role that most woman vs. men assume, etc.
Whatever . . . go judge
Whatever . . . go judge someplace else!
"The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself." -
Will Rogers
ME - you crack me up
ME - you crack me up girl!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
I agree it's a gender thing.
I agree it's a gender thing. Read Stepmonster Journey. Women are held to a different standard as Stepmom's than men are as Stepdads. Part of it is our own doing, but highly ingrained culturally.
We are also not good "compartmentalizers" and find it difficult to separate parent from child.
And if things aren't running smoothly in our homes, most women beat themselves up about how to fix it, while most men in the same situation detach from feeling responsible for the emotional well being of the home.
There is an article somewhere- Crayon? You usually are good with those.
And if BB reads this maybe she can re-post an interview with the author of Stepmonster that talks about some of this stuff.
"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen
Yep -- here it
Yep -- here it is:
And yes, read the book Stepmonster -- it does explain a lot about step dynamics, and why stepdads often have a much easier time of it.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
My apologies if I came off
My apologies if I came off harsh. Mayhap I have it easier as a step father. And I can certianly see how gender differences would be percieved by child differently. I suppose though that I can only relate from my side of the fence.
I reckon being a step dad has it's own set of gender issues. Or maybe women are just nuts. (I include my wife there too). :).
Either way, I'm not the sort to hold back my thoughts on things. And sometimes, well most of the time, that tends to piss folks off.
I hope nothing but the best for all of ya and your kids. Kids learn by example from those around them.
God bless. Good luck.
Sorry, but this is crap. My
Sorry, but this is crap. My husband is daddy and he doesn't teach any of this. Mommies can teach this stuff just the same. That may be your personal experience, but these general statements about daddies isn't true. Yes, women have it harder as steppies, I can definitely agree with that. BUT I think that may also have a little to do with the fact that women are more emotional, territorial and controlling than a lot of men. They invest more energy because of the role of running their homes.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Yes, but thats a spouse
Yes, but thats a spouse problem. He is referring to those that blame the children. You obviously blame the daddies. Which is fine, but daddies in general are not all like this. My husband isn't, my dad wasn't, in fact no men I know are, so it can't be all divorced daddies
And I joined originally to get help with the dna testing situation, not because I have a problem with SS or my DH. I stayed for the occasional help with my son and my DH (his stepdad) situations. By the way, I don't agree with Journey's statements either, I just really didn't agree with all the daddy statements you made about what they teach their kids, because plenty of BMs do this just as much as the dads. Even Journey's wife. So I hope you don't think that is how all divorced daddies are, and that they are the only ones. Its certainly not the case.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
LMAO, yes that movie is
LMAO, yes that movie is classic. I do know many of the situations you are referring to, I've been here a long time. The only thing I was concerned about was it sounded like you think all dads parent (or don't, I should say) as guilt parents. I don't think that is a gender thing at all, as I know many single or divorced moms that do the same things as guilty daddies.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
I think she was trying to
I think she was trying to paint men with the same global brush that journey painted stepmothers, and women in general. He said they were nuts and that children learn from example. She was expounding on those sentences. Posts such as these ebb and flow depending on how provocative the original poster began it and how it progresses throughout the thread.
I agree that not all men are like this. My husband is not like this. My x was and I have read enough on this board to believe that it is prevalent.
Add to the gender distinctions with plain everyday humaness and people can forget who the adult is and take their frustrations out on the kids. I have done it to my own before. It happens. We just have to learn from it.
I know if most of these women are like me, I can think up some dastardly things but my little voice always talks me out of it and I do the right thing. But again, I am human. Being a parent doesn't change that.
Yes, I understand now. Like
Yes, I understand now. Like I said, I don't agree with his statements either
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
STEPASIDE, I couldn't have
STEPASIDE, I couldn't have said it better myself. Right on my friend!!
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Didn't realize it was a site
Didn't realize it was a site solely for women...but can definitly see that now. Should be somewhere in title somewhere I suppose.
The nuts statement was tongue in cheek btw. A little touchy around here i see.
