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Update on Adult Lazy SD Princesses

RB's picture

It has been a while since my last entry. The adult, Lazy SD Princesses still are not out of my house, but I believe their day is coming. They were both out of town over the weekend when my husband asked if his SD from his first marriage (he raised her) could come to stay for 2-days during the week. She is 35 and her SM is having heart surgery and she wants to stop by and visit us on her journey to her SM's house. I said that was fine, but when were his Lazy SD Princesses going to move out of my house. My husband gave the usual "soon". I asked if he had to talked to them recently about it and I got the usual, "not yet". OK. Well, I knew I had to get the house cleaned, especially the bathroom (the main bathroom for the entire house) that the girls have claimed as their own, as, this is the bathroom their half-sister would be using during her stay. I have, in the past, informed the Lazy SD Princesses that this bathroom is not just their bathroom, but that it is also the guest bathroom. So, I went in there and thoroughly cleaned that pig sty up. Plunged the stopped up sink, cleaned the sink, the toilet, the tub, the walls, the floor, the mirror, took out the overflowing trash in the trash can, cleaned all the garbage out from the cabinet under the sink, washed all the towels, everything. Top to bottom. Including replacing all the of the burnt out lightbulbs in the vanity lighting. Well, yesterday evening the oldest adult SD Princess (25) reappeared after her week long hunting/camping trip with her boyfriend and totally flipped her lid because "how dare SM be in my bathroom!" She then proceeded to call her sister (youngest SD Princess 20) who is visiting with BM (BM fortunately lives out of town) for a week and they got going on a B**** session about me cleaning the master bathroom in my own house. Then the youngest SD Princess calls my husband on his cell phone and chews him up one side and down the other about me cleaning the bathroom, and "how dare SM be in our bathroom, and how dare she throw our garbage out" (my question is-what was in that garbage that was so important. It was garbage), then, as my husband is getting his ear chewed off by his youngest Princess, as he is walking in the front door of the house his oldest Princess confronts him and starts yelling at him. WELL, WELL, WELL...this is good. My husband had enough at this point and told the Lazy Princesses, "If you don't like it then you should get the H*** out!" and, "If you had that bathroom clean before you left to go play, then maybe your SM wouldn't have had to go in there and clean it!". Good for him. He did good. Then, as the youngest was still tearing into him on the phone, he hung up on her. Then she called back and demanded why he hung up on her and he told her, "Why the H*** do you think?!!! You don't talk to me like that ever again! You need to move out!" Then he told his oldest Princess, "When will your apartment be ready! He didn't ask her, he told her. Unfortunately, the oldest Lazy SD Princess didn't get it, she still thinks she is the ruler of the roost, because she informed him that, "it takes time, IT JUST TAKES TIME!" So he informed her, "WELL, YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT!" I can only hope they keep pushing him, because if they do, he will be way more effective than I could ever be. He will throw their stuff into the garbage. So, all I can say is, "keep pissing him off, girls!" Come on DH, you have taken your stand, now stick to it and be firm!


onehappygirl's picture

Excuse me, when they are living in YOUR house and not paying rent, how does any part of that house become theirs??? It's your house, it's your bathroom. They are only using it. In fact, not only are they using the house, they are using you and your DH, and I am so glad your DH finally sees that!


Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

GiGi222's picture

I'm sure DH realized that it wasn't about the content in the bathroom and more about having control over something, hence the flipping out over throwing away garbage (lol).
Maybe he is finally seeing what is going on.

Constantly_guilty's picture

You need a light at the end of the tunnel. They are well and grown women. If the apartment they want isn't ready, I'm sure there's another one. Dear god, being angry because you cleaned the bathroom in your own house? I would kiss you if you cleaned my bathroom. In fact, I'm sitting on here putting off the cleaning I know I need to give it.

RB's picture

Well, I worry about this as well. I'm not holding my breath either, but just waiting to see what happens next. My DH isn't known for his consistency with these kinds of things, and my only hope is that the Lazy SD Princesses keep backing him against the wall. If they do, then things will change because he will remain pissed off, but if they back down, and do something like, well, I hate to say it, make him either a cake or banana bread (which I will get to clean the mess up after and provide the groceries for) he will back down. It just doesn't take much for them to suck up to him and get him back to being the guilty Dad who feels he still has to make up for the Lazy SD Princesses crazy BM. So, I'm with you here. And, the timelines I keep setting for them to move out keep getting broken. I also don't think the oldest Lazy SD Princess has any intention of moving. I think she is enjoying the little drama (which is tension for my husband and I) and would like to keep the drama going. She likes this kind of crap. For instance, this morning (she was up getting her daughter ready for school whom she has to take to a school thirty miles away due to a foolish custody set up between her ex boyfriend and herself) the oldest Lazy SD Princess was up and banging the cupboard doors, slamming doors, talking really loud to her daughter, then must have made ten trips out the back door to load her car up (I don't know how much stuff she needs for a five year old to go to school)and each time she went out the door she slammed the door. Well, after she woke the rest of the house up about an hour earlier than we needed to be up, I went out there and informed her if she slammed the door one more time she would be out sooner than she expected. Well, her reply was, "OK." and then she started singing on top of it the rest of the time she was in the house. Singing! OMG. What a shit head.

RB's picture

Yes, it is about the control. These girls really do believe that I am the guest in the house or simply the "staff". They act like I should do what they say, when they say it. It is really quite amazing. I have referred to it as a "Reverse Cinderella Story". Also, they act as if their Dad owes them everything. It is still his job in their minds to pay for their food, drive them places, be the babysitter for their kids and so on. Part of the problem is that he is not famous for putting his foot down, although when he finally has his fill with something, then that is usually it. I'm hoping he is to that point now. If so, life will get easier for everyone else in the household, including him.

RB's picture

To top it off, I hate cleaning bathrooms. I feel that it is the worst job in the house! I clean my own bathroom in stages. One day the tub, another the sinks, another the shower, another the toilet. The toilet gets cleaned a lot. Still, I hate cleaning the bathroom.