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What do you all think about this? BM wants to meet with DH & Guardian and "DISCUSS" some things

mrsparks's picture

DH thinks BM's going surrender SS to him and give DH full custody, because she knows she has lied repeatedly to the Guardian and that it will be evident,once the guardian has started investigating, which I'm sure she has in the past 9 days. He is also positive that she doesn't want all of her short-comings and neglect of SS to be exposed in court.

I think she's going to try to barter with DH and tell him he can keep SS for a year or two until she gets herself together or some other type of B.S. like she has tried to pull in the past.

DH says that she wouldn't try to meet with him and the guardian over some b.s. as the guardian is $150 per hour and that if she had something stupid she wanted to negotiate, she would go through our attorneys..

I also don't believe I'm invited to the meeting..


When the guardian's secretary called DH, she didn't know the reason for the meeting, only that a meeting was requested between DH, BM and the guardian.


Stick's picture

I'm guessing that BM is going to try to get out of having all of her misdeeds come out in court and recorded for all posterity!

So she will magnaminously and generously make the supreme sacrifice of giving up her son so that she can get herself together. Oh!!! She's such a poor selfless victim who is only doing what is best for her child. UGH f*cking UGH. I hope you can hear the dripping sarcasm.

I'm not sure if you should go or not. I kind of feel that you should go, because SS is going to be living with you, and you and DH will become the parents / guardians. What do you think? I think if it was with a GAL, I would try to go, if it was me. I also think it gives the appearance of a united front and a solid family.

Good luck. If anything, do as Rags always says, try to enjoy her stupidity!!

Let us know how it goes! I am seriously interested in hearing about this!

stepmom2one's picture

I am sure she will offer you to take SS for a couple of years then want him back. But if SS does well with you ( I'm sure he will) then maybe you will have more to stand on in court. Although you do have quite a bit already.

But you don't have to accept her offer you know.

mrsparks's picture

Now I have asked DH a thousand questions and presented a thousand different scenarios and he told me HE DOESN'T WANT TO DISCUSS IT ANYMORE
I told him I would be damned if something that is going to have an effect on everyone in the household will be something I'm not going to discuss..


This is nuts!

Stick's picture

But I'm guessing your DH is probably stressing about it as much as you are. I'm sure he doesn't want to have to deal with crazy BM or face the GAL (and be embarrassed) or pay the money and everything else. I'm guessing that all of your questions and scenarios, while valid, are stressing him out more and probably also something that he has been thinking about as well.

He also could be feeling guilt toward you for this whole mess. He is in a no-win situation.

Maybe you should just let him cool off and come back to it when he's more able to deal??

imagr8tma's picture

I would be cautious .... If she is not paying a portion of the $150 then she is not going to care that she is wasting resources. I would want to know what the meeting is supposed to achieve before DH agrees and creates a bill.

She may have had a "come to Jesus" moment or she may just be playing around cause you guys will have to pay out of pocket.

Just be cautious.

I hope she just decides to give up custody.

She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!

mrsparks's picture

I think it's just another one of her psychotic games- I really think we should say, NO MEETING and just handle it all in court..