Its not...and don't worry,
Its not...and don't worry, not all of us took the "maybe women are nuts" comment to heart. Sounded like playful banter to me!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Journey -- I'm not sure
Journey -- I'm not sure we're any touchier than anyone else would be. But at least give us a chance to get to know you before you throw out comments like that and expect us to know whether it's a joke. The only way you can know something like that is if you are acquainted with the person saying it.
You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved
"the majority of posters
"the majority of posters here are downright contemptible of their stepkids"
Um, no, I wouldn't agree with you at all - a quick look at the front page has only 1 blog entry I can see that is directly in the vein of "I don't like my skid" - there's one about potty training, a couple about the BM, one about the DH etc.
I think it's fair to say that no-one on here set out to become a stepparent - believe me in all my dreams of my perfect man he never had an ex wife and a 10 year old! We play the hand we're dealt, and whilst our darling partners might be an ace, skids tend to be the two of clubs!
BTW - as kids learn by example as you point out, then I think you need to be aware that 'speaking your mind' like this will end up teaching them to not have many friends!
I don't hate Tortoise. Not
I don't hate Tortoise. Not at all.
I just think he lacks discipline and common courtesy sometimes. And I've tried everything I can to change that in him.
I love him and I want to see him grow up to be a respectable, well mannered, fully functioning member of society.
When my FH, IL's or his BW and her family enable him and turn him into a selfish, self righteous, entitled, spoiled little brat after they've indulged him one too many times, that I have a problem with.
That doesn't mean I hate him. That just means he gets on my damn nerves, and I need a place to vent about it so I don't scream at him or FH. Simple as that.
I've just had the worst
I've just had the worst night of my life and now I'm fighting with my disneyland dad ex and come on to get support and have to stumble across this steaming pile of horse poo. come on Journey, take your soapbox and go away where your superior stepfathering methods are welcome. So we're a group of whining, bitter, angry old hags then...so fucking be it. What are you doing here mingling with the mongrels then?? Are you here to teach a better way based on your vast experience as a father or stepfather? Or are you here to take an already bruised and scarred group of mostly women and make them feel even worse about their inner feelings and thoughts???
Be a dear and just step away from the computer.
Forgive me for being a bitch, I'm just sick of this self righteous bullshit splatting onto this site every few,days,weeks,months...I'm just friggin sick of it.
"i'll pray for you..."
UGH. Ya know I get on my high horse plenty and get sick of the negativity too...until I'm in crisis mode like RIGHT FUCKING NOW and see this. Take a hike journey, the group will be here when you're in crisis mode someday too.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Never said I'd pray for
Never said I'd pray for you...but glad to see your paying attention..... and my high horse is only 13 hands high.
my checks are breast cancer
my checks are breast cancer awareness checks...and i have my "save the tatas" magnet on my truck... hmmm I'll have to look into that pink frying pan Cru! I DO have the pink industrial kitchen mixer so the frying pan would fit right in.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
it's a relief that the
it's a relief that the sweetness came back. i guess all it takes is a good solid beating with a pink frying pan to make any man straighten up and fly right again.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Wow just wow... LOL You
Wow just wow... LOL You really tied some knots in peoples britches.
I have to agree with one thing (I am a Step MOM here) I have to agree that many steps, moms and dads, I have talked to in person and online do hold a certain amount of contempt for the child. I do think this is a natural reaction to some of the crap we all go through. My lovely SD hated me on SIGHT but was perfectly okay with her mother's boyfriend. This may not seem odd but the fact was mom left dad for this bf and I came along months later. How is that fair? It's not. My issue was I put my self-importance in the hands of a 16 yr old girl that didn't even know how to love herself let alone the stranger who was taking some of daddy's attn. did I feel contempt? Boy howdy I did! When her father would cancel plans with me because SD was home and might talk to him if she deemed it important enough to come from her room for food, you betcha! However, I realized over time that my contempt was not going to break down the walls we had between us simply by being who we were. I started putting out the olive branch. It took a lot of pain and sorrow and a heck of a lot of branches but we are now good friends.
