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Stick's picture

My third blog taken from Children of the Self-Absorbed by Nina Brown...


"The conniving self-absorbed parent is always positioning herself to win, to come out on top, be superior to others, and make sure that all others understand just how they are inferior. This applies to almost all aspects of her life, including her children. This parent will lie, cheat, distort, and mislead in order to achieve her goals. Others are considered fair game for manipulation and exploitation, including her children. She can be adept at reading other's needs and emotional susceptibility and using these to manipulate and exploit them. Some effects on these parents' children as adults are a wariness and constant questioning of others' motives or a tendency to get into relationships where they are manipulated to do things they do not want to do or that aren't in their best interests.

Behaviors and Attitudes
has to win at all costs
lies, cheats, misleads, and distorts
coercive, seductive
ingratiating to get what is wanted
takes advantage of others
is dismissive of others as inferior
assumes that others are supposed to do what she wants them to do
always looks for the main chance, an edge, and the like"

This isn't really BM over here. She is manipulative, and has been known to "use" boyfriends in the past (besides my DH) but she feels she is "owed" that.... she isn't aware, I don't think that she is doing it...


Mommywood's picture

stupid bitch... even if its dragging her own son to the ground... as long as SHE wins...

Stick's picture

The Conniving Parent's effects on the child (from the same book)

Each child can have a compliant response and/or a rebellious response... To the Conniving Parent

"Compliant Response
The compliant response to a conniving narcissistic parent will have a facade of the false self. The child will be overly complimentary and ingratiating but also sneaky and loose with the truth. They can be easily seduced or coerced, is fearful of being rejected, and is anxious and never confident about what to expect.

Rebellious Response
When the child's response to the conniving narcissistic parent is rebellious, she is wary of others, tending to mistrust their motives. She can be hard to get to know, as she is fearful of being coerced or seduced. She resents others trying to take advantage (or even the perception that this is happening) and is constantly on guard for others' hidden agendas."

I do own this book. Some of it is very very good. There is a lot of "worksheets" and "workbooks" for the "child" to do because it is written to them once they grow up. But there are some good things in here and it helped me understand BM and SD a lot.

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

lostinwisc's picture

This one is mine! Thinks she is the only one capable of doing whats in the best interests of her children, but she only does whats in their best interest when it suits her and others are watching... She will be charming to your face but it's only to get what she wants. She is a controlling manipulative conniving PERSON.

Stick's picture

Honestly Crayon - as I was copying this I did think some of your situation... and how you say that the Girhippo and Droopy and the other skids are...

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Shell97's picture

This totally describes the BM that I deal with. Looking at getting this book right now.

prayerhelps's picture

Got the BM, and got both types of children, and really SD's seem to be opposite than what they really are.

Our rebellious SD17 really shows more of the compliant response w/BM (explains why so rebellious w/us)
SD20 seems to be more rebellious towards this, though she has never been a rebellious child at all, usually very compliant about things---hard to get to know though, and does not trust ANYONE