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Riddle me this one.....

zerostepdrama's picture

Last year BM could go back for a modification because it was 3 years. So October 2013 it was determined that DH had to pay X amount of money. It included some arrears from when SS lived with him but then graduated and BM or DH never got it adjusted, so DH should have been paying BM more since she had 2 kids and he now had none.

So with TWO kids and arrears the amount was $600 per month.

MSD19 "aged out" in May 2014. (Really she aged out in November 2013 when she was 18, not going to school and not living with BM, but that is a whole nother bitch.)

So it's within BM's rights again to request a review of child support.

So DH gets the paperwork (doesnt really look at it or process it- his own fault- goes past the date to appeal) and he now has to pay $950 per month.

I'm really trying to wrap my head around how he is paying $350 more for just ONE kid then he was paying just a year ago for 2 kids. Not to mention his income hasn't changed at all in that year. And BM is only making $10,000 less then what DH is making per year. (Seriously this was a freakin shocker!)

I sent an email to the CS agency on behalf of DH and the caseworker said that is the number that they came up with. I politely asked them to rework their number and confirm.

DH sent in our income tax return as opposed to his paycheck stubs. We made it VERY CLEAR and it should be obvious, what is his income as opposed to combined income. I am really wondering if the caseworker used both of our incomes to determine the amount? I just cant understand it any other way.

How does CS go up that much?

DH's mistakes- he probably should have printed off his check stubs, but he is never in the corporate office, so it seemed easier to just send in the income tax stubs.

Also dumbass didnt really look at the paperwork and its past the appeal time. I hope its not too late. I mean if they know a possible mistake was made, cant they still look into it?

If its determined that DH owes that amount in CS, that is one thing, but it makes no sense for the amount to have gone up that much.


zerostepdrama's picture

No court date. It was just a desk review- modification. He had a chance to appeal it, then it would have went to the judge. Honestly we were so caught up with other issues of CS and focused on that, I dont think either of us really looked at the paperwork. I mean I looked, but I thought the bi weekly amount was the monthly amount. I didnt really look at it to process it. I just hate looking at the damn CS papers when they come.... Ugh... stupid I know.