The most important lesson I learned is contempt and hatred only hurt me. We often hurt ourselves more often because we allow other people's actions to hurt us. We have control over what does and doesn't hurt us. We could all use thicker skin and at times when that one person we really want to love us doesn't, we have to know that isn't a reflection on us.
One last comment. Women in general are nuts. We are. The thing is having enough sense of humor to realize it and go with it.
Thank you Journey for your provoking (heh) thoughts.
Sounds like an enabler to
Sounds like an enabler to me....but then again, most of the male folk that come here have that option. It's typically a win/win for them....the kid doesn't have to look within, and he doesn't have to 'deal' with any of the abuse. I think when the person getting dumped on reacts, the emotions are ugly....and we mostly come here to get support. I think it's pretty obvious that you don't need this place. Congratulations?
Yeah, it's great for the
Yeah, it's great for the stepkid and great for the stepdad, but it certainly doesn't give stepdad a reason to gloat about his piousness...LOL
Cruella, You have a very
You have a very healthy view of your situation. Thank you, that was what I needed to hear on Friday when I was texting about a new perspective. I am very sorry that your family has ignored your needs through your illness. I would be very bitter and heartbroken if my family did that to me.
Again.. wow. You guys win.
Again.. wow. You guys win. I leave with hat in hand and foot carefully inserted into mouth. Yikes.
Please don't take these
Please don't take these comments are representative of the whole site...I assure you, they are not. Just like not most of the posters hate their skids.
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Hmmmmm....before u go
Hmmmmm....before u go Journey.....I have a question......let me preface this by saying I am one of the posters here who IS NOT generally contemptible toward my Skids....but let me ask u,,,does yur wife downplay yur role as a father figure in yur home?.....does yur wife tell u that u are allowed to go to work to support and feed this child but u are not permitted to discipline him?....just curious...because alot of the women who do vent here are treated this way by their husbands....so, IMO, before u make a blanket statement regarding the posters here, I would think u would at the very least be interested in their situations.....
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
OMG...this why I adore u
OMG...this why I adore u Cru...exactly...I ADDED TO THE MARRIAGE WHAT HIS SITUATION TOOK AWAY FROM THE MARRIAGE........and for THAT we should be treated like gold......yur a genius....LOL
A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....
yes, to all the above
yes, to all the above queries. Just for the record, I was/am interested. I face most of the problems that I've read on here. My post wasn't downplaying the role of mothers or the problems they face as step-moms, I was simply addressing the attitude of blame everyone else that "seems" so prevalent here. As a step-dad, I swtruggle everyday with what my role is in my step-sons life. I don't want to be just a guy who married his mom. His mom and he have a troubled past that includes abuse, neglect and other things that are thrown into the mix.
I get jealous of my step-son (who I refer to as my son) sometimes. I get into some knock-out-drag out fights with my wife over some things regarding him. I left once, not long after we started living together due to an argument I felt was unfixable. My step-son had tears welling up in his eyes and when his mother went to comfort him he pushed her away. I swore I would never fight in front of him again or make him feel his mother is to blame for anything.
Children are products of what they see around them. So when I come on this site hoping to get some insight and most of what I see is self-pity and what comes across as hatred for the children (step or not) is not something that is helpful to me.
Yeah, I keep responding. I have a few hours to kill before I have to be back at work. To wehoever called me a troll though. This is my blog. I didn't comment on ya'lls for not wanting to be a troll. Thank you.
BTW the way, the Chicken Spagetthi Casserole I just made is heaven. You know, just to veer off topic there.
Thanks Cruella.
Thanks Cruella.
So true about SMs being held
So true about SMs being held to a different standard and expectation than SDs. My SDs BM is remarried. He talks to SD MAYBE 5 times per year (BM lives in another country and SD is with us full time). He comes out here on business for work several times a year (without BM) and makes no effort to see or talk to SD (in spite of the fact that he was 2 hours away from us spending Thanksgiving with the BMs family, he still didn't bother to contact SD). If I did that not only would SD be devastated but everyone else would be surprised at my lack of involvement. But he's held to a completely different standard.
Her stepfather is never expected to attend her sporting events and dance recitals (and never has not a single one in 5 years even when they still lived in this country). Her stepfather isn't expected to attend parent teacher conferences, drive on school field trips and arrange doctor and dentist appointments, but as SM I am expected to and would be questioned if I didn't. I do love her and I do willingly and lovingly do these things for and with her but I certainly notice the difference in what her BM's husband is expected to do in her life and what I am expected to do in her life.
Journey you really stumbled
Journey you really stumbled into a hornets nest. Please understand that posts that make blanket generalities about us as a group will send off this type of firestorm. If you wrote about your own story more in your post, and referred your concerns about Steps in general finding it difficult to deal with their stepkids, I believe those two things would have helped you not feel jumped on.
This happens in waves here, and it's always a newer member, coming on and catching a blog or two where someone is in a lot of pain and frustration about their SKIDS, or DH's or DW's, and the new member makes an assumption on that blog or a few others they scan.
When in reality, if you go back I've written thousands of words here. Two years of history. One week I'm singing SD's praises, and ours as we make a huge break through, the next 2 weeks she's raging at me that I am the devil incarnate and I lose my happy place when posting.
If you didn't go back all two years (and BELIEVE me even if you wanted to, you wouldn't have the time to read it all) you would see a major ebb and flow, progression and regression into epiphany induced evolution. But catch me on the regression weeks and you would not want to say hello to me the wrong way on the sidewalk.
We have testosterone on here. And I will tell you, that those men on here who stay and become our mancode experts, have found out the hard way how to walk among the estrogen blessed among us. You can too. But you have to earn the right to call it as you see it.
"But you have to earn the
"But you have to earn the right to call it as you see it"
Thanks Sita, though I disagree.
Of course. So did the other
Of course.
So did the other guys who ended up staying.
But after they got to know us, and saw what happens when "Mars Attacked" or another Venus who didn't understand the site culture and history.
To clarify, by "earn" I simply meant been around site long enough to get to know us and our stories before judging us or making assumptions on us as a group.
I think we do that naturally when face to face, ie I wouldn't walk into a bar when a bunch of guys hang out after a game, hear them cat calling or leering at a hot babe or two, and assuming they are misogynists TELL them so after a few times at the bar. I may THINK that. But I don't say it. However, in internet world, when we don't have anything to lose or concern over what the nameless faceless folks think about us, it's much easier to type our assumptions.
That's all I'm sayin. I don't think you should leave is also what I'm sayin. But perhaps consider that there are friendships here- REAL world ones as about 15 of us have now met in real life and even more so (50+?) in our non-anonymous internet lives. So we have much more at stake. I have seen people edit far better after we met in person, or also be able to say things more directly because we really know each other, since we've taken the online friendships offline.
I think you could benefit us by staying. And I know we might be able to even benefit YOU. You're actually LUCKY to have said these things and be a man. We are all more forgiving of the opposite sex not understanding us. If a woman says the things you do, it's really nearly impossible for her to make a second impression. Men? We KNOW you don't get us anyway.
Rags? Jonboy? Steve? Where are ya? Where's the man's club? Oh...they may be editing to save their status!
Yeah,my personality is a bit
Yeah,my personality is a bit different. I tend to say what I think when I think it. I would walk into a bar the first time and call the guys a bunch of idiots if they were acting like that. Because if guys are acting like that then they are a bunch of idiots. Sometimes, I've ended up beaten on the floor but I don't earn my opinion. It may be wrong, but its the one I have at that moment.
And this post was in my blog. I didn't walk into someone else's blog and leave comments. That's where the decorum you were speaking of comes into play. I'll keep my opinion thanks. And this whole women/men war thing going in the comments here is a bit daunting....
Anyway, I appreciate it and feel free to stop by and tell me where I'm wrong anytime.