Still Here :)
Hi everyone..I miss you guys so much..AND I've realized that at my age (36 in 22 days) that most men ALREADY have children so I'm sure I WILL be a stepmom if you don't all mind I'd like to hang around. I am a BM too so I can offer that side as well as having been a SM with a psycho pig BM in my life.
Update on him..well who knows but he has his BM #1 on his myspace top yea he hates her,can't stand her..blah blah) I know she has slept over a fwe times..but she is not the only girl he is with., they deserve each other. I should've known better..with his age (27) and her age (21). I have NEVER dated a younger man before and it will be my last probably.
He is probably either moving her in to the apartment or moving in with her..because he can't afford the rent. I moved out and he had the NERVE to ask me for July's rent ($750.00) I laughed in his face. I talked to the landlord and got out of the lease. All utilities in my name were shut off.
It hurts..the betrayal really hurts. I had been gearing myself up because I knew weeks ago with that one incident it was over...
I just FEEL for my stepson..he won't even let me have access to saying hello. The one time I asked for him..he said he doesn't ask for me. There is nothing I can do..I just hope that he remembers me when he is older.
- kaffonseca's blog
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Kaff, I have been following your blogs and wish you the best. Keep your head strong.. You will definitely meet someone that will treat you the way that you deserve to be treated. Just keep yourself busy and don't worry about what he is doing.
that is the problem
It's very hard not to "stalk" him..but I've been better. Thankfully I moved to the whole other side of the town we live in and I don't go into his part of town ever so I'm not likely to run into him,.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
There's no reason why you should leave us just because you broke up with buttmunch. You've made friends here and besides, you still have your experience with being a mom and stepmom!
Hope things are going well for you. I'm glad you were able to get out of your lease. Let someone else help pay his bills. I think he's used you long enough!
Try not...I know it will be really hard.. but try not to look at his myspace page. I think the less you know the faster you will be able to move on.
true..he made it private
too which he THINKS will bother me..but actually it's BETTER for me..mine is public..and I have so many funny good hearted male friends that have left me wonderful comments. I've been really happy the past few days actually..very happy..I'm actually alot more relaxed being out of that built in babysitter situation.
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Kaff I told you before and I'll tell you again,
You better not go no where!
You have alot to offer ST, and you better stay!
Please don't look at his myspace. I know it's hard to know, but what you don't know won't hurt you. You know all that you need to, he's a lying cheating scumball. F him, and the whore, I mean horse, he rode in on!
~All you need is Faith, Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust~
I agree!
stay,stay, stay!
If you can.. don't let that LOSER SCUMBAG give your pretty little head a second thought. Out with the Trash!!
Your blog above made me laugh. When I met my DH I was actually LOOKING for a man with children!! I cannot have any due to health issues, so I thought, well, if the guy has kids, then he won't be "missing" something.
Ummmm.... like seriously... WHAT the hell was I thinkin??!!
But I have to say... DH is worth it. All of it.
Stay here. Because then, if and when you do meet another man with kiddles, you'll be able to keep us up to date on all the developments! My only advice for you for the future would be to BE LIKE A TURTLE AND TAKE IT SLOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Don't let the bastards get ya down!
Yeah, I wanted a good father
I thought, and still think, they make the best husbands. Mine is awesome. But I had no idea about the flak we would get from BM and SILS.
Or SD, 20, former brat from hell.
We had divorces in our family but there was no drama like this. I never interfered with my EX (DD's dad) or my EXILs. I moved on. So I expected the same in my new relationship. HA.
Just make sure that if you do marry a man with children, make sure BM is dead...
Kaff hang in there
Me and Fh just broke up last week and I had him move all his stuff out. I was a step (kinda) or over 3 years (great kid!) and had major drama because of BM but I am also a BM so just like you I still plan on sticking around and helping out my girls, cuz, I've been there done that, got the shirt, the bumpersticker and the shot glass. You will look at this later and realize it is the best thing that ever happened to you to get away from him. He's a real bastard! HUGS!
I swear ever since I have been on this site and just life in general - the month in June is just WHACKED!
stranger you said that. I got an email today from a highschool friend of an was my first boyfriend's ever obituary..he was only 37!!!!
"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"
Oh yeah something about June
I have seen so many people break up in the month of June, including myself, on this site and another that I go to, several deaths of people in the entertainment industry, two deaths in my extended family, 2 friends whose jobs looked solid got laid off, and a g/f of mine who was cancer free for years had it come back. The universe is totally strange right now....
I am glad you are still here.
"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912