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And now?

rainman's picture

Ok, so... on Monday I bought a key entry lock for our bedroom door. It was installed Wednesday night and I had the 2 most peaceful days at work.... Not to worry if everything in my bedroom is where it is supposed to be put such an ease on my mind...

Hubby was gone this week and needless to say - since SD and I are not talking to each other - it was beyond peaceful... No arguing (i don't challenge her due to my disengagement) since Hubby is not there to tell her what to do.

Right now I am thinking about if I should tell him that I saw her driving her friends car without a license... I probably won't - not my business...

I need to constantly remind myself of the disengagement rules...

Hubby said he is going to finalize the whole "rent paying" subject with her this weekend. Good luck with that!

BTW - there is still no soap in her bathroom, no shampoo and other necessities... Tons of make up though... I wonder if she is just to cheap and rather spends her money on clothes than on soap... Maybe she saw how expensive toiletries are and is waiting for Dad to buy it... But, he promised me he won't buy it anymore... That was my one and only stipulation...

Oh, and this week I was diagnosed with Shingles... Doctor says I have too much stress in my life... No shit!!!!!!

Ok - to clarify - SD makes a grand a month (minimum) - and today she indeed went to Wal-Mart and bought herself all necessities... It was not that she didn't shower - she is fairly clean... She just stole our soap and shampoo - because it was easier (?)


rainman's picture

Wow - that is some great info - I really need to check that... Thanks house of 8...