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Is this something new???

zerostepdrama's picture

Totally off topic and random....

I had noticed on OSD's FB page (saw through DH's, as we are not friends) that she was feeding her baby (4 months at the time) pancakes!

Now when my BS9 was a baby, I knew it was a big no no to not feed table foods until 12 months and older. Maybe a little before but most definitely not at 4 months!

I just figured she is dumb and I shouldnt be surprised. In the pictures I see of the baby she is always trying to get him to do "big boy" stuff. Like just let him be a baby. But then again she is pregnant with baby #2 due about 5 months after GB turns 1 year old.

So anyways I thought it was odd.

But then I see a picture of SIL's baby- who is 5 months, chewing away on a piece of corn on the cob! My goodness can he even digest that at his age???

So is this the new norm? I know the "rights and wrongs" of what to do with a baby change over time.

Seriously I am very curious. I'm not a by the book mom but when it came to table food, I think on BS's first birthday is when he really ate table food. LOL.


KiFire's picture

We started food at 4mos. by that I mean the rice flake stuff.. and at 6mos we started doing pureed food. He was munching on real food by the time he was 10mos or so. Cheerios and soft food (pancakes) happened somewhere in between. He has always been an adventurous eater. Hasn't always gained weight well, but he's always enjoyed food.

ETA: I hvae no clue what the standards are, that's just how it happened for us. BS was always trying to steal our food lol so he may have been early? I don't really know.

moeilijk's picture

Stacey, DD7mo is also very busy looking at her bottle. And examining what happens when she does this, that and the other with it. Which takes forever and is a big mess.

But she has so much fun! And she's also doing that rocking thing, lol... so cute!

fakemommy's picture

It is called baby led weaning. There us no real reason to feed a baby baby food, especially when they are bf. This method of feeding is known to cut down on pickyness and alergies, though it should be meats, fruits and veggies mainly. Not abnormal at all, though bf babies shouldn't have any food until 6mo.

moeilijk's picture

Over here (Netherlands) the guidelines are formula/bf only until 4 months, then introduce foods (like how Felicity says) and by 6 months start giving enough food that it replaces some of the formula/bf. I find the baby-led guidelines and the parent-led guidelines both are a bit off. IMHO, the parent can introduce things but see how the baby responds. In my case, my DD7mo LOVES to eat food, is not that interested in actually drinking from a bottle anymore, so I've been letting her have one of her bottles from a baby-sippy cup. That way she's getting enough liquid and she can practice new skills. By now I just give her what we eat, nicely blended since she's also not ready to feed herself. I try every few days, but so far no go.

stepinhell617's picture

Both girls had their two top and bottom front teeth by four months old. When the oldest was two months old she starting freaking out, drooling, not sleeping and was miserable so we brought her to the pediatrician who told us the baby had an ear infection and was going to pop her front teeth any day. Yup. Nursing was extra special fun... and they were both really interested in food as soon as they had teeth. They both treated rice cereal like poison and wanted my palak paneer and korma. Once they were four months old the doctor said feed them real food and see what happens they were both so much happier and no longer grabbing at my plate. We have no allergies and I think it helped with not having much picky eating. My kids were eating pancakes and corn Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

LOL- If I did look at MSD's FB page on my own accord, it would not bring me any misery.

zerostepdrama's picture

StepAside- It's a picture that came through DH's newsfeed that he was tagged in. A picutre of her feeding the baby a pancake and a video of him eating it.

As far as SIL, we are friends on FB, but it was on her Instagram account I saw the picture.

zerostepdrama's picture

It didnt stress me.

Not everything that I post on ST is really that serious. Even when it is about my skids. I bring the good, the bad, the ugly, the indifferent and the really I am just curious about something here.


Thanks for comments though.

zerostepdrama's picture

WOW- I am so suprised that the solid foods is more normal. I just remember that being the 1 thing I waited until 12 months. Besides like cherrios and rice flakes, etc.

So when I saw the picutre I though HOLY COW what is MSD doing with that baby?

I learned something new today Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

Yep when I saw it I was like Oh no he is going to choke, this can't be good.

Then when I saw SIL post a pic of her baby chomping on corn on the cob, I thought oh no how is he going to digest that?

Like am I missing something? Did babies become more advanced since I had BS 9 years ago? LOL

thinkthrice's picture

If those pancakes were made with baking powder, soda and buttermilk, baby is in for some severe colic! My 2nd boozer ex-husband used to be like this with our son waaaaaaaaay back 26 years ago.

"My boy can eat fried chicken" (at 6 mos old)

Yeah right.

It seems parents today want the easy way out which translates into having their children advanced in what they shouldn't be advanced in (adult spousal status, mini-wife, etc.) and regressed/infantilized in what is important (basic life skills, learning to stand on your own two feet, etc)

JingerVZ's picture

Feeding babies all this rubbish with no nutritional value- no wonder kids and step kids are super demented these days!!
Oh wow and who would have guessed- its BMs fault! :jawdrop: