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zenjetset's picture

Things are progressively getting better with both of my stepdaughters (11 & 6). However, over the past 3 weeks I have heard SD11 say things like "your a nanny?" "you want to be a nanny." "your not my mother!" etc.

The one that is mostly used by SD11 is the "nanny" comment. I hate, hate, hate it!!! I tell her that if I was a nanny I would be getting paid and I don't get paid. I have also said that I have no desire to be a nanny. and I have also replied with "I am your stepmom and you need to respect me." All of which has done nothing to reduce the "nanny" comments. Now I just ignore them, but SD6 is starting in on the "nanny" comments.

Does anyone know how to deal with this? I am growing old of it and it's so hurtful to me, cause I truly love these girls, and love doing everything I do for them. I do it all out of the goodness of my heart and to be slapped down by the "nanny" comment really makes me just wanna say - F this and not do it anymore, but I know I won't it's just temporary insanity. lol


WindX's picture

Honestly? I think the only reason she's saying it is because she saw that it pushed a button for you. If she says you want to be a nanny, or that your not her mother, take the wind out of her sail by not reacting the way she's used to. Give a nonchalant response, like you're over the whole thing, one way or another.

Do you have siblings? I do and reading that just reminds me of how my older brother used to tell me and my sister that we were not our mom's children. If he wanted to push my sister's buttons, he'd say that I was his real sister cuz we have the same mother, but then he'd turn around and say the same thing against me when it fit his mood. The sad part is that it actually worked like a charm every time for him. It's amazing how the human brain works sometimes. lol

zenjetset's picture

Yes I have silbings. I know what you are saying. I realized I reacted the first few times (when I shouldn't have) and now when I just ignore it they seem to try harder. I almost thought that BM had made the comment first and they were just repeating it, but I hate being that paranoid.

I just wish I had a smarty pants kind comeback comment, but I can't think of any and it's not worth it at this point because i've already begun to ignore, ignore, ignore, but I am a tad bit bothered by it. Guess my protection sheild is a bit wornout. lol

WindX's picture

lol oh, for comebacks, I'd go with insinuations that she's a baby if she needs a nanny to take care of her.
"You're just a nanny." Your response: You're just a kid.

"You want to be a nanny." Your response: No, I'd rather be on the beach sipping a cocktail, but I agreed to babysit, so I'm here.

"You're not my mother!" Your response: Lucky me. (and keep doing whatever it was you were doing, without even making eye contact with her)

But I didn't respond with possible comebacks the first time because I think after it's been said, you'd feel lame for arguing with an 11 yo, ya know?