A catch up for all my long time friends
For many of my friends on here, I've become the lost in space Bewitched. But I'm still around, just have my hands full currently.
I think the last time I posted, I had filed for divorce. That is now on hold. Due mostly to financial need, I agreed to counseling with H. And I will admit things have improved dramatically. H has been coming home and working really hard on the place with me here, and the demeaning phone calls have stopped.
SD18 now longer comes around. I have not seen her since the incident in June, which is for the best. There have been many things that have transpired since that time, but to keep it brief, the counselor has been 100% in agreement with me, and has told H he needs to put his wife, his marriage first, and stop being a Disneyland Dad. While it has improved, however, I still see and hear alot of H allowing manipulation from SD18. I stand firm on my ground.
Will we make it? The jury is out. I still feel, at this point in time, that I am one full time job away from being single. But only time will tell.
Thank you for all those who walked the walk with me. I will try to keep you posted-when I know which direction I am headed in.
- bewitched's blog
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hi honey...
Long time no see
I know you said the jury is still out but it sounds like you and H have been making progress with leaps and bounds.
Continue to keep us posted please
hang in there dahling!
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
I am so glad to hear you are doing well. I was shocked to see the divorce was put on hold, but I think we can all appreciate how difficult your situation is.
However, I am very much encouraged that you and DH are in therapy! I hope and pray the counselor you are seeing is effective and you will continue with that. I do believe that a third-party will give you the courage and a voice in this relationship! (and also an opportunity for someone else to tell DH how horrible he has been treating you and how he has been playing the "guilt-parent" role with his SD!)
I hear HOPE in your voice. And that is so good! While I know there is so much that is still up-in-the-air with this relationship, you no longer sound the like the "beaten down" Bewitched of last Spring. And I'm so happy for you!
And I'm STILL praying that you get that FULL-TIME job, too!
Best of luck to you, sweetie. I'm pulling for you.
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
Happy to hear from you
I have been wondering how you are. Thanks for the update and I'll keep sending you positive thoughts!
Hey YOU!
Glad to hear you are still up and kickin! Sounds like things have taken a turn for the better! I wish you all the luck in the world. Until all is resolved... keep your chin up.. and keep on keepin on!
~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )
Bewitched, it's good to hear
Bewitched, it's good to hear from you. Keep taking care of yourself!
To every thing there is a season.
I've been wondering about you. Thanks for checking in. Good luck with things, hope the counseling helps him come to realize your the best thing that's happened to